WoW Cataclysm

That looks like the area near where Dalaran used to be? looks like easy pickings! There's a pretty good market for most profession related materials on Jubei, I'll add it to my list.

Thanks! I might have to do some farming there today.

Also judging by how pricey things are on the AH these days I'm guessing it's pretty easy to make gold in Cata?
I just ruined the whole economy by selling refined Elementium at 9 gold a pop, rather than the market price of 23 gold. And with my 240 items, I was easily supplying more than 2/3 of the entire elementium supply.

Needless to say, prices dropped overnight, and now I'm monopolizing eels. There aren't that many suppliers, so I buy everything on the market and post them at prices of 350 gold per 20 eels. Trying to have a discussion with the other primary suppliers to fix the prices, but not working so far.
I sell all my shit on the AH now and yes it is easy to make a good 2-3k in gold a day with just worthless shit. Even with Herbalism and potions I make. Hell I was making real good gold just selling low level leather supplies even a few months ago because people don't have the time or patience for looking for older material goods
Yeah I've taken to selling random crap as I level this time around and it actually bags a fair bit of gold, even really low level stuff.
That looks like the area near where Dalaran used to be? looks like easy pickings! There's a pretty good market for most profession related materials on Jubei, I'll add it to my list.

Thanks! I might have to do some farming there today.

Also judging by how pricey things are on the AH these days I'm guessing it's pretty easy to make gold in Cata?

It's around the area of the yetti cave, that horse pack spawns fairly close to the area, but not so close that you can't loot everything before it gets out of hand. It's a trouble to farm there if you can't agro them all up. But if they're all killed however, they instantly respawn and start patrolling again.
It's even better as a Worgen with super fast skinning, I couldn't be without it.
You guys sound like a bunch of carebears!

Also, I have two 85's now... :|

I pretty much maxed out my rogue so I leveled a priest and now I'm working on getting his PvP set.
Hit level 53 today.


Human form

We would if the tanks actually did their job. :p