Recent content by Blakeb155

  1. Blakeb155

    Would more Valve protesters get us Episode 3 news?

    If I lived in US and not Australia, I'd never leave that damn lawn..
  2. Blakeb155

    Sign Ups For DOTA 2 Beta Go Live

    I can't see sign up for beta anywhere.. :( Help!
  3. Blakeb155

    Steam Guard Now in Beta

    Anyone else wondering how man emails Gabe must have received after he posted his password?
  4. Blakeb155

    Force Steam to go offline with a very basic script

    I don't get it.. all you need to do is click 'Account > Go Offline' to use offline mode.. Whats all this achieve?
  5. Blakeb155

    Free Vacations Offer Get Hurry!!!!!!!!
  6. Blakeb155

    changes in gmod map v2 texture and another things

    first you need to understand sarcasm.. :cheese:
  7. Blakeb155

    DoD:S Free Weekend Preload

    love free weekends, so many n00bs :smoking:
  8. Blakeb155

    How to activate console?

    Go to keyboard options in game, then click advanced and tick enable developers console..
  9. Blakeb155

    Opinions and Screenshots

    Jagd is Allies defending and Axis attacking, Colmar is both sides attacking. So I guess you'll like Jagd better
  10. Blakeb155

    New "Weird Al" Song

    "Your pitiful", its a parody of James Blunt's "Your beautiful" Its a free download off his website to: check it out
  11. Blakeb155

    G-Man Picture in Highway 17?

    Can someone post a screenshot? I'm to lazy
  12. Blakeb155

    Fred Durst = idiot

    Why did the audience applaud? that was horrible
  13. Blakeb155

    What media player do you use?

    I use iTunes, but that's mainly cause I've got an iPod.
  14. Blakeb155

    What team are you going for in the World Cup?

    Add Australia to the list n00b! Go aussies! :D