A Call to Arms


Apr 13, 2004
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Hello Peeps,

Been a while since I've been around but I recall the fact that the political discussion that used to take place here was always good banter. How's about we have some good old live coverage of things as they unfold. I don't know what is happening where you lot are but the results are on the BBC over here and I'm pretty psyched.
How's about some predictions for the swing states?

Who thinks we're going to see a landslide?

What the hell is gwanning with the markets?

Crazy days.
Hello Peeps,

Been a while since I've been around but I recall the fact that the political discussion that used to take place here was always good banter. How's about we have some good old live coverage of things as they unfold. I don't know what is happening where you lot are but the results are on the BBC over here and I'm pretty psyched.
How's about some predictions for the swing states?

Who thinks we're going to see a landslide?

What the hell is gwanning with the markets?

Crazy days.
So shall we make this the ongoing discussion thread for the election coverage then...?

/claims comfy position on beanbag

I've got a drink in my hand and I'm ready for the long haul. Probably going to alternate between watching with my mum and catching some feeds online for the next few hours.

So far to my understanding Kentucky's pretty much gone to McCain...? And we're waiting on the running tallies from Virginia and Indiana fairly soon, right? Not really sure of the significance of anything so far.

BTW your location has made me want curry.
Link is kuhl.
OK, bit of a comment rather than prediction but me and my friends were just talking about the impact of race on the election. I would suggest that if everything was even and America wasn't suffering from a disastorously crazy war....sorry warS. Then race might begin to approach something of an issue to the voters even though they had gone through several months of seeing Obama and comprehending the fact that a black man might become president. However, thing, as we know, are pretty ****ed. The economy has dive bombed along with the reputation of the American Military. Good old George Dubya. Who, let us not forget was voted in TWICE. The American people chose him TWICE. And so, really are also causing the price of my milk to rise, here, in England, a million miles from their bloody-minded decision....but I digress. I was on George. If he hadn't come back in, we just might have had a shot at avoiding some of this mentalism. I can't say we (and it is we the world) would have avoided all of it but defintely some. So I would suggest that against this background. Race means nothing. A fair assesment?
So shall we make this the ongoing discussion thread for the election coverage then...?

/claims comfy position on beanbag

I've got a drink in my hand and I'm ready for the long haul. Probably going to alternate between watching with my mum and catching some feeds online for the next few hours.

So far to my understanding Kentucky's pretty much gone to McCain...? And we're waiting on the running tallies from Virginia and Indiana fairly soon, right? Not really sure of the significance of anything so far.

BTW your location has made me want curry.Link is kuhl.

Heh, I am probably in the exact same pose as you. Beer and bean bag, loads of my friends over. This is awesome!

p.s. hell yeah on the curry
For some strange reason the starwars theme is looping in my head. Im wrapped in my bed cover atm, feet up on the speaker base, surrounded by cokes, and i just ate a few minipizzas and im going to make some more. This is better than football.

Oh and whenever it has booring moments, i just switch to South Park lol


Yay Obama is in lead atm
how can you have a call to arms when most people here are pro gun control LOL
When there's a call to arms, real men just use the ones they were BORN WITH *flexes

They are more personal too, it takes a man to get close enough to stab.
Anyone else confused about what's being said about North Carolina?

This link which seems to be updated in real time, seems to be showing Obama trouncing McCain, but the thing I'm watching on TV is talking about McCain's 0.2% lead here. Are they just way behind the times?
Literally too hooked to the tv and drunk for this but are we seeing a trounching?I am not familiar with the spread of the vote so is there a half decent chance of McCain coming back? By the way the pundits are talking, I can't believe they are already using the past tense with regards the result on the BBC,it seems as if things are wrapped up! Bring on some action I say! Who'll give me 5-1 odds on McCain not breaking 100. But California comes late...
Pennsylvania's big news, looking like it's more or less in the bag for Obama. If Obama lands another big swing state then it's hard to see a way back for McCain as I understand it - and North Carolina, one such state, has already had the senate seat go to a Democrat tonight, while Obama's leading McCain in the polls.

I'm smelling carnage... Hard to say though.
Literally too hooked to the tv and drunk for this but are we seeing a trounching?I am not familiar with the spread of the vote so is there a half decent chance of McCain coming back? By the way the pundits are talking, I can't believe they are already using the past tense with regards the result on the BBC,it seems as if things are wrapped up! Bring on some action I say! Who'll give me 5-1 odds on McCain not breaking 100. But California comes late...

Dunno if you're aware as you're from UK but California is Democrat. It's not even a question. You can pretty much add Cali votes to Obama already.

If Cali went Republican Id be AMAZED, literally amazed like holy shit amazed. And I voted McCain.
Dunno if you're aware as you're from UK but California is Democrat. It's not even a question. You can pretty much add Cali votes to Obama already.

If Cali went Republican Id be AMAZED, literally amazed like holy shit amazed. And I voted McCain.

i was kidding, i was aimingthat at themccain supporters :cheers: its 40 more required for obama(ca already included) history made!
I have definitely been at the right level of drunk for this election.