360 Messenger Pad released V.Soon!


Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
I've ordered mine, should have it by friday.





Pretty useful tool, sure beats the on-screen text input any day.
Looks ugly IMO. Just buy a USB keyboard.
USB keyboards aren't compatible with the 360... besides I think this is a much better solution - reviewers have said it doesnt get in the way and it weighs next to nothing...
Meh, I can't see the need for one to be honest. When I want to say something pretty lenghty I do just that - I voice message 'em. And I wouldn't be using the onboard MSN thingy because it gets in the way of games. But fair enough!
USB keyboards aren't compatible with the 360... besides I think this is a much better solution - reviewers have said it doesnt get in the way and it weighs next to nothing...


So what have I been using for the past 9 months?
OK, when it came out USB keyboards weren't compatible ... I guess they fixed that in an update, but still... I prefer the chat pad!
I think its wireless keyboards that don't work with the 360?
I might get one of those. Would be good for any mmo that eventually comes out and also save having a keyboard laying around the lounge.
I bet the keys are so small any large finger could press 2 keys at once.
I bet the keys are so small any large finger could press 2 keys at once.
That's just the Xbox 360's natural selection working. It prefers tiny hands that can push its buttons.

Hahaha, Major Nelson only has 100 gamer points. What a noob.
Wtf is that shit...Looks so ugly.
"A LIVE messanger account cannot be used with Live Messanger."
the hell? It's like they are trying to be a freaking PDA or cell phone...

A cheap USB keyboard is where it's at. Set it to the side when not using it.
Heh, I guess Microsoft only needed to make one, then ... for me ... looks like nobody else wants one! :D
Actually I wouldn't mind one. The last thing I want is some cord going from the 360 to the coffe table in my living room and have a keyboard just sitting there. This add-on makes it very convinient to type away without having to go anywhere and its wireless.

So I must ask, where did you order it from?
Who wants a keyboard laying around the living room? I've already got enough trouble with pads, wiimotes and remotes. If a mmo comes out for the 360 that is any good i'm getting one of these tiny keyboards.