YES!!! HALO 2 coming to PC

theSteven said:
Half-Life owns it so badly, I can't understand Halo being compared to Half-Life.

Despite how good HL and HL2 are (I love them both) the fighting is average at best. Halo and HL are only being compared in terms of combat in this thread (so far anyway), and here Halo shits over HL from a massive height.
My ass it does.

It's oppinion based, you can't argue over which game has more intense battles but there are other things that aren't so opinion based in games.
I nearly felt like throwing up in the Halo library level. "Hey lets copy and paste the same room 10 times and add some flood spilling out of the vents." That has got to be the worst level ever made in an FPS.
Spectre01 said:
I nearly felt like throwing up in the Halo library level. "Hey lets copy and paste the same room 10 times and add some flood spilling out of the vents." That has got to be the worst level ever made in an FPS.


It's best we pretend it didn't happen :) I never think of Library when thinking of Halo.
Warbie said:
You have to use it as much as any other game of this type, more so imo. No other single player fps has made me think about the use cover as much.

As for the AI, I never said it was smart - but it's certainly challenging, and very satisfying (just like Goldene Eye) Good AI isn't important, fun AI is. Take HL2, the AI could be good, but each encounter is so easy that fights are over in seconds. The result, uninspired combat that feels as dated as the originals.

As for the levels being repetitive - this has been exagerated beyond all belief. Yes, some areas were copied and pasted, but not many. Visually Halo certainly isn't as dull and predicatbale as say, FEAR, Doom 3, Quake 4.

Oh its far from as dull as FEAR, Doom 3 and Quake 4 (all average games) but they in the very least go out of their way to define levels and add actual details. Halo is a sad case of bland textures and repetitive level design. Sure, it’s got out door sections but everything is practically the same.

The Combat might be fun, if it was say, in an interesting and cohesive environment. Half-life 2 actually manages that, and you can remember each encounter not because of the AI - but because of the environment.
Halo is nothing more than battle after battle with the same enemies in the same lackluster environment. Yes, its alot harder, but other than that there’s not much to it.

Half-life 2 isn't actually about mind bendingly difficult combat, or you dieing because you aren't good enough - that’s not the point of Half-life 2, it doesn't set out to do that. The combat isn't dated - far from it, the AI simply isn't top notch...and really, it didn't need it.

Halo doesn't immerse you in its environment. Halo doesn't offer a superb storyline. Halo doesn't offer you top-notch atmosphere and nor does it add any variety whatsoever. It’s got its combat, and that alone isn't much to propel it into the limelight.

In my opinion, alot of people simply miss alot of what Half-life 2 is about, because such a shooter hasn't really been done before.
Warbie said:

It's best we pretend it didn't happen :) I never think of Library when thinking of Halo.
Too bad the same can be said about several other areas, where it was a simple cut and past job, and the amount of backtracking was ridiculous
Icarusintel said:
Too bad the same can be said about several other areas, where it was a simple cut and past job, and the amount of backtracking was ridiculous

Not that many - and there's hardly any backtracking at all. As I said, titles like FEAR, Doom 3 etc bored me far more when it comes to level design.

The saving grace of Halo is that on hard settings the fighting is so frantic and absorbing that the occasional repetition (and it is occasional) doesn't matter.
The combat sucked for me because the guns made really gay sounds and everything was pink. It wasn't very manly. It diden't give me the "YOU'RE ALL GANNA DIE." bersek feeling that I want out of an FPS, Half-Life 2 wasn't the best in that area either but it is so, so amazing for it's realism and immersiveness. Half-Life 1, Doom, Quake, CS, Duke Nukem, Hexen and Wolfenstein have much better combat then Half-Life 2 and Halo. Most of them are mindless shooters with no story at all, and I love them for being so.
Halo definetly isn't in the ranks of those games nor is it as realistic as Half-Life. It's too over rated with gay level design.

*Waits for a now extremly really fired up smartass to say "How can it be gay?"*
Warbie said:
Not that many - and there's hardly any backtracking at all. As I said, titles like FEAR, Doom 3 etc bored me far more when it comes to level design.


