What if...Gordon Brown valued your opinion?


Companion Cube
Jul 3, 2003
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Interesting question: if Gordon Brown, the future Prime Minnister of the United Kingdom, came and invited you for dinner, and, wanting to hear some grass-roots opinions, asked you in no uncertain terms to speak your mind - what you think of this country, what you think of the Labour government and what it has done, what you think people want, what you want, and what you would want from a future government. What would you say? If a prominent politician was to actually listen, what would you tell them and what would you ask?

Discard cynicism. Imagine for a moment you are a very optimistic person and you truly believe your concerns and the issues you raise will be taken into account!

I'd very much like to hear your thoughts (for a personal project of mine, plus it'll be interesting).
To be honest, I'm not that into British politics. But if I should tell him my opinion on something I felt was important: Make an extra effort in avoiding faux multiculturalism; tolerating hatred and gagging those who don't isn't multiculturalism.
Nice point RJ. Chavs definitely need to be taken care of. For example: Them gathering in groups on street corners, etc, should be punishable by fines and jail time as they are violent and unreliable. I'm Danish and I know that, for Brit not to know this is ****ing disgraceful.
Discard cynicism. Imagine for a moment you are a very optimistic person and you truly believe your concerns and the issues you raise will be taken into account!

Ahahahaha..... ahah! .... Oh wait you were being serious?
Well, I'll just say this. If Mr. Brown valued my opinion, you UKers will be.... safe.
Well, I'll just say this. If Mr. Brown valued my opinion, you UKers will be.... safe.

What the f*ck numbers, you say thing like this as if you're joking and you know how rediculously bad a repressive government would be, then you turn around praise totalitarianism for real.

I'd try and get him to banish religion from the mainstream - government, public media, school, etc.

Plus gay marriage n'stuff. Dunno really, I'm not up to date on the UK.
Return the empire to glory! Um ahem yes.
Well he'd have to clear up the mess Blair (B-LIAR) created, well, everywhere he went, first and foremost. Though I doubt Browns much better than him.
What the f*ck numbers, you say thing like this as if you're joking and you know how rediculously bad a repressive government would be, then you turn around praise totalitarianism for real.


My totalitarianism; your dystopia, is my utopia, and your totalitarianism is my dystopia.
"Stop raising taxes for people who work hard, and stop spooning it out to lazy arseholes"
I ask him to improve the benefits by making the rules stricter. Each case needs to be looked at indevidually IMO.

Also, I'd love to see some improvements in the school curriculum. Compulsary PE should be taken out, especially during exams where you could really do with that hour to revise for things you're actually going to need. At 16 it should be your responsibility to stay healthy through excersise in your own time.

Most other things simply could not be changed, tax is necessary, so are the laws, and so is war in most cases.
Destroy the schooling system, put Richard Dawkins in it, not for his stance of religion, but becuase of the things he has wrote and spoken about the education system in this country, it's terrible.
Decriminalise handguns and hunting with dogs, repeal VCRA section 30, ban single faith schools,

I ask him to improve the benefits by making the rules stricter. Each case needs to be looked at indevidually IMO.


and I'm sure I t could think of some other things too.
I'd ask him to stop the dumbing down of education, and stop the culture it being a sin to be better than average.
Also, Golf Club Management (for example) degree course students should subsidise those doing more traditional subjects that are vital to the economy.
Thats a big If Sulky.

I would want him to put more blue on the street, fight corruption in the government and police more. Make the government more transparent. More money in to education, less money in defense. Stricter immigration laws. And I would like him to take over the nordic social & economic model.
I've just been listening to Gordon Brown's speech and one thing came to my notice: he's losing his Scottish accent, he has a Upper-Class Southern twang in his voice now. Strange that, with Scotland wanting to break the union and all.
burn chavs and there music! then make shooting ranges in uk! oh, and free candy for all. *gives salmon & atomic_piggie a cookie* eat well. the time of the brown is upon us...
Thanks hitman. Why me though?
Anyway, I'd get him to ban organised religon.
Thanks hitman. Why me though?
Anyway, I'd get him to ban organised religon.

i dont know, you have helped in the past. mostly with flaming lamo's 'D nice idea of yours too, banning all organised religion, i can see the religious burning at the stakes now...
I'd like him to smile. Then put properly qualified people in charge, not idiots like John Prescott and Charles Clarke or the rest of the cabinet.
What I'd like Gordon Brown to do is tackle the endemic and over inflated UK housing market. It's beyond a joke how far out of wack the value of property is in the UK vs the rest of Europe. Certainly Labour aren't responsible for the initial boom in property prices, but they have done nothing to curb it, and when the bubble inevitably bursts it's going to get awfully messy.
I ask him to improve the benefits by making the rules stricter. Each case needs to be looked at indevidually IMO.

