Your IQ ?

According to online tests, it's anything from 128 to 156. I've never taken a real one, though.
I did a real one, and got something around 140 (I don't remember the exact number, but I remember getting "very superior" for verbal).

I don't see much value in IQ testing as a measure of intelligence. All they measure for sure is how good you are at IQ tests. You can't use a quantitative measure on a human mind anyway. It's like saying "how many points of sad are you?" after a relative has just died.

I'm 21 now, but the test was a few years ago
Did a real one, that lasted for 4 hours. Got 149, as of May 2006.

Interestingly enough, my IQ was 135 in 1998.
I did the real one, it took over 6 hours. I got 132.

the online tests are ALL bullshit
I haven't taken a real one. Don't see what it would accomplish.
They averaged my score a bit though. I got "above-above-average" for arithmancy skills, and "above-medium-superior" for logical thinking, but got "superior" for language skills.

However, as my test scores indicate, my language skills don't seem to affect school examinations.

And logic ain't a school subject.
I did a real one a while ago too, 137 was my result, I think it was about a year ago, I'm 16 currently, my mom's a psychologists so she helped me to get to do one.
I had a proper IQ test done to see why I wasn't passing any exams. I did a university-level IQ test (at 17) and am in the top 12% of what would be uni level. My speech, reading and writing skills are almost perfect, and I only fall in mental math.
IQ tests only test your ability to take IQ tests.
They averaged my score a bit though. I got "above-above-average" for arithmancy skills, and "above-medium-superior" for logical thinking,

lol, you cant be serious? you routinely makes huge leaps of logic .. that test must be flawed must have been on a bell curve maybe for SK's you are logical ...but they too are prone to huge leaps of logic "oh noes Kim Jong is looking at us, it must mean he's about to push the shiny big magic button and obliterate us all in a radioactive flash of biblical proportions)

but got "superior" for language skills.

lol it's ironical cuz you made a grammatical error while bragging about having l33t language skillz
Yup, your inteligence can never really be accurately measured, people can do poorly on an IQ test but that means sod all, they could just be bad at IQ tests, there are a lot of other factors that can be implemented. I think the proper way of doing it is to just say inteligent you think you are in certain fields, like Im really good at with computer programming and theory, biology and history, but im really poor at maths.
I passed my UK driving theory test, first time in 7 minutes, 43 seconds.

Four years on I remain unbeaten.

If you have similiar storys please share and post below.

I took on in a "hospital" before
according to them mine is 103.
Isn't it funny how everybody has an above average IQ?

IQ tests measure how far above your peers you are. If you're in 11th grade, and you answer perfectly all the 11th grade questions then you get the average score of 100. If you answer all the 11th grade and then some questions from 12th grade and older, then you get a higher score. It also works in the other way too. 130+ is gifted, <70 is mentally retarded.

It's a pretty simple equation, you take the age labeled to the questions you answered and divide it by your chronological age then multiply by 100. So if you answered 12th grade questions and your in 10th grade then you have an IQ of 120.

...and that is applied knowledge from my human development courses. me so smart.
Took a real one, (OK, it was from a book...and I only did the first one when you're supposed to get the avarage of a number of them, so sue me). I got ~125. I can't remember what age I was when I took it, I'm 16 now, I must have at the most been 14 then.
The IQ number you get from a legit IQ test is pretty much useless. Really, it's the trends in the test that you get all the interesting information from.
Cause there's a difference between intelligence and wisdom... a BIG difference..
Nah, that's not at all what I mean. What I'm saying is, attempting to quantify intelligence with a number is completely ridiculous. However, when you look at the trends in the answers someone gives, you can find out a lot about them- how they think, act, write, interact, and reason, among other things.
my intelligence was measured when I was a kid in order to determine my eligibility to enter a private montessori school. the score was so high my dad called me a genius from that day on.
I was told mine was 130 when I was about 10, but I am teh stupidz now.
Just got 109

Im 20. Hate those tests though. Its like those yellis tests we were made to take at school (or whatever they were called). You selected a b c or d as your answer to maths questions, general knowledge questions etc etc etc

WTF do THEY prove? You could get 100% by guessing (in theory). I swear its just to give the people that made them something to do...
Just got 109

Im 20. Hate those tests though. Its like those yellis tests we were made to take at school (or whatever they were called). You selected a b c or d as your answer to maths questions, general knowledge questions etc etc etc

WTF do THEY prove? You could get 100% by guessing (in theory). I swear its just to give the people that made them something to do...
I think the solution for that is to subtract 1/(number of options) for every wrong answer.

Either way, multiple-choice tests are often much easier than written tests, and are generally bullshit.
I did one online and got 140, I did one at school before i left ( about 3 years ago) and out of 165, i got 165, completly baffled everyone!!
lol, you cant be serious? you routinely makes huge leaps of logic .. that test must be flawed must have been on a bell curve maybe for SK's you are logical ...but they too are prone to huge leaps of logic "oh noes Kim Jong is looking at us, it must mean he's about to push the shiny big magic button and obliterate us all in a radioactive flash of biblical proportions)
Meh, I get uh, emotional in politics.

lol it's ironical cuz you made a grammatical error while bragging about having l33t language skillz

Uh, Superior is lower than above-medum-superior. Besides, we all make mistakes.
Mines 120 from a real one. Also it's interesting that nearly everyone I ask about their IQ says they're in the top 1% of the World.
So... is the IQ test an intelligence quotient, or a wisdom quotient?

Intelligence and wisdom are two vastly different things.
Intelligence, wisdom, smartness and cleverness are all different.