Zero Punctuation

Yeah I thought the same thing. He was pretty harsh to the game too, especially considering the price.

Predictable review really. And right on most points. Except for one thing tho: he likes the story. Wut?
Grrr, I really wanted him to do a Mass Effect 2 review. Now I have to wait 1 more week.

Damn You Yahtzee!
I really, really don't want him to touch ME2. Whenever he's forced to take on a big, well received title like this he tends to fall back on his usual complaints a little too much. "It's too samey." "It's too gritty." "Quick time events lol." I don't know about anyone else, but when he starts reaching for negatives, the corporate strings become a little too visible for me to enjoy him as much as usual.

Then again he could have some genuine and funny gripes, which I'd welcome, I just don't see it working in a big way except to satisfy the "OMG REVIEW THIS GAME I LIKED" fanboys.
I've noticed that as well, you can tell that he's really reaching for something to whine about with games that are almost universally well-liked.

I really just want to see what his opinion is on this one.
If it's a really good game, he should start making fun of the baseless complaints people make against it instead of grasping at straws.
If it's a really good game, he should start making fun of the baseless complaints people make against it instead of grasping at straws.

He's critic, it's his job to find the problems. His Batman: Arkham Asylum review is a perfect example, he lists its many small flaws, but at the end says that you should buy it anyway.
Haha the Bioshock 2 review is brilliant.
massively dissapointed. Singelplayer? Seriously? Who the hell bought BC2 for singelplayer? Id be suprised if even half the players knows it has a singelplayer mode.

He never seems to review multiplayer games, which is unfortunate.
It's fair enough, there is a single player campaign why shouldn't it be open to criticism? It's not like you lot gave the same leeway to MW2 is it?
Ahem I liked MW2's campaign and MP. I only like BC2's MP though.
It's fair enough, there is a single player campaign why shouldn't it be open to criticism? It's not like you lot gave the same leeway to MW2 is it?

He is perfectly right about the campaign. It sucks. Multiplayer though does deserve at least a mention, yet he didn't say anything about it. In his MW2 review he at least acknowledged the existence of an online component.
Final Fantasy XIII

At least he is honest about it. And the 20 hour metaphor makes sense.
Makes sense, but is an awful shame. I think this is one of the first FF games that I will likely totally skip. I don't even see myself buying it for cheap. Oh well. Again, another example of things being dumbed-down for Western audiences.
Makes sense, but is an awful shame. I think this is one of the first FF games that I will likely totally skip. I don't even see myself buying it for cheap. Oh well. Again, another example of things being dumbed-down for Western audiences.
My mate has it for his PS3, and I completely got lost watching him play. The battle system looks FAR more complicated than any other FF I've played. The linearity I actually think of as a positive. I've never completed an FF game. I get to the part where you get the ship, then completely lose focus.

Linear != bad.
It's all smoke and mirrors with flashy effects. The battle system is actually pretty simple. Basically you can switch roles at any time depending on what you need and that's as complicated as it gets. If all else fails,


That being said I actually do like the game once I got to a certain chapter in the game where the map opens up and you can go free roaming. Nice environments.
I've been watching my brother play. It seems pretty straight forward. There's no mana and you don't need to heal out of battle. It's much more tactical. You only control the one character and set the others to basic strategies (heal, attack physically, attack with magic, etc).

I'd start a game but I know I wouldn't have time to finish it. Maybe over the summer.
The use for wii motion controls (that have now been fixed, apparently) in a game other than sword fighting is obvious!

A remade, debugged Trespasser where the infamous, awkward to control "robot arm" being replaced by the motion controls. It'd be awesome.