Destroy the schooling system, put Richard Dawkins in it, not for his stance of religion, but becuase of the things he has wrote and spoken about the education system in this country, it's terrible.

Decriminalise handguns and hunting with dogs, repeal VCRA section 30, ban single faith schools,

These, and less of the CCTV and NO ID CARDS!
We should ship our underclass to Australia.

No, I'm joking. Or am I?
we should shipp all muslims to green land...and any more illigals found should be sent packing..leave the eu and get back to celibrating our own culture and languages rather than that of beggers and such..screw islam its a wicked religion..brown is a pusyy to it.
I was once shipped to Greenland.

It was easy enough to get back, using a Norse boat I found.
we should shipp all muslims to green land...and any more illigals found should be sent packing..leave the eu and get back to celibrating our own culture and languages rather than that of beggers and such..screw islam its a wicked religion..brown is a pusyy to it.

Your completly insane. Time to go on my ignore list. Others will do the same I'm sure.
greenland is ok man..loads of ice and snowballs..eskimos are cool..something to do with the snow i think
This song was by a guy at my uni...

Personally I don't agree on the lunar solution though. Need to somehow convince the population to not be as aggressive and violent - quite a tough thing to do if the thugs themselves are not that bothered about violence happening to them.
is gordon brown human though?..how can he be trusted with a nation when he doesnt even brush his hair.
is gordon brown human though?..how can he be trusted with a nation when he doesnt even brush his hair.

Thats like saying you can't be trusted with a nation cause you drank a beer. Its ridiculous. Though I don't believe he will be any better than Blair.
its ridiculous there should be a general election as there was no leader ship contest...since they came to power they have done their best to destroy the country bit by bit...this guy is nothing but the same dirt with a new face..and crooked teeth plus lack of style to add...plus at least unlike blair he still has his scottish accent even though hes confused over who he supports in international footie.

i dont trust a man who lies..especially not one who lies lies lies. and then lies
its ridiculous there should be a general election as there was no leader ship contest...since they came to power they have done their best to destroy the country bit by bit...this guy is nothing but the same dirt with a new face..and crooked teeth plus lack of style to add...plus at least unlike blair he still has his scottish accent even though hes confused over who he supports in international footie.

i dont trust a man who lies..especially not one who lies lies lies. and then lies

I'm pretty sure this country has had worse leaders than blair, and could have worse leaders than brown. Though I admit it would be very bad if Brown ended up doing worse things than Blair.
I imagine that what Blair started, Brown will finish, with respect to the New Trident and increased number of buclear powerstations. We need someone to put their foot down and say "**** you, you miserable gits I don't care if you don't like the look of wind turbines, yer avvin them". Then, instead of building houses that would sink on the Norfolk marshland, the government should buy the land and put up the turbines on there (with suitable anchoring of course!)
Actually mate none matter more than this scruffy guy..mr Brown..as he is the present.judging by the mess and destructive force that blair has been..both on the economy and everything else to go with it..i dont cross my fingers as he just looks evil...house prices are way exagerated..typical house on my street 450,000...its good to see prices so high but in france or spain you can buy a castle for that.

the nhs is in ruins...immigration is causing the destruction of many british traditions.we are in the middle of two wars.yeh we should be putting research into renewable energy..which we alredy are..i dont trust brown..any grown man who does not understand the importance of apperence does not deserve to be hired as a waiter or receptionist as they would be dismissed if they had his pride..(he has none) the man should brush his hair and teeth..yellow teeth and scruffy hair mate..ive seen big issue sellers that have better dress sense.
What "British traditions" are immigrants destroying?
Actually mate none matter more than this scruffy guy..mr Brown..as he is the present.judging by the mess and destructive force that blair has been..both on the economy and everything else to go with it..i dont cross my fingers as he just looks evil...house prices are way exagerated..typical house on my street 450,000...its good to see prices so high but in france or spain you can buy a castle for that.

the nhs is in ruins...immigration is causing the destruction of many british traditions.we are in the middle of two wars.yeh we should be putting research into renewable energy..which we alredy are..i dont trust brown..any grown man who does not understand the importance of apperence does not deserve to be hired as a waiter or receptionist as they would be dismissed if they had his pride..(he has none) the man should brush his hair and teeth..yellow teeth and scruffy hair mate..ive seen big issue sellers that have better dress sense.

Oh, good one. I suppose all people who dress well are automatically trustworthy.