Your exercise regimen.

How often do you exercise?

  • Every day

    Votes: 10 13.0%
  • 3-5 times a week

    Votes: 23 29.9%
  • 2-3 times a week

    Votes: 11 14.3%
  • Once a week

    Votes: 6 7.8%
  • Once or twice a month

    Votes: 4 5.2%
  • Rarely (once or twice every other month)

    Votes: 12 15.6%
  • Never

    Votes: 11 14.3%

  • Total voters
I cycle to and from work.

Other than that? I play games all the time...
I lift weights for weight training... both barbell and dumbbell fairly frequently, but I really need to get some cardio exercise in more.
I walk a couple of miles each day, odd game of football.
I walk up and down the bloody steep and long hill to and from my university, which is exercise enough for nearly anyone.
Once or twice a month. I used to exercise more often before traffic started to get bad around where I live. In rural communities, there are no sidewalks, and people around here think that 55 means 105. :frown: I have a little flab, but overall, I don't really need to exercise anyways, as I don't eat much to begin with. Plus, I am naturally muscular, so I've never had much need for weight training either. My regimen's gonna change soon though , as I am planning for the military and I need to start ahead of time.:)
I walk everywhere, go on runs pretty often, and will generally do random exercises when bored.
That's not how it works.
I know, there's more to it than just looks alone. There's cardiovascular health too and what not, but I've never really paid much attention to my insides.:) Also, I'm sure you guys would hate me if I sent pics of myself, because I don't really exercise much, and yet I'm hardly that "unfit". Could be the work I do too though.
15min brisk walk to Uni almost each day, 20 min back as i walk back through town and window browse.
I'm in the gym so i go atleast 3 times a week, i try to go every weekday after uni but it doesnt always happen, i'm no Johnny 6-pack either. I wanted to buy a piece of gym equipment for home use as i get bored easily at home so wouldn't mind an exercise machine.
i run 25 miles a day and lift entire cars over my head as often as possible.
Hay everyone, havn't been here for a while.

As for exercise I run every morning and do kayaking training 3 times a week.
I really couldn't care less about my body as long as I can lift mouse and keyboard, pen and book.

That said, I go for a walk almost everyday because I enjoy it. I also walk to and from uni every day (1 Km or so).
Errrm... I walk down to the store every now and then. Oh, and I make a running dash across Korsv?gen on my way to school praying to god the car barreling down towards me will make a last second turn and destroy a buss full of japanese businessmen.
I play football/baseball and shit with my mates when we hang out, so I don't have a regular workout schedule, usually 3-4 times a week
I play football/baseball and shit with my mates when we hang out, so I don't have a regular workout schedule, usually 3-4 times a week

How does shitting with other people count as exercise?
2-3 times a week. Friday, saturday, and sunday I go biking.
I try to get to the gym every second day. I mostly just lift weights but I warm up on the treadmill / stationary bike.

I also referee hockey, which can be a pretty intense cardio workout, but usually if I referee on a gym day that means I have to skip the gym, but the money is good so I can't complain! :D
Lately I've been trying to make myself do TurboJam everyday, but I occasionally blow it off...
I exercise quite often...I'm part of a little parkour group and we're pretty serious in it, so I gotta stay in good shape :O
2-3 times a week. I mostly play Squash.

Wow, someone here plays Squash also? Awesome!

Yeah, I mostly play Squash as well, 3 times a week. With my group of friends, we usually play basketball (I suck ballz at this) or Soccer which is deadly fun. I go to the gym once a week, to turn my rag-doll figure into a Rigid Body System for better Physics..
I see. I assume you mean never?

I play indoor soccer once a week, run a few times a week, try and not eat mcdonalds too often, i masturbate quite regularly, and i have intercourse at least 3 times a week. Im in good shape.

but you didnt wanna hear that, did you?
I just had deja vu.

Has this been discussed recently?
The lack of sex would explain why I'm putting on weight.

I'm sad to say I'm rarely. I need to do it much more, but alas, I'm just a lazy bastard.
4-5 times a week (Mon, Wed - Fri, and the occasional sunday) where i do 1 hour training sessions in Soo Bahk Do. :)
I rarely exercise.

And isn't terminator supposed to magically appear?
I lift weights 4 times a week, and usually do cardio 3 times a week.