Apologies. But not only do we have three levels backtracked, but we've also got the Flood, in which you backtrack through the lackluster facility and the Libary, which might as well be backtracking.
theSteven said:
*Waits for a now extremly really fired up smartass to say "How can it be gay?"*

I've noticed that you've been adding this to a bunch of your posts.

And I ask you now, How can something like a program created for entertainment purposes be homosexual?
Warbie said:
As for the levels being repetitive - this has been exagerated beyond all belief. Yes, some areas were copied and pasted, but not many. Visually Halo certainly isn't as dull and predicatbale as say, FEAR, Doom 3, Quake 4.


No, it's not! It has not being exaggerated. If you can get lost in level design because you're not actually sure whether you've been here before, if your ability to see which doorway you came out of is hampered by the fact that they look exactly alike, if the only clue as to your way out is by the trail of dead bodies lef behind you, and if one level is another level - BACKWARDS - then that's repetative level design. HL2 didn't do any of that. Hl1 didn't do any of that.

Yes, Halo isn't dull and predictable - excepting room repetition - but i must say that the colour schemes are either too garish or dark. Alot of the time you can't see anything, and when you can, it's this garish horrible pink and blue Convenant battlecruiser thing. It might be a masterpiece in a different UV range but to my eyes it looks like shit.
Samon said:

Apologies. But not only do we have three levels backtracked, but we've also got the Flood, in which you backtrack through the lackluster facility and the Libary, which might as well be backtracking.

You're exagerating.

The times you do end up going back on yourself, more enemies chucked at you in different places - it doesn'tfeel the same. It's not as though you're backtracking through endless and empty corridors looking for something, which is the reason most ppl dislike backtracking. Infact some of the bits in which you do end up going back on yourelf, the music kicks in, and enemies come pouring out, are more exciting than the first time through.

Metroid Prime is far more guilty of backtracking. Doom 3 also deserves an award for making you feel as though you're back tracking the entire qame when infact you're not.

Either way, when the combat is as involved as it is in Halo on Legendary, I don't mind any the occasional repetition - for the same reasons I'm not bored of playing Dust 2 after all these years.
Jintor said:
If you can get lost in level design because you're not actually sure whether you've been here before, if your ability to see which doorway you came out of is hampered by the fact that they look exactly alike, if the only clue as to your way out is by the trail of dead bodies lef behind you, and if one level is another level - BACKWARDS - then that's repetative level design. HL2 didn't do any of that. Hl1 didn't do any of that.

There's one instance, possibly 2, that I got lost, or had trouble working out where to go. If you do end up gong the wrong way, you'll realise in about 20 seconds as you've taken the wrong door out of a possible 2.

HL2 certainly didn't do any of this, which is great. My favourite thing about HL2 is how wonderfully varied and believable the game world is. My gripe - the fighting hasn't changed since the originals - it's easy, dated, simple, even a distraction/anoyance getting in the way of exploring. A million miles from the quick thinking and involved fighting found in Halo.

The combat is the star in Halo, the physics/world is the star on HL2.
Warbie said:
Doom 3 also deserves an award for making you feel as though you're back tracking the entire qame when infact you're not.


Warbie said:
There's one instance, possibly 2, that I got lost, or had trouble working out where to go. If you do end up gong the wrong way, you'll realise in about 20 seconds as you've taken the wrong door out of a possible 2.

HL2 certainly didn't do any of this, which is great. My favourite thing about HL2 is how wonderfully varied and believable the game world is. My gripe - the fighting hasn't changed since the originals - it's easy, dated, simple, even a distraction/anoyance getting in the way of exploring. A million miles from the quick thinking and involved fighting found in Halo.

The combat is the star in Halo, the physics/world is the star on HL2.

But in the end, HL2 doesn't set out to achieve what you expect when it comes to combat so ultimately, wouldn't call it dated.
Yeah, you never get it wrong in Halo which way you are've got massive arrows on the floor pointing which way :p

And Warbie, don't double post ;)
Warbie said:
There's one instance, possibly 2, that I got lost, or had trouble working out where to go. If you do end up gong the wrong way, you'll realise in about 20 seconds as you've taken the wrong door out of a possible 2.

