What u think is better css or hl2 dm

Counter Strike Source or Halflife 2 Deathmatch, you can only vote once

  • Half Life 2 Deathmatch

    Votes: 66 38.6%
  • Counter Strike Source

    Votes: 83 48.5%
  • Their both the same

    Votes: 22 12.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
cs:s. honestly... hl2dm just lacks... something. don't know if it's the lack of weapons or what, but i'm looking forward to tomorrow's update. played Quake2 DM today for the first time in months, and I still find it more fun than HL2DM :/
i had a very bad first time experience with hl2dm... i got spawn killed on my first turn, so i don't play it much ;(

css is the kiddiest mp game I ever played+its too slow
HL2DM, it just needs sorting out a bit. Allways run, no autoswitch should just about cover it. Some sort of rocket style jumping would be cool as well. Or at least fixed flat objects to grav jump off.

Played the ctf mod, bit buggy but thats the pace dm should be.
Looks like counter stike source is winning :(
steam should get hl2 better at multiplayer
css is so balanced, everything is weak, but hl2dm is da bomb (especually when they are adding more guns in) alot of strong weapons that you dont need to be really good to use, like the rocket launcher, or crowbar!
Idk..they're both pretty fun..but I would probably have to give it to DM..
HL²DM, only because I hate the death wait and buy system in CS. I'll vote DoD:S when its out.
I hate CS. I always have. I suck at it, though. I've always hated more realistic games, and I opt for games where you can pick up ammo and armor and survive a barrage of bullets to fight again. Plus, CS:S is so freakin' slow. An elephant has better reaction time than most CS players. Now HL2:DM, that's a fast-paced game. Also, I don't like the way CS plays (as in how once you die, you are dead for the round)
I voted for CS because I play that a ton. But as a fan of UT, Deathmatch will always be my game of choice. Just waiting for DM to get that... lil somthing.
So many people love CS just because its an easy fix, its really an awful game. Compared to 1.6 the hitboxes are shoddy, the gameplay is therefore unpredictable and skill-less. 1.6 has great hitboxes which makes it great. Therefore till its fixed, HL2DM all the way, at least it has PROPER phyiscs...and feels more HL2'ish. Its so under-rated, and source is so over-rated.
I like CS:S not becuase it's necesarily "funner" then HL2 DM, but becuase the HL2 standard weapons don't lend themselves to DMing that well. Both games have thier sore spots (In CS:S it is the AWP and the crap hitboxes and in DM it is the Rocket Launcher/Crossbow and the superspeed players, its not that they hack, its just that the players run way too fast for me to consider it fun). I also like the more open style of gameplay in CS:S. In DM if you don't keep moving you will die way too much. In CS:S if you find a good spot you can use it for at least two or more times. Plus the bots make learning how to use tactics fun and easy. Basically until DM slows the gameplay minutly, it will not be fun for me. I like the thinking mans first person shooter.
Yea i agree with most everyone...i chose CS:S basically cuz hl2: DM is missing that "something"

(first post :afro: )

Too laggy for me man, CS:S is the shit(as we used to say back in the old days)
I've hated CS since it came out and CS Source just the same. Just about everything about it made me sick. To begin with there were too many cheaters, whiners, campers, awpers, flashers, and lamers playing. It was also completely overrated and though it was advertised as being real, it was phony.

But one thing in CS:S just loves me and makes me smile. Something which makes me like more that HL2:DM at times. And it's McDonalds.
The sheer novelty of being able to shoot up a fully authentic looking McDonalds complete with menu, drive thru boxes and happy meal cardboard cutout makes it my favorite multiplayer map. I ALWAYS shoot Ronald McDonald. I love McDonalds.

HL2:DM on the other hand is the bomb. With the novelty of being able to kill a stranger across the world using a toilet alone makes it worthwhile. I spend hours laughing my ass off to the crazy stunts and ideas people do with physics in the game.

CS:S is a lot of fun. Or it can be, anyway. If your team sucks, then it loses much of its appeal. Evenly balanced teams are really great, though.

HL2: DM, on the other hand, has the grav gun. And the pulse rifle. And the crossbow. And a decent shotty. (In CS:S, the pump is too slow, and the auto is too fast)

They'd be about even, but I'm better at HL2: DM by a long shot. So that gives it the edge, in my mind.
HL2DM. No other game allows me to hurl a toilet at an online opponent.

If I wanted to play a 7 year old game with update graphics, I'd... No, wait. I wouldn't want to play that. Especially when said game still has horrible gameplay.

CS:S is meant to be a port of the original, but they don't even have all the maps or skins in it yet. Perhaps if something new was added to the CS formula, I would be interested again. But I doubt that's going to happen. So screw it.
I like CS:S, but i just can't wait to respawn. Also:

Crossbow pwnz0rs.


Well, maybe it's the g-gun. Whatever, i just love HL2: DM.
HL2DM lags too much and CSS is filled with kids... One called my mum a "crusty old cheese sandwhich" :|
Danimal said:
HL2DM lags too much and CSS is filled with kids... One called my mum a "crusty old cheese sandwhich" :|

I came across him and his companion "I eat Boogers" :| :|
Tight-ass Llama said:


MIGHT have been me...

I doubt you played on Australian CS 1.6 servers... Unless you want teh b1g 1_4g!!

:| /me drinks bleach
You can do so much crazy shit in DM that it's just fun. Especially in some maps like dm_overcast where you can use the physics objects to turn an average building into an impenetrable fortress.

Plus, nothing in the world in more satisfying than literally crucifying your opponent with crossbolts. :p

Edit: I'm only talking about Team DM though.
I dislike both regular DM and CS almost equally.
CS:S - If you've got a good team.
Not really a fan of DM, so CS:S it is.
Oh yeah, Team DM i meant. Normal DM is full of spawn campers.