Wip Lr300


Aug 19, 2003
Reaction score
Well I have been putting way to many hours into this lately, every time I am like this is done, i notice even more to do. It is upwards of 8-9k tirangles and it runs in game well. (not animated nore in first persion perspective, yet) Crits and Comments please. And I am really good at taking the crits so lay it down, if you like it say why, if you don't please explain please. Thank you.

holy that is awesome work ...but 8-9k ? it might look nice but nobody will seee that ingame it might even run good but if all ur models are like that and ur playing online its going to lag like hell characters are 6000 so 8-9 on a weapon is crap i think u should go highpoly on it and normal map ...
btw what lighting are u using ?
very nice. no wonder it runs smooth on ur computer, fx55, 1.5 gb ram, ATI X850(PCI EXPRESS RIGHT?!), dual 74 Raptors(10000rpms i believe). i highly doubt everybody will have the same quality computer as urs. :| cut down some polys lol, 8-9k poly. holy shit. very nice model though.
We had it running on a AMD Athlon 2500+ 512mb of RAM, GeForce 4mx 440. Ofocurse it runs on mine... pffft. :p Thanks for the comments though.
Well damn, that has to be one of the nicest modelled guns Ive seen!
Not knowing the gun at all, I have to say that that is a nice ****ing model right there.
I'd say a good normal map will take care of a couple thousand of those polies. Looks great, though, it's not one of those guns you see everyday.
thats not a first person model? it seems like a waste to have such a high poly model in an npcs hands when you wont be able to see half that detail at most resolutions. Either way its a solid model. I have to ask, if youre using xsi, is there a quick command to evenly space things. Im looking at the notches on the scope and they look nice and even.
thanks guys, I am remodeling certain aspect of it and have dropped the nessesary polygons. I am using MAX 7.0 and I try to keep everything as lined up as possible. Thanks for the comments. I will post some updatesd shots as the updates happen.
I am assuming he ment between the scope and sight.
it looks like the gun from killzone 2 ... is it that gun ?
The killzone rifle might be based off of this gun, I based mine off of the Z.M. LR 300.
The sights are very accurate to tell you the truth, that was a reference used for the grenade launcher attachment. I have around 40 reference photos for everything, and the front plate thing (heatsink or something) needs to be reworked, I am postponing the model cause I just don't have the time ATM. Thanks for the crits though.