What hairstyle do you have?

If you open up the Oblivion characcter creation, it is listed under 'Natural'. Although I have just cut it back, so it is a bit shorter.

The lazy one....cut short hair. That way i dont have to worry about it in the mornings because it stays like it is always. And fast showers so i can get back to the computer quick!
I just leave my hair to grow freely through the day, and it sleeps atop my scalp during the night.
Straightened, sweep fringe, spiked a bit at the top, back is just above my shoulders
My hair is dark brown dead straight and almost down to my elbows ( tis naturally wavey but i straighten it!)
I don't have a hair style...i just brush it and tidy it up a bit with some gel.
Pretty boring really. Seperated in the middle but fringed. Hair curls toward my face as it rests just between my collar and shoulders.

Meh i cant be arsed to have a style. My hair is too fine and there is too much of it to do anything with it.