Recent content by Seagull

  1. S

    Anyone hyped for Wolfenstein?

    The entire multiplayer team was laid off the day of release, it's absolutely terrible.. :/ I liked the SP as a just mow-everyone-down type of game but not much else
  2. S

    More on Team Fortress 2 Closed Beta

    The format was never really straight-out decided on 6v6. There have been 8v8/9v9/7v7 leagues in the past and they've all failed. What happens with so many players is individual lives don't matter as much, so players can make mistakes, die, but it won't matter much to the team as a whole. 6v6 has...
  3. S

    More on Team Fortress 2 Closed Beta

    I'm on one of the top teams right now in TF2. TF2 does not have any advanced movement or anything because it has a heavy bias towards teamplay. If your team screws up, there's no carrying that can be done. One player is not going to make much of a difference. What Valve is trying to do with...
  4. S

    Team Fortress 2 Beta - Competitive Gaming?

    I'm in the beta and that's a large aspect of it. Currently TF2 classes aren't very balanced on the upper-skill levels (soldier/demoman/medic/scouts being the only 4 classes that are played and the other ones pulled out situationally). In a few months I hope anyone can play any class and have it...
  5. S

    A different, not-quite-as-awful-week that still results in serious depression
  6. S, why do girls take shots at you when you least expect?

    @ thread title: because you let them
  7. S


    The reason why I'm currently preferring 16:9 over 16:10 is because in Source Games, you get a higher FoV from 16:9. For example: 4:3: 16:10: 16:9...
  8. S


    9800GT with a e8400 - I'm searching around now and found a couple decent ones, will try to research them more. Here they are: They're both 5ms (which I hope I won't...
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    I have this old CRT I run at a low desktop resolution so my eyes don't bleed from a low refresh rate, but I'm thinking about finally picking up an LCD. Anyone know of any decent (mid-range, $200-300 budget, preferably 16:9/widescreen) LCDs?
  10. S

    Michael Jackson Dead At 50
  11. S

    Texts From Last Night

    (303): I have to decide between the hot young blond with no apparent gag reflex, and the brunette with a great ass and a trust fund. (214): dude. I'm so drunk. (972): pete, this is bryce's mom (214): I can't wait to have my cock in your ass (972): pete, this is still bryce's mom (314): rolled...
  12. S

    The New "unlock" system

    chilled out in a valve pub in spectate overnight spent roughly 8~ hours there, got the huntsman + dead ringer + jarate + razorback! :D
  13. S

    The New "unlock" system

    played for 10-12 hours now found 1 item im guessing this system is broken and they'll change it after the free weekend is up
  14. S

    "Swine Flu" appears, quickly spreads to US.

    Supposedly can't get it from pork
  15. S

    Tough Choice

    get a PHD in theoretical physics instead, and then go join the police force