Why Valve Why!!?


May 14, 2003
Reaction score
Hi mates! Ive played CSS for quite some time now, since the first internet cafe beta tbh and Im really starting to get pissed by the hitbox bugs. You all must have encountered them by this time. ie. When you shot someone in the head and you can clearly see the "sparks" from the helmet and then you die and spectate the guy you were shooting at and he has 100hp.. Stuff like that really makes this game unfair. Another sweet bug is getting flashed when you are behind walls. Im really hoping CSPro (webpage?) will fix these issues, but why hasnt Valve done anything about it? Even Heaton (Former SK, now NiP(?) player) said:

Q: What do you personally think of Counter-Strikes future as a game? It's lasted for longer than five years and steadily progressed, buy we have seen quite a lot Counter-Strike: Source-players growing. Are you worried about the game might die out in a year or so?
HeatoN: Personally I think it will keep growing and become huge, IF they make Source a little bit more professional. I can't stop stating the fact that Counter-Strike: Source is way too slow and newbie-friendly.
Link to the whole interview (first in swedish then in english)

Must say I agree totally with him. So Valve, gj with the maps and all but I REALLY think you should try to fix all the hitbox bugs and get a slighter 1.6 feeling (regarding flashbangs and speed) back to the game but with the superior GFX and Physics.

If it ain't broken, don't fix it.
Why should they? The "professional" players are a minority. As long as the majority enjoy playing it, there's no reason to change it.
If the "professionals" hold CS1.6 in such high regard, then there's nothing at all stopping them from playing it...
Ok I kinda missed my point with adding the heaton qoute since the post is about fixing the hitbox bugs :p sorry about that!

Main point: Fix Teh Hitbox bugs!
CSS stops the people taking advantage of all these bugs in 1.6. I personally love CSS more than 1.6 because of the realism. Doesn't bother me that it is more newb friendly. Let the l337's stay on 1.6, nothing stopping them.
I really dont see the realism of the game when u shoot somone in the head with AK and does 0 damage at all (read first post). Neither do I see the realism doing 7 damage shooting somone in the stomach with M249..
How is it unfair if it happens to everyone? Do you not think they would have fixed the hitboxes already?
I don't believe those are hitbox bugs but simply a discrepancy between your client and the server

Your client obviously thought it hit a player in the head...client prediction kicking in...when in fact it didn't...hence the no damage given

the same thing happens for all body parts it just that sparks from the head are a much more visable sign
Laguna said:
HeatoN: Personally I think it will keep growing and become huge, IF they make Source a little bit more professional. I can't stop stating the fact that Counter-Strike: Source is way too slow and newbie-friendly.

He just comes across as the typical "we don't want your kind here" type. Usually from fear of real competition. Pretty lame tbh.

As for the hitbox bug, a pro would learn to work around the bugs not sit and whine like girlyboys *shrugs*
I've noticed that the hitboxes are kind of weird, but it doesn't bother me, I still get kills anyway. It might also have to do something with my 140 ping?
I can't stop stating the fact that Counter-Strike: Source is way too slow and newbie-friendly.
Pffsh. It's elitist attitudes like that in online games that ruins the community, not newbies.
diluted said:
I've noticed that the hitboxes are kind of weird, but it doesn't bother me, I still get kills anyway. It might also have to do something with my 140 ping?
Mmm... yeah.. but wouldn't it be nicer, much nicer, if wouldn't have to worry about these random "mishaps"? I'm getting killed every so often even though I got behind the corner in time... that is mucho irritating :angry:

I can't stop stating the fact that Counter-Strike: Source is way too slow and newbie-friendly.
Pffsh. It's elitist attitudes like that in online games that ruins the community, not newbies.
Damn right! It's not supposed to be quake. Even though it's more like that than a realistic shooter. SWAT 4... ahh.. that's gonna be sweet ;)
would prefer a better hit-box situation and it is annoying when you hear an awp shot and see the impact and yet...nothing...

Still CS:S is the one for me and its better to keep games user-friendly..if you v. good at the game you will benefit even more surely.
It's the prediction if you actually turn on a command you will see where your client thinks the bullet hit and where the actual server places the bullet.

It's usually a tiny difference but some times that tiny difference can make the client think you have hit a player in the head when in fact you missed him by a tiny bit.
The nature of the bug imho is that in CS:S is you see fountains of blood when in fact you didn't hit the hitbox. Hitboxes themselves are quite all right. From my experience, if see a guy's head in scout crosshair while making a shot it's gonna be HS no prob. If I just miss (and I clearly see that I missed a little bit), there'll be blood but HS won't be registered.

It feels like there many people converted to CS:S from other online FPS, and it's hard for them to realize that in CS:S it's possible to unload a whole clip into somebody and still not get a single hit, because of the huge spray cone while moving or not shooting in bursts. Especially when they clearly see the blood squirting.

But then again, i only play on servers with ping 80 or less and I tweaked my network settings a little.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Why should they? The "professional" players are a minority. As long as the majority enjoy playing it, there's no reason to change it.
If the "professionals" hold CS1.6 in such high regard, then there's nothing at all stopping them from playing it...

Well they can still play it, only they can't earn money anymore ,cause tournaments need sponsors and the yare often hardware sponsors, now cs 1.6 is not a great platform to show off the newest ahrdware, so they are forced to move on, but there is talk about a css:pro mpd on the way.
If you see someone using a cheat,simply leave the server,there is really no need to whine about it in forums.
I've noticed this too.
I often hit someone clearly (see blood and everything) but it doesn't register the hit.

It does get rather annoying, but I'm fairly sure its just a lag thing.

Still, I hope they can fix it regardless of the cause. In games like CS when you can die in a split second this sort of thing is really important.
Sieg said:
If you see someone using a cheat,simply leave the server,there is really no need to whine about it in forums.
lmao, yeah!!1 if u see some1 cheating in need for speed underground 2 then leave teh server :cheers:
I cant believe anyone could complain about cs:s over 1.6. IMO the hitbox problems were a million times worse in 1.6 with all the bshit head shots and the misses. Seriously crap. Not to mention that source is more fun, damn i wish they would add some more models tho. were also forgetting that cs:s is by no means a finished product whereas 1.6 is so theres plenty of time to iron out the bugs.
Nah I have to disagree with you Fuzzy.

The hitboxes in Source are horrid, and I take full advantage of them. Nothing better than safely making it around a corner and dying anyways because of a laggy hitbox. Aim roughly an inch to two inches behind an opponent's head and you will get a headshot in Source. Once on Aztec I was in the room CT side of the bridge, a guy ran around the corner to my left, I fired straight ahead *keep in mind his head was around my health information* and bam, I got a headshot. It was so lame I apologized to the guy afterwards, offered to buy him a gun.

About the corner thing, take advantage of it while you can, when somebody runs around a corner, spray near the corner, about as high as their head was. You'd be suprised.

PS My ping is usually around 40 in the servers I play in. In 1.6 a headshot is a headshot is a headshot. In CS:S, the hitboxes sway. Not that I mind, I love pissing people off by killing them when they are already around a corner.