What Skin Do You Use?

What orum Skin Do You Use?

  • Default

    Votes: 45 49.5%
  • Blue Style

    Votes: 46 50.5%

  • Total voters
I used to use blue, but then I stopped caring.
Can't read as easy with dark backgrounds and I'm too used to the tan to change.

This was how I was when blue was first forced upon us. But now I've learned to love it.
I'm just saying I'm not horribly offended by the default skin, which would arguably be the white majority. I am not offended by white people, nor am I offended by blue people.

Hoooleeee shit.

Just switched from default to blue after at least a year of leaving it that way.

My eyes thanked me for it.
God, its' been ages since I used the blue skin. I honestly haven't used it since the first day tan was introduced.
Didn't realize there was an option to change the style. Just went to blue. It's different to say the least.
default is where its at. (no, not the blue "real" default, but the real default)
De-fault, the two sweetest words in the English language.
I used the default skin. Differentiates forums that I'm on.
I can't be bothered to switch. I use whatever is on default. Now it happens to be tan yo.
The current default is offensive.

If you're not using blue, you can get the **** out of here.
Tan, so why don't you get the **** outta here Absinthe?!?!
Personally I think the tan theme is a bit easier to read because of how the colours contrast, but the blue theme is so much easier on the eyes that I'm not likely to go back again, even if it's taking some getting used to. I wish the hyperlink colour wasn't so similar to regular text though, makes it hard to spot if people hide em in their posts.
Blues, grays: colors of the Universal Union.

Orange, tan: colors of rebels.

Those who use the "default" scheme are enemies of the Combine, and are enemies of PROGRESS.
I use the skin of slaughtered animals to cover my forums in.
Tan, so why don't you get the **** outta here Absinthe?!?!

I'm going to go establish my own forum where we will discuss nothing but the blue color scheme. And I'm taking half this forum's user base with me.
At the top of the page click on User CP. On the left menu look under Settings & Options for Edit Options. Scroll to the bottom of that and look for Forum Skin, then change it and click save changes.

Voila. No more eyestrain.
At the top of the page click on User CP. On the left menu look under Settings & Options for Edit Options. Scroll to the bottom of that and look for Forum Skin, then change it and click save changes.

Voila. No more eyestrain.

thanks alot :E. you're probably one of the first people to help me proprerly on this forum.
At the top of the page click on User CP. On the left menu look under Settings & Options for Edit Options. Scroll to the bottom of that and look for Forum Skin, then change it and click save changes.

Voila. No more eyestrain.

Pfft, noob.

Keep scrolling down. It's on the left. A cute little drop down menu.
This forum needs a black skin. Then i'd use it. Not that i'm a emo but one other forum had it and it was really good on eyes.
i use the default because I have not figured out how to change it yet. ;(

EDIT: ahh! scrolling through the thread and found it! I think it'll grow on me.
Guess what?
Blue sucks
Deal with it.
I find darker backgrounds easier on the eyes.

The blue is easier on my eyes when I just am looking at the page since it isn't as bright. Although when I try to read then I seem to get more eye strain vs reading text on the tan background. I'll try the blue for a bit and see if reading gets any easier while I'm getting used to it.
my eyes die if i go to default again

in fact, i challenge any blue-skinner to go tan for one day
I'm a newb and had no idea you could change the default. I prefer blue so far.