Where is Halflife2.net?

May 24, 2003
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What country are you based in Munro? Because you dont speak like an American.

Just curious really as ive got nothing better to do.
I thought he was. Ive not heard prat used outside of this country (Im English. Woo!)
Vote to make all British peeps moderators: yes.
There are a lot of british folk here....me too!!!
hurrah! hang on ..... five of you! one of me! I make that Pimms O'clock !
I'm British....

.... * Stone Skulks back into the shadow, because no-one really gives a damn....* ;(

- Molson beer promotional phrase in 2000 - 2001. (They made a whole song out of it)
Originally posted by The Mullinator

- Molson beer promotional phrase in 2000 - 2001. (They made a whole song out of it)
Dear god, I was so happy when they finally stopped that. It was good and all the first few times but it got a tad old after a while...still, I am Canadian...woo! Go Canada!

Ya it did get old after awhile, but I still say it was the best beer commercial theme ever (In Canada). lol I still have the song's and the Joe Canadian Files on my computer.
:monkee: Monk'eh!

Johnny Vegas! I tihnk that was on an advert. Perhaps it was just him on a TV show. Oh well. it was funny. This is a random post and my last one of night.
I'm an American born to American parents while stationed in Langley, RAFB. They in turn were born to American parents. :p

I like teasing English folk, and I fully expect to be teased in return. ;)
/me throws my pipe and slippers at all who aren't British

Get out of our thread! :p
Get o 'ff my larnd!

/me Pulls out shotgun and shakes it menacingly.

Originally posted by Private Snafu
I'm an American born to American parents while stationed in Langley, RAFB. They in turn were born to American parents. :p

I like teasing English folk, and I fully expect to be teased in return. ;)

Just out of curiosity what do you do to tease us English folk then?
saying the word "lad" over and over and over
Lad? What is teasing about that?

England rules. People complain about it but id deffinately prefer to live in this country than any other. I mean even our TV is the best. And thats saying something because TV is pretty crap normally.
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Lad? What is teasing about that?

England rules. People complain about it but id deffinately prefer to live in this country than any other. I mean even our TV is the best. And thats saying something because TV is pretty crap normally.

Aye, we by far have the best comedies.
england is okey.. but englisch people can be pretty annoying on vacation.. you try to have some rest by the pool and there comes a bumch of english blokes running and jumping in the pool making me all wet. or drinking all the beer
I can only say one thing, us English lads make you all wet ;) how gratifying
england is okey.. but englisch people can be pretty annoying on vacation.. you try to have some rest by the pool and there comes a bumch of english blokes running and jumping in the pool making me all wet. or drinking all the beer
it sounds like it hapens to you all the time...:cheers: aint life gr8?:E
Originally posted by EVIL
england is okey.. but englisch people can be pretty annoying on vacation.. you try to have some rest by the pool and there comes a bumch of english blokes running and jumping in the pool making me all wet. or drinking all the beer

You wont like most of us then :p
Its because we are aloud to drink at any age while we are in our homes :) Whereas you americans can only do it at 21, or 18 in some places :) Its a good life....:cheers:

I can only say one thing, us English lads make you all wet how gratifying

That was pretty funny.
You say that english people are annoying on holiday, but have you ever been to this country? I live near a massive port/cruise terminal so my town is pretty much a province of America during the summer. And they spend all their time saying "ain't it quaint?".
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Get o 'ff my larnd!

/me Pulls out shotgun and shakes it menacingly.

Just out of curiosity what do you do to tease us English folk then?

deh, hyuh hyuh, ya'll tawk funna'

an' ya'll drahve awn the wrahng sawd uh' thugh street, hyuh hyuh. An' last-lah, ya'll use a funna' system uh' meezh-ur'-mints. Mehtruks, mah ass.
Originally posted by nietzsche
Do pubs still have to close before midnight (i think it was 10 or 11 pm) in England? I visited Canterbury some years ago and around midnight it was a pretty dead place, except for me, my mates and a bunch of french tourists, who wandered around town filled up to the brim with Guiness...

Yeah, most places close at 11. Clubs have different licenses to pubs so they can serve alcohol after 11 etc though.

And the streets of Canterbury are usually pretty dead after 11:30 :) Pubs are closed and everyone has either gone home or gone to one of the clubs.
Most places die after that time, except for the ickle kids, firing off Fireworks :flame: and me and my friends heading off to find someones to crash at...
Originally posted by nietzsche
Do pubs still have to close before midnight (i think it was 10 or 11 pm) in England? I visited Canterbury some years ago and around midnight it was a pretty dead place, except for me, my mates and a bunch of french tourists, who wandered around town filled up to the brim with Guiness...

wow ! I live near Canturbury, it's well cool......but the most fun thing to do is to get drunk at 4 in the afternoon and run round the town annoying door-to-door salesmens and shouting "WAAAAAAY" and racing across the road in broad daylight.....post gcse parties rock.....;)
Originally posted by Private Snafu
deh, hyuh hyuh, ya'll tawk funna'

an' ya'll drahve awn the wrahng sawd uh' thugh street, hyuh hyuh. An' last-lah, ya'll use a funna' system uh' meezh-ur'-mints. Mehtruks, mah ass.

Its a language worse than leet! RUN FOR THE HILLS!

Why on earth did you go to Canturbury expecting it to be lively? Its not exactly know for it. You should have gone to one of the bigger cities like Manchester (Its so much better than London where it doesn't just cost an arm and a leg to by a drink, it costs a second mortgage and 3 of your best friends.)
Ah well..... maybe you can marry a nice british girl and then your children will have what you never did :p......
Any one live In yokel norfolk?

and stereotypes there actually lots of tractors, unrecognisable comments, ancient firearms, clay pigeons and villages with no shops, like mine.

norfolk sucks farmer butt.:borg: