Who's Position?

Who's position would you want to be in?

  • Gordon Freeman

    Votes: 15 23.8%
  • Barney Calhoun

    Votes: 13 20.6%
  • Adrian Shepherd

    Votes: 2 3.2%
  • Alyx Vance

    Votes: 5 7.9%
  • Eli Vance

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dr. Kleiner

    Votes: 4 6.3%
  • G-Man

    Votes: 13 20.6%
  • Mossman

    Votes: 2 3.2%
  • Breen

    Votes: 3 4.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 6 9.5%

  • Total voters


The Freeman
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score
This is not a "What is your favorite Character" or "What character is like you" thread.

This thread is asking who's possition would you rather be in.

Also take into consideration yourself as a person how much you can mentally and physically handle.

My choices:

Alyx Vance, she's a tag a long to a dude that kicks major ass. As long as I help out I'd be pretty much set.
The downsides would be-
getting physically shafted by a hunter and watching your father's brains get sucked out

Barney Calhoun, he still get's in plenty of the action all the way back from Black Mesa to the Present in City 17. But the thing is he doesn't get in too much action like Gordon, so it would be significantly less stressful, also you are not the G-Man's bitch.
The downside would be going undercover as a Metrocop would scare the crap out of me.


Breen, he's the administrator of earth, but he's also probably dead.

G-Man, he's manipulative and creepy, but he probably never gets laid and who knows if his life and position are even things he enjoys.

Definately Not's:

Adrian Shepherd, lots of work with no end benefit, no girl, no friends, only to get screwed by G-Man at the end of your endeavor.

Gordon Freeman, Unlike Adrian, he gets a girl, friends, but he's still everyones' bitch, especially The G-Man. He has to do the most work out of anyone, and after a while I couldn't handle it, I don't care how much morphine my suit has.

Mossman, I hate the idea of betraying those close to me.

Eli, Got his fucking brains sucked out.

Kleiner, doesn't get in any of the action, probably never gets laid, seems like it would be a mundane part to play in the HL universe.
Gordon ftw. I seriously hope alyx dies/leaves me alone in future installments.
Voted Barney. Oh, and Kleiner does get laid. I can teste-fy.
The G-Man for now. Nothing bad has really happened to him yet.

Chell, Because she inhabits a rather whimsical corner of the Half-Life universe, encounters next-to-zero emotional trauma and has some great super-human abilities (Final Fantasy Dragoon legs and Regeneration power)

In response to your list Zombie, I'd have to say that Alyx is one character I would never want to be (for precisely the downsides you mention) and would say that Shepherd actually has it all pretty cushy once that GeneWorm thing is dead.
In response to your list Zombie, I'd have to say that Alyx is one character I would never want to be (for precisely the downsides you mention) and would say that Shepherd actually has it all pretty cushy once that GeneWorm thing is dead.

Well sure, being in stasis must be nice because you have no recolection of anything, but no friends, no family, nothing, no one in the HL universe really cares about him as far as we are concerned.

Chell, I thought about putting her down, but she also gets beat to hell.
It is so like ZT to pick the girl.

Lol, trufe.

But I was very close to picking Barney, but I cannot imagine myself being a security guard, Barney is too manly of a character to imagine me being in his position, he's much more of the beer drinking buddy. I can't imagine me being the beer drinking buddy, but I can imagine me being the friend of the beer drinking buddy.
no one in the HL universe really cares about him as far as we are concerned.
I'd say that's a good thing :p The more people care about you, the more likely you will die or that you'll be constantly on the run from something.
It is so like ZT to pick the girl.
Well someone has to make up the numbers if there are truely 'no girls on the internets'.
One i'd probably pick:

Barney Calhoun- He sees the action, but rarely gets involved. Fun to be had, plus he probably gets laid.

One I might pick:

Dr. Kleiner- Never has to leave the safety of his labs, but still working for the good guys.

One i'd never pick:

Sorry, I already have a toungue, no need to slice another one ino my brain.
Barney, because he's totally going to hook up with Chell.
Gordon Freeman - Because main characters never die.

*waits for list of main characters who have died*
I would be...
Barney)Funny,Basically the General of the Resistance,Has a big stock of crowbars,Minor Sabotage
Gordon)Silent,Leader of the Resistance,Never has crowbars untill Barney gives him one,Takes "Sabotage" to a whole new level
G-man)Getting to freak the **** out of everyone by being there all of a sudden,Teleportation and super human ability's
IGordon)Silent,Leader of the Resistance,Never has crowbars untill Barney gives him one,Takes "Sabotage" to a whole new level

.... I'm not quite sure what that has to do with anything or how that would be beneficial.
I'd have to go with Barney on this one. He gets a lot of action in the form of combat - prior to which he had to sneak around uncercover, which is awesome - and I'm sure he gets some of the other form of action at some point in time. He's like a mix of Jack Bauer and MacGyver, with a little dash of comedian. In other words: Barney pwns :E

G-Man, he's manipulative and creepy, but he probably never gets laid and who knows if his life and position are even things he enjoys.
With his time-warping and mind-fraggling skills? I'd say he's at the very least experienced a five-dimensional infinite orgasms!
I though about Dr. Kleiner because he's a cool guy and all, developing high-tech stuff for the science team resistance without actually having to wade through the thousands of aliens while carrying 10 different guns on his back. But then I got to thinking, what does Kliener really do when nobody's around? :naughty: I like my own penis way too much to think about what Kliener's would probably look like. Then again, if I was Kliener, and not me, I wouldn't know any different, so he's still a possibility.

Mossman? nah. That bitch was just a jealous, backstabbing Gordon wannabe. I couldn't possibly think of myself being this way.

Breen? Well, he's only "Administrator of the Earth" by name only. He's really just the Slug Advisors' bitch though. Plus, he'll probably be dead by the end of the series anyways.

Gordon's cool, but he's really just the G-Man's bitch, AND he goes through a helluva lot of crap. If I were in his shoes, he'd/I'd be dead long before the Combine's rule. I'm just not that lucky. On the plus side, he does get to hang out with Alyx in Episode1 the whole time. The part where she said, "Did Kliener just tell everyone to 'get busy?'", I'd be like, "Eehh, heh beby, uhh huh huh huh huh". :naughty:

Eli Vance is cool, and would probably be my choice above Kliener, since he obviously has been laid before, but now that he has a daughter to worry sick over with the up-rising and all. Plus, there's no telling what'll happen to him in Episode3. The Combine might just end up kidnapping and torturing him, leaving him the guilt of possibly dying without knowing where his reckless daughter is.

G-man? Nah, I'm just not evil enough to pull off the whole evil persona. Plus, there's a chance he might be an extra-terrestrial himself. I'm not so crazy about gooey alien vaginas to be frank.

Barney is cool too, but like others have said before, he does do undercover work disguised as a Combine. I'm not so comfortable with my stealth skills and sneaking around. On this note, Barney's luck is likely to run out before the end of the series sooner or later.

Ultimately, I chose other, as in, I'd rather be one of the poor nameless, resistance member saps that'll probably get blown to smithereens by a Combine missle. At least I'll have the advantage of not being at the mercy of the screen/story writers plot. My death would be by my own mistake and not them. :|
I could risk my chances as a undercover for the rebels until after that where life gets a little better when i regroup with friends.
Breen. I would love to rule the world, and no nerdy scientist shithead with a crowbar could stop me.
I picked G-Man buuut...

I'd say Chell coz I also think she's gonna hook up with Barney :D :D :D <3
Kleiner, just to get my face on "Popular Scientist".
Plus he is the most happy out of all the characters listed.
And has a cool pet.

Barney comes in second.
I don't think I'd be Gordon Freeman because, well, I've already seen everything he has.

I might be Alyx because she gets to chill with one of the coolest guys ever. Or perhaps Barney because he helps a lot of people, has an insider eye on the Combine, and has a seemingly endless supply of crowbars. Dr. Kleiner is a possibily because he really is the happiest and he's damn smart. However...

I'd totally be the G-Man. I'd love to know what he knows.
Kleiner, because i've always been interested in science and the like. Would be damn interesting to work on teleportation technology.

Plus, the likelihood of death is pretty small as well, being surrounded by loads of rebels and all.
I vote for Other. Why?
Because Vortigaunts are totally sweet. Me = Uriah.
I though about Dr. Kleiner because he's a cool guy and all, developing high-tech stuff for the science team resistance without actually having to wade through the thousands of aliens while carrying 10 different guns on his back. But then I got to thinking, what does Kliener really do when nobody's around? :naughty: I like my own penis way too much to think about what Kliener's would probably look like. Then again, if I was Kliener, and not me, I wouldn't know any different, so he's still a possibility.

Mossman? nah. That bitch was just a jealous, backstabbing Gordon wannabe. I couldn't possibly think of myself being this way.

Breen? Well, he's only "Administrator of the Earth" by name only. He's really just the Slug Advisors' bitch though. Plus, he'll probably be dead by the end of the series anyways.

Gordon's cool, but he's really just the G-Man's bitch, AND he goes through a helluva lot of crap. If I were in his shoes, he'd/I'd be dead long before the Combine's rule. I'm just not that lucky. On the plus side, he does get to hang out with Alyx in Episode1 the whole time. The part where she said, "Did Kliener just tell everyone to 'get busy?'", I'd be like, "Eehh, heh beby, uhh huh huh huh huh". :naughty:

Eli Vance is cool, and would probably be my choice above Kliener, since he obviously has been laid before, but now that he has a daughter to worry sick over with the up-rising and all. Plus, there's no telling what'll happen to him in Episode3. The Combine might just end up kidnapping and torturing him, leaving him the guilt of possibly dying without knowing where his reckless daughter is.

G-man? Nah, I'm just not evil enough to pull off the whole evil persona. Plus, there's a chance he might be an extra-terrestrial himself. I'm not so crazy about gooey alien vaginas to be frank.

Barney is cool too, but like others have said before, he does do undercover work disguised as a Combine. I'm not so comfortable with my stealth skills and sneaking around. On this note, Barney's luck is likely to run out before the end of the series sooner or later.

Ultimately, I chose other, as in, I'd rather be one of the poor nameless, resistance member saps that'll probably get blown to smithereens by a Combine missle. At least I'll have the advantage of not being at the mercy of the screen/story writers plot. My death would be by my own mistake and not them. :|

You think about getting laid, WAAAY too much.
Whose position. Not who is position.

I would love to be Breen.
Adrian, because...well...there isn't many times you can slaughter scientists and only thing that happens is you get thrown in infinite timed stasis!
Breen had the good life.

And now he's probably
a robot
Gordon, because although he is going through a lot of shit for nothing, he is still making a difference, and many people look up to him, and he is getting plenty of action, pretty much what I want. Extra is that a hot girl fancies the shit out of me hehe.
The G-Man. Control over time, mind control... And you say he might not get laid? Pfft. No woman could ever say no! In fact, no woman would have the chance to say no.