Zero Punctuation

People actually watch Yahtzee and expect a serious review of a game?
Oh dear lord. I laughed long and hard at that. Long, hard and wet.

The whole Pillock sequence was stupendous.
I feel like he completely missed the point of Scribblenauts.

Same. I'm a little upset about just how badly he ragged on it. Did he really not have any fun at all? I had a ****ing blast.
his washington d.c. review was completely unfunny.
Of course, because it wasn't scripted.
He looked just like I expected him to look(unless I've seen him before and it's been implanted already).

Also yeah, that sucked. I couldn't bear to keep watching it past the cancer part.
I am going to keep hanging around GAMETRADERS ROBINA until he rocks up.

Totally kidnapping him, though Gametraders kinda' moved out from the Robina Town Centre, iirc.
Yes. A couple. No big ones, that you won't figure out yourself while playing.
That's the most accurate review of Dragon Age I've come across I'd say. Lots of weird/bad/annoying things about it, but I still find myself drawn to play it after putting in quite a few hours.
MW2 review today, most excellent. Yahtzee's reviews are definitely getting better.
Stressing that I've purchased neither game and am never likely to, AND that I'm not looking out for that supposed moment where Zero Punctuation jumps the shark, this week's '4 Player Game' double-bill review was... pretty rubbish really, and notably rubbish at that.

It boils down to regurgitating the kind of arguments that have been moaned out by L4D2 boycotters for months to the embarrassment of everyone who has heard them, and then a disingenuous attack on New Super Mario Bros. for being err... a Super Mario Bros. game. That is New.

I guess this was probably one of those 'get it done, whatever' weeks for Yahtzee.
The Saboteur was dreadfully boring game. The game had so much potential, but Pendemic dropped the balls. Probably has to do with company closure and had to rush release the game.

I would say that makes sense, except that every other Pandemic game is an unpolished piece of shit too.

There was one guy in that whole company who actually had creativity and the inspiration to come up with a great game concept. Unfortunately he appears to have been surrounded by frat boys. Hence we have a somewhat artsy looking film-noir style game set in Nazi-occupied Paris .... mixed with fart jokes, copious amounts of tits, gestapo cars with machine guns mounted on the front, leaping out of burning zeppelins and surviving, cheesey one-liners, etc.

I knew from their history to be wary, but given the potential in the concept I was still profoundly disappointed with The Saboteur. Too bad they lost their jobs and all, but good riddance to the studio.

BTW - That Demon's Souls review was the funniest thing I've seen from him in a long time. I haven't played it yet but I get the feeling I'd come away with a similar impression. Then again his reviews rarely reflect how I actually feel about games and I've heard a lot of good things, so I'll still give it a go.
I need demon's soul. But I can never find it :/
The Saboteur was dreadfully boring game. The game had so much potential, but Pendemic dropped the balls. Probably has to do with company closure and had to rush release the game.

I was actually quite surprised by it. Despite all it's problems it still turned out to be a rather fun open world game. A bit like Prototype did.
So no one liked his 30 second holiday update?
Both Star Wars Battlefront games were pretty awesome IMO.

Ah, haven't played them. My opinion was based on the Mercenaries and Destroy All Humans games, as well as The Saboteur. I did like the first Full Spectrum Warrior, but that was a long time ago and the second was a piece of shit.
I did like the first Full Spectrum Warrior, but that was a long time ago and the second was a piece of shit.

I'm with you on that. I couldn't believe how much they'd ****ed up the formula from the original.
That was probably one of my favorites so far. I havent played Dark Void, but it was still funny, and actually makes me want to play it.
Its frustrating at times and has a umber of bugs, but its fun. Hijacking UFOs and biplanes for classic Crimson Skies fun it great.
I agree, that review was pretty good. If I had my 360 I'd at least try the demo out.

Lol'd at the last metaphor.
Too Human was awful! Shame on him for bringing that horrid memory back into my mind
I'll agree that Dark Void was quite a nice distraction for the 5 hours it lasted, nowhere near worth the price tag though, but as Yahtzee said the jetpack sections were quite cool.
"Rocket pack whoosh crikey fun."


Was anyone else as irritated by his Torchlight review as I was? "Clickity click click here click click there click on this click click click lol there are a lot of clicking in this game." Wow Yahtzee did you think that one up yourself gosh this game is so derivative of Diablo hurf durf UNLIKE YOUR HUMOUR.

Also hey maybe try... I don't know, holding the mouse button down?