HL2 certainly didn't do any of this, which is great. My favourite thing about HL2 is how wonderfully varied and believable the game world is. My gripe - the fighting hasn't changed since the originals - it's easy, dated, simple, even a distraction/anoyance getting in the way of exploring. A million miles from the quick thinking and involved fighting found in Halo.

The combat is the star in Halo, the physics/world is the star on HL2.
It's funny you say this, since I just played through the game yesterday and consistently got frustrated with it because I either didn;t know which way to go, or simply got lost because everything looked the same. And almost every single area you go through you have to backtrack through. You must not have played the game recently. And the combat still is not great, just cheap as shit. Enemenies are not that smart, but a couple random behaviors were thrown in to make them look smart.
Icarusintel said:
And the combat still is not great, just cheap as shit.

I disagree - it takes alot of practise to be good at Halo, something which can't be said of many single player fps. If you die, it's because you weren't good enough, not because the AI is 'cheating'.
HL2 combat is very fun, especialy with the updates 'cause the soldiers grenade a hell of a lot more now making it extremly interesting and you have to get used to running/switching to the grav gun. Flanking shotgunners also make it rather interesting. Though all in all you could take far too much punishment, even on hard.

Halo 1 fights are much more tough and intense and it's much more satisfying seeing an elite repeatedly blowing from needles than being shot back from a 375 magnum. Repititon IMO isn't much of a factor(especialy when there's arrows telling you where to go, lol) with the felling of exitement you get from some of the battles. I also think that back-tacking was sort of the point
Pillar of Autum-Halo Surface-Covenant Ship-Halo Surface-Halo Interior-Library-Halo Interior-Covenat Ship-Pillar of Autum
Or something like that. Assault the Control Room and Two Betrails (both the same maps) are Halo's shining moments IMO. I started to panic as I made my way across the bridge full of Covenant and flood jumping across. Halo 2 though, failed to deliver such memorable moments and levels were often frustraitingly un-navigational.
There is heaps of backtracking in Halo, and what's not backtracking is either the same rooms copied with slight changes or open canyons/areas which are fun. Then you get backtracking in rooms which are copied (death). When I think of halo I think of the library level or the skybridges in which you go over one side then come back, then go back with enemies where you just were (zzzzz).

I have a friend who plays Halo on my PC he really quite enjoys it but there have been hundreds (yes hundreds) of times where he just gets turned around and heads backwards and doesn't notice until he sees dead bodies or I tell him. Admittedly he's no expert on gaming but it's pretty easy to see if you got turned around in some levels you'd have a hard time figuring out where you are. I have to say that the end of Halo was really quite fun though, especially combined with the music.
Bungie is a hoax. Microsoft pays Romanian immigrants to eat nothing but onions and take shits in game boxes. After allowing the shit to harden, the result is the semi-playable phallic failure that is Halo 2.
xlucidx said:
I've noticed that you've been adding this to a bunch of your posts.

And I ask you now, How can something like a program created for entertainment purposes be homosexual?
It's a figure of speach.
I cant wait for Halo 2 to come to PC, so it can be compared to the current singleplayer greats such as Halflife 2, CoD2, Fear and Farcry.. and its multiplayer compared to, Counter-strike, Battlefield 2, UT04 and HL2DM.

Oh yes, it'll be shown up to be one poor game on the same platform. But still, i look forward to playing it.
Warbie said:
I disagree - it takes alot of practise to be good at Halo, something which can't be said of many single player fps. If you die, it's because you weren't good enough, not because the AI is 'cheating'.

I admit it's fun. But singleplayer level design is the most repetative thing ever.
Well if they give a crap, I hope they do it soon cuz Halo took only one year to come to the pc following the xbox release, it's been over a year and no word yet...although I suppose Halo 3 project is more on their minds right now thus being a rational for hiring more people...hopefully to work on Halo 2 for pc.
OvA said:
Bungie is a hoax. Microsoft pays Romanian immigrants to eat nothing but onions and take shits in game boxes. After allowing the shit to harden, the result is the semi-playable phallic failure that is Halo 2.
Not onions, Halo 1 and The Onion articles.
I don't know what's wrong with all you people - I never got lost in Halo once. You guys just suck!
How can anyone not get lost in the totally unvaried pink/purple/barbe coloured Covenant spaceship in the search for Captain Keyes?
Theres absolutely nothing to vary each stupid corridor, because they are all the same.
Sulkdodds said:
I don't know what's wrong with all you people - I never got lost in Halo once. You guys just suck!

