Zeno Clash: Unofficial/Official Thread

I'm not bashing Zeno Clash btw - it's great fun and beautiful to look at. What were they thinking with the locking on tho??

I'm not sure, but after a few hours in the towers in doesn't seem to bother me anymore. The melee combat is a lot more in-depth than other games like Riddick and Condemned, and a lot more fast paced and improvised. I'm pretty sure it would be awful with the Wii controls, but that's because everything is awful with the Wii controls. The Wii remote just isn't responsive enough, which is probably one of the reasons why the console is such a failure for hardcore games.
Of course, I disagree. When poorly implemented the Wiimote is poor. You just have to look at MP: Corruption, Kororinpa, Lost Winds, Boom Blox and even Galaxy - the Wiimote can be just as effective when used in a subtle way - to see that it can be superb and offer an experience not possible with mouse or pad. As for not being responsive enough - the Wiimote is good enough to use as a light gun without a crosshair on the screen (see Ghost Squad, Overkill etc etc). Again, you're confusing poor implementation with poor design.

There's no question in my mind whether Zeno Clash with Corruption controls would be a better experience. It'd be the difference between precise and quick and clunky and obtrusive. Just because the melee is workable and better than the crap melee found in Riddick and Condemned doesn't make it decent.

Sorry for flying off topic - let the Zeno Clash love commence!
I have no idea what the **** this game is about, but I am enjoying it immensely.
Yeah, it really grows on you the more you play it. I just beat 3 of the towers, had no clue that you were supposed to start bottom to top, not top to bottom. I dumb.
Awesome, the team is talking about a SDK in the works.
I finished the game yesterday and are now mucking around in tower mode, and I have to say I REALLY HATE THE LOCK-ON SYSTEM. Well, I guess it's not the lock-on system as such, it's how the key to lock-onto enemies is the same key as there is to pick up weapons. Also, I think the game would be improved with the addition of a way to hurl my current weapon at enemies, or at least to drop it instantly so I can beat the shit out of people with my fists.
They said they are going to fix the problem in the next update, how they did not say.
Add a new key? Programming wise I think they'd be seperate functions that just happen to be bound to a single key...

I really hope they change the effing lock-on. I'm getting my butt kicked on tower mode because I lock onto the wrong guy. I'd rather just play normally.
Yeah, I already suggested to them that they just allow an option to drop a weapon and disable lock on. It's very annoying.
Does the team browse their steam forums? I might actually use my account if they do. It's a fantastic game (though the story is kinda bouncy).
Does the team browse their steam forums? I might actually use my account if they do. It's a fantastic game (though the story is kinda bouncy).

Yes, they do, but they're probably more likely to see your suggestions if you post on the ACE Team forums.
Yeah they do, they browse a ton of forums actually. Primarily Steam and their own of course though.
Awesome. I'll go have a poke around.
They are really friendly and down to earth.
Can't... finish... Tower... 5... getting... whaled on... by everybody at once...
Tower 5 is really hard, make sure you get a warm up in like tower 4 first every time before you attempt it.

I still have not beaten it, the last room is insane. If they just turned off the lock on....
It's the last room. The LAST ROOM.

Also the second-last room, but at least I can beat that reliably. Difficult though. GOD DAMN YOU HUNTER

/EDIT They just released an update disabling auto-lockon (if you want, through the menu) and adding the ability to hurl your weapon away, stunning an opponent for half a second. It is grand.

Finally finished Tower 5.
They'll be releasing the Garry's Mod model pack next week.
For non-owners there is now a demo on steam. Maybe you guys already knew, I just found out. Downloading now.
Just played the demo.
This is so fun, the fighting system is just really satisfying.

Unfortunately, the game bugged out during the prologue, got up to where you grab hold of the second instructor guy and it tells you to either break his face or throw him.
I could still move the mouse to look around but that's it, I couldn't do anything else.

Definitely going to try giving it another go later today.
Oh wow, this has been added to the "Definite Future Purchase" list. Combat is so fun, style is so marvelous. The voice acting is pretty eh, but the writing is just so interesting I want to see more. Looking forward to more when a sale comes out.
Just got this game. Looks stunning, thou game play does seem a bit.. repetitive? Still loads of fun and pretty much just eye candy.
Game play varies enough to avoid repetition... and the story is short enough you don't really get bored. Maybe they'll add an arena mode, like they're talking about. I love making AI fight one another.
Are you guys talking about the five levels of challenge mode? Man, you guys suck. I just played the demo and I still found them very easy until the last, which still only took me like three tries.
Sheepo, that is the first level of Challenge mode. Each level has 5 floors within them, which is what you are talking about.
D: Shit, that must be hard as ****.

Edit: Awesome signature btw.
I finally finished this game and the ending was a little disappointing, especially considering how much I liked some other parts of the story - family being the only social organisation in a lawless world, nobody knowing what Golem means when he says he considers you "criminals".

But then I decided to try the Challenge mode. And the second level of the first tower block? Beating up a bunch of dinosaurs. Finally my dinosaur-wrangling dreams have come true.
It's a pity those are the only (besides the Brontosaurus that Hunter likes to putter around on) type of Dinoasuars in the world. And they're such weaklings, too.
I'm talking about the bird-lizards that gob green shit at you. On the second level of the lowest tower you encounter a mob of them which you're supposed to throw bombs at, but I always just end up going "AAARGH" and beating them up with my fists.
I just got pas the 2nd level and I like it so far but I'm only going to play this in small places
Ok, I'm stuck in the bar, i saw a tool on the floor but I have no clue what to do with it or how to advance...can anyone help??

EDIT: all fixed, went to the 2nd last save and apparently in the bar the 'AI was Disabled'