Where Am I? What's Happening? Who Are All You People?


Didn't Get Temp-Banned
Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Wh-wh-what's going on? I blinked in like 2010 or something and woke up here! Is this the future? Where's my jetpack?
We are legion. You will join us.

Woah, staff? Crazy!
Yeah, but you missed the bit where he referred to himself as an admin and then Pi slapped him for it. Good times. Also, Pi's arm is now made of metal, so it probably hurt a lot.

Did you come back to demand more things?
A custom title? You must be the final relic of what was once "halflife2.net"
Re-up your avatar in the new resolution, Jintor. Mutoid Man demands it.
I did too, I time traveled and ended up in 2012 when I asked for release date for Half-Life 3.
My attention span has gotten pretty bad, I find it difficult to chill on forums that don't update as constantly as something like Reddit or Gaf anymore :/

Still, I'll float around I suppose!
You traded us for REDDIT?!

You're dead to me.

No but please don't go anywhere again.
*cough* Jintor *cough*



Enlarge your penis size
I don't see how you can give up a small forum for Reddit. Surely they scratch different itches. Reddit has loads of content but unless you're on an absolutely tiny subreddit it's impossible to get to know anyone or have long-term discussions.
I just browse reddit (and of course you can chill out more in the city-based subreddits). Gaf's the place to hang though.