That's because, as soon as the action started, you did your usual trick of running into the nearest corner, crouching down and soiling yourself repeatedly for two hours.
I only got lost in Hal0 1 a few times. I got lost in HL2 aswell though, once or twice in Nova Prospekt. I got lost in Halo 2 a load though. Especialy the level where you land on Delta Halo and there's temples everywhere and with the arbiter where you have to escape the facility. Dark corridors + No flashlight FTL. And there was some areas where I'd find a dead end, look for an open door and there isn't one in sight. I come back 5 minutes later and a door has unlokced itself :|
So it'll be like Halo 2 on the xbox, except with a mouse to aim better. Cool, now no one will use anything except the sniper rifle.
I never got lost in Halo, or HL2 for that matter. Halo 2 I got lost in at certain points, but mainly just because I was stoned out of my mind at the time... :/
:O Maybe it's a remake of Marathon or a PC version of Pathways into Darkness
Destroyer.Sam said:
So it'll be like Halo 2 on the xbox, except with a mouse to aim better. Cool, now no one will use anything except the sniper rifle.

Even with a pad you can make reasonably good headshots. They have the benefit of being able to move in one axis only with ease. Try moving your mouse in an exact straight line...

There's something very satisfying about a headshot with the beam rifle.
Warbie said:
(the reason some people complain about Halo being cheap is because it's hard. There's a big difference)
You're right there is a big difference between something thats cheap, and something thats Hard.

Ninja Gaiden was Hard, but Ninja Gaiden was far. If you ****ed up and died, it's not because the game is being cheap, the game is being fair, you just didn't notice what was about to happen to you. Before you're attacked in the game you're given enough time to see whats about to happen thanks to the certain animations. This happens with every attack that every enemy has in the entire game. Once you get used to those animations, the games a snap and it totally kicks ass. That's why Ninja Gaiden is hard, but fair.

Personally i just find that FPS games (especially Halo 1/2) are cheap in comparison, because all they do is up the damage the enemy does and lessen the damage you do. The Halo series seems to get praised the most, simply because it ups-the-ante on this the most. I never finished Halo 1 on Legendary but i got halfway through Halo 2 on Legendary before i realised i was just taking four times as long to do the same thing i had already done on normal. Just not as rewarding as i thought it would be. Anywho, suit yourself, i just can't get into harder difficulties that feel cheap to me. Horses for Courses i guess.

Has anyone played the Smod for HL2? That adds tons of new things to HL2's sp campaign and adds more badguys throughout the game. Basically, you know how in Far Cry and Halo 1/2 every battle puts you against about 8 or so badguys. It pretty much does that for Half-Life 2. Tons and tons better than the normal single-player and just as challenging as Far Cry or the Halo games. Great fun.

Just two more things before i eat dinner.

First, when you said the battles in Riddick were short, over soon and forgettable i couldn't disagree more. In Riddick, i missed so much with the guns i was using that it felt real. Like i was just some punk with a gun. This made every encounter with a simple soldier/guard a tense battle because i couldn't hit shit but the guard could, because he'd been trained to shoot. Great stuff i thought, and i dont think it should be compared to some of the lackluster firefights you find in HL2, Quake 4, FEAR or even Halo.

And Samon was also exaggerating a little bit when he spoke about the backtracking. Only a little bit though. I mean, you get the Library, and then you backtrack through 3 levels but all you do is fight a different bunch of enemies this time. It's totally acceptable to call that backtracking.
"U jst dont lick it coz itz hrd."

You sound like a CS kiddie.
Sparta said:
First, when you said the battles in Riddick were short, over soon and forgettable i couldn't disagree more. In Riddick, i missed so much with the guns i was using that it felt real. Like i was just some punk with a gun. This made every encounter with a simple soldier/guard a tense battle because i couldn't hit shit but the guard could, because he'd been trained to shoot. Great stuff i thought, and i dont think it should be compared to some of the lackluster firefights you find in HL2, Quake 4, FEAR or even Halo.

I've never looked at it that way, how awesome.