Avatar: FernGully 2: Pocahontas Dances With Smurfs In Space In 3D On Ice

Go ahead and make fun of me. I'm just as big a film snob as some of you guys--if you actually knew me.
There are moments in which he lacks lucid thought, but I do appreciate his, ah, erratic deviations - even if I do ultimately disagree with these transgressions.
yea he gave three stars to speed 2 but once again the score is merely a number without the context, the actual review, which in this case had a sarcastic tone throughout. roger ebert is notorious for reviewing films in accordance to what they try to achieve. when he went to see speed 2, he wasn't expecting another Godfather II or citizen kane. He took it for what it's worth, a dumb summer blockbuster and here's what he concluded:
I chortled a few times. The first was at the digital read-out. Why do mad bombers always go to the trouble of supplying them? There's not much room inside the head of a golf club (even a wood), so why waste space on a digital read-out? I also chortled a few moments later, when the villain pulled out a piece of equipment labeled FIBER OPTIC CONVERTER in letters so large they could be read across the room. Doesn't mean much, but it sure looks good. And I will long treasure a moment when a computer asks Geiger, ``Time to initiate?'' and he types in, ``Now.'' Is the movie fun? Yes. Especially when the desperate Bullock breaks into a ship's supply cabinet and finds a chainsaw, which I imagine all ships carry. And when pleasure boaters somehow fail to see a full-size runaway ocean liner until it is three feet from them. Movies like this embrace goofiness with an almost sensual pleasure. And so, on a warm summer evening, do I.

this is what he says about Avatar (spoilers I guess):

Watching "Avatar," I felt sort of the same as when I saw "Star Wars" in 1977. That was another movie I walked into with uncertain expectations. James Cameron's film has been the subject of relentlessly dubious advance buzz, just as his "Titanic" was. Once again, he has silenced the doubters by simply delivering an extraordinary film. There is still at least one man in Hollywood who knows how to spend $250 million, or was it $300 million, wisely.

At 163 minutes, the film doesn't feel too long. It contains so much. The human stories. The Na'vi stories, for the Na'vi are also developed as individuals. The complexity of the planet, which harbors a global secret. The ultimate warfare, with Jake joining the resistance against his former comrades. Small graceful details like a floating creature that looks like a cross between a blowing dandelion seed and a drifting jellyfish, and embodies goodness. Or astonishing floating cloud-islands.

I've complained that many recent films abandon story telling in their third acts and go for wall-to-wall action. Cameron essentially does that here, but has invested well in establishing his characters so that it matters what they do in battle and how they do it. There are issues at stake greater than simply which side wins.
Consider me in the "cautiously optimistic" camp too. I've said before that my opinion(which was based entirely on the trailers and a few summaries) is open to change, and all the rave reviews have become a bit difficult to ignore.
I Am waiting to be impressed. So far, it looks as overhyped and overbloated as Titanic.
Every time i take a look at the promotional stuff, i am reminded of The Smurfs and Pocahontas.
Smurfahontas would have been a much more appropriate title for the movie. Or, how about FernGully 2?
I'd love to kill humanity, starting with everyone who thinks this movie looks anything other than awful.

Ugh, I like you for the most part. I enjoy the skeptical, critical, pessimistic tone. But it's statements like this that are so eye-rollingly ridiculous that I just can't handle it.
Run of the mill Sci-fi movie with blue elves? Check. Crappy special effects? Check. I won't be seeing the movie, I think I'll wait when it comes on Cinemax, Starz, Showtime, Encore, etc. I rarely go to the theatres anyways.
I have loads of respect for Cameron. Everything he has directed has been gold. Terminator 2 is my favorite action (lol genre ambiguity) movie of all time. But I don't know about this. Like Samon, I pretty much agree with Ebert on most things, so his approval is helping my interest. I look at the trailers and I'm just unimpressed. I'll probably be seeing this just because, so we'll see I guess.
Run of the mill Sci-fi movie with blue elves? Check. Crappy special effects? Check. I won't be seeing the movie, I think I'll wait when it comes on Cinemax, Starz, Showtime, Encore, etc. I rarely go to the theatres anyways.
The brain-crushing irony of you saying this.
Ugh, I like you for the most part. I enjoy the skeptical, critical, pessimistic tone. But it's statements like this that are so eye-rollingly ridiculous that I just can't handle it.

It was a play on words from the previous post, relax son.

Eberts review was remarkably positive, but I remain unconvinced. I feel like Samon is going to drag me out to see this, kicking and screaming.
More good reviews.


Read the comments.

It's probably actually quite a good film to watch, you goddamn cynical negative bastards insisted in ripping it apart in your minds without giving it a chance. Of course it's no Lost in Translation but surely this film will be fun!

/shakes head disapprovingly.
I might see this. But as many others have said before me, I am cautiously optimistic.
It's probably actually quite a good film to watch, you goddamn cynical negative bastards insisted in ripping it apart in your minds without giving it a chance. Of course it's no Lost in Translation but surely this film will be fun!

/shakes head disapprovingly.

it's a typical defense mechanism that derives from fear of disappointment and the goal is to fabricate yourself an element of surprise. convince yourself that an upcoming anticipated event will be nothing more than an utter catastrophe, so when it turns out to be good (which was the more likely scenario to begin with :rolleyes:) you can say to yourself "oh hey that was surprising i never expected it to be good".
If I do end up liking it a lot more than I expected, then I'll place the blame for my low expectations on the crappy marketing.

Maybe that was their plan all along.
I don't think it's unreasonable to anticipate a bad film. The trailers sucked.
Thought it looked like shit since I first heard of it, not interested.
The one aspect of it I really doubt will be shit is the looks.
Well I've read an early draft of the script and it's basically standard Hollywood action/adventure fare. How much you like/hate it will probably be in proportion to how you feel about most of the stuff that gets pumped out from there.
The new visuals on the other hand make it worth a watch at least - esp. since there's an IMAX in my city with 3D :D
And the cast is decent, so we'll see.

Edit: I was the first one here to compare it to ferngully btw. It's not necessarily a bad thing.
I had read that in the comments on a cracked article the other day. Ferngully was ok though, for a cartoon. You know.
I know, it's everywhere now. It probably originated independently with different people too as well as copy-paste of opinions.
I thought it was more Pocahontas than FernGully. But I also think FernGully is a pretty great film, and I'd rather compare Avatar to something else that sucks.
It's got a good bit of Dances With Wolves/Pocahontas too.
People, the official title is FernGully 2: Pocahontas Dances With Smurfs IN SPACE
It's probably actually quite a good film to watch, you goddamn cynical negative bastards insisted in ripping it apart in your minds without giving it a chance. Of course it's no Lost in Translation but surely this film will be fun!

/shakes head disapprovingly.


As the Winter nights draw in there seems to be an increasing amount of pointless snark doing the rounds on the internets of late.

As the Winter nights draw in there seems to be an increasing amount of pointless snark doing the rounds on the internets of late.

My sister saw it yesterday and really enjoyed it.

Story - ace, if waaaay familiar (Ferngully 2: Dances With Wolves). Dialogue: on the nose, first-base, kinda perfect mostly. Acting: mostly good, sometimes dodgy.
But just AWESOME
Is that better or worse than being a "big fat phony"?

good lord i can't believe i just made a family guy reference what the **** is wrong with me
Is that better or worse than being a "big fat phony"?

good lord i can't believe i just made a family guy reference what the **** is wrong with me

You do know that family guy reference was actually a reference to catcher in the rye right? o_O