Recent content by Bull Goose Loony

  1. Bull Goose Loony


    why dont more bands sing about killing nazis? its ****ing gold :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  2. Bull Goose Loony

    Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

    TMNT - 8/10 pretty decent movie, had pretty nice cg, but what really saved it was one ****ing impressive fight scene in the pouring rain :D
  3. Bull Goose Loony

    Michael Jackson to Battle Godzilla

    I like how this sounds like their just gonna build it then unleash it on the desert.firing lasers. :D
  4. Bull Goose Loony

    Crazy Conservative Lady creams self over movie 300's jihadist parallel

    funny that USA is (supposedly) being represented by a nation where the freemen/citizens were massively outnumbered by their slaves, and they existed as a society based entirely on war.
  5. Bull Goose Loony


    if only he'd kicked him as well :D [edit] pretty classic quote from the director: "No one should ever take drugs, ever. I want to go on the record on that. But if someone was to slip you a mickey, I would immediately get into a taxi and go to an Imax screening of 300."
  6. Bull Goose Loony


    Im proud to be a new zealander, cos it's such a beautiful place, and people are generally pretty laid back and friendly, and seem to have a pretty good reputation when we go overseas :D
  7. Bull Goose Loony


    I just recently started listening to it, only heard the newest album so far, cant wait to hear the others.Knights of Cydonia has probably the best video of all time.
  8. Bull Goose Loony

    Grey's Anatomy vs House vs Scrubs

    scrubs is great except for the last 5 10 minutes of every episode when it gets all deadly serious and sentimental
  9. Bull Goose Loony


    Shapeshifter are ok.
  10. Bull Goose Loony

    Presidential address

    or now theycan pull out with the excuse that the iraqi people werent doing enough to help
  11. Bull Goose Loony

    What's the deal with WoW?

    wow is good fun, but for me doesnt compare to the intense excitement of a good fps, especially a good game of dod or cs. I like that if you play wow for a bit then go play an fps, it gives a +100 excitement bonus to the next game you play.
  12. Bull Goose Loony

    Rate the last game you played

    WoW. seemed pretty average, approx 75% of gametime seems to be spent running from point A to point B. Its good in that it makes me enjoy other games much more.
  13. Bull Goose Loony

    Your Favorite Guitarist?

    Alexi Laiho
  14. Bull Goose Loony

    Christmas DVD's?

    Ricky Gervais - Politics and Animals and trailer park boys season 1&2 :D
  15. Bull Goose Loony

    Who do you think would win a fight between a Tiger and a Python (video included)?

    what about that lion pride that specialises in elephant take downs