Recent content by kaf11

  1. kaf11

    What do you find the hardest about picking up...

    First and foremost you want to resist the temptation to discuss your mother. I know this will be difficult. Secondly, don't let her notice your clammy palms - you are more than likely sweating profusely at this point. Do your best to feign aloofness; broads love to feel like they need to prove...
  2. kaf11

    I was an OG poster, not around too much any more. I moved on to other, more private... places...

    I was an OG poster, not around too much any more. I moved on to other, more private... places...
  3. kaf11

    Hetairia: behind closed doors

    Hey Het dudes I want in.
  4. kaf11

    Happy Birthday Feath!

    lol hetairia
  5. kaf11

    The Christmas Russian Roulette Game!

    4 Title: Your Hetairian Secret Santa
  6. kaf11

    Wal-Mart counterfeit T-shirts?

    Thats so hot. pics pls thx
  7. kaf11

    Wal-Mart counterfeit T-shirts?

    I came out of retirement to enjoy this thread.
  8. kaf11


    Oh yeah, this place.
  9. kaf11

    What has happened to these forums?

    Thats not true in the slightest.
  10. kaf11

    Jay Cutler won the Mr.Olympia!!

    zoooomj this is lame.
  11. kaf11

    Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is dead

    I would have preferred him to have been captured alive. News of more death in Iraq, be it enemy or not, is never greeted with joy by me.
  12. kaf11

    This is Comrade, Signing Off

    Sad to see members leave, but I understand how it goes. I've been visiting less frequently, but I still pop in every once in a while.
  13. kaf11

    The Mandatory "What are you listening to now?" thread

    Billy Joel - We Didn't Start The Fire
  14. kaf11

    Battlefield 2142 game details

    Titan mode will be ace.
  15. kaf11

    NASA hacker tells all

    My bullshit detector just broke.