When you've got too much time with Faceposer

You killed a few brain cells while watching it? Then why are you putting this monstrosity upon us?;)
That was brilliant....ok...it was pretty good. What it lacked in technical excellence it made up for with Stupidity and hilariousness.

Specially like Breen and Barney.
You can have a point for the music.

Would have been nice to see the faces changing from one pose to the next.
Xune said:
You can have a point for the music.

Would have been nice to see the faces changing from one pose to the next.
I didn't make it :eek:
TheAmazingRando said:
Benny Hill is fricken awsome.

Benny Hill is dead, he was a terrible 70s Slapstick comedian :monkee: . Ugh! Awful! Awful! Awful! worst of Brittish tv comedy. Quite the pervert on the side by all account's.

Not awsome at all. :dozey:
I played that song in band in high school. Sometimes at the end I would go "Yeeeehaw!!" really loud. Everyone laughed.