big spurt of new HL2 news real soon, I predict


May 14, 2003
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Why would I make such an inflamatory prediction?

Cus there are definate hints out there:

-Sven promising to release big news soon, and hinting that they are officially working with valve on post-release co-op support.

-Gabe says that new info on multiplayer is coming "soon" in an interview

-They also need a month or so of announcement time for people to get ready for the big mod-expo, which we expect should be sometime in August. They need to publically announce this early enough for people to hear about it and plan their schedules ahead (get plane tickets, hotel rooms, etc.)

-It's almost July.

I expect that next week we'll be seeing another official release of info (i.e., not just one new interview, but some new announcements and maybe even content to look at)

Bets anyone?
that does seem very possible. they've kept us in the dark long enough since e3
yea....i really hope they do release some new info about hl2.I can't wait any longer!!!!
I wouldn't bet on any new video: screenies are much more likely.
not very hard to predict since its getting closer to sept. but still worthy of a post.:dozey:
Yeah: but I predict next week, explicitly. I wouldn't be surprised if it is Monday, or if it is July 1st.
Soon lol from ValVe that means totaly nothing, With there track record i wouldnt put it past them to totaly not post any news till it acctualy goes GOLD.....
Lets face it they dont realy need there PR people. They already have us by the balls with there E3 Movs and screens that were made last September....!

I think they should definitly release some info of some sort for each of the coming month untill the release...of course not revealing TOO much...but just to keep us going...
Sounds good. More likely they'll release another video closer to the games release though. A BIG one with lots of flashy shit, a proper trailer. Not some teenage boy's basement with stinky half-eaten sandwiches in thai sauce and... man I feel like crap tonight...
Let's hope it will be that way, because we ran out of things to talk about :\
some hints about MP would be nice. and maby a couple new monsters 3 or so. that would be fun or see DOG
New official news soon thats what Gabe told me!
adv. soon·er, soon·est
In the near future; shortly.
Without hesitation; promptly: came as soon as possible.
Before the usual or appointed time; early.
With willingness; readily: I'd as soon leave right now.
Obsolete. Immediately.

But Gabe's dictionary

adv.soon-er, soon-est
Days before release.
Unimportant/useless info.
When I feel like it.
Short answers in an interview that leave the community questioning.
As I said, they HAVE to publically announce the date for the mod expo soon if people are going to have time to plan to come.
Originally posted by deepers
you guys need some fresh air...

Its comes fresh?:eek:

What have i been missing all these years?

To be honest i dont want to see any more of HL2 before its released, not even a screenshot. I dont want to spoil the surpires. The video we have already seen has revealed enough to make me want this game more than.....something really important itself.

They havent revealed too much of the story, and aso havent shown us every capability of the engine. Theres also all the weapons and enemies which are still to be discovered. I hope to find out all that stuff for myself, in the game.
I thikn they should just give us the 600MB video with excelent quality, sound, and a high resolution
Yeah, like a direct feed kind of thing, not just some guy on a camera where you hear that same crappy joke over and over again, "Will this run on my 4..86?" "Hahaha"
Anyone know where the MOD-Expo is going to be held? If you do, just tell me right now, I don't want to get my hopes up and then find out it won't be held in Canada.
Originally posted by BaNDiT
I thikn they should just give us the 600MB video with excelent quality, sound, and a high resolution

well Gabe did say they would release the direct feeds soon...but as Guinny also pointed out...a "soon" coming from a game developers isn't much to go by...
Originally posted by stigmata
Anyone know where the MOD-Expo is going to be held? If you do, just tell me right now, I don't want to get my hopes up and then find out it won't be held in Canada.

Most likely Seattle.
they should just give us the tech demo...that would be ownij
lol.. the title sounds like a yoda sentence
Originally posted by Apos
Why would I make such an inflamatory prediction?

Cus there are definate hints out there:

-Sven promising to release big news soon, and hinting that they are officially working with valve on post-release co-op support.

-Gabe says that new info on multiplayer is coming "soon" in an interview

-They also need a month or so of announcement time for people to get ready for the big mod-expo, which we expect should be sometime in August. They need to publically announce this early enough for people to hear about it and plan their schedules ahead (get plane tickets, hotel rooms, etc.)

-It's almost July.

I expect that next week we'll be seeing another official release of info (i.e., not just one new interview, but some new announcements and maybe even content to look at)

Bets anyone?

I dont see how any of those are HINTS. Especially the fact that it's July seems to be only meaning that it's... JULY.. I wouldn't be surprised if they dont release anything more till August.
I dont see how any of those are HINTS.

You don't see much then. July is simply a good point to break new stuff: new month, new PR cycle. The rest is self-explanatory. Add that to the hl2media folder showing up in steam now, as well as gabe saying that we'd be getting video (I was too pessimistic before I guess), and it looks like I'm going to be proven right: next week for sure.
Likely just the direct-from-source (~Source) version of the same E3 video that we all have, but it'd be great if there was just a bit of extra footage. Even including the bit with the flying thingies and the hydra would be cool. I'd love to see both the scene with the ant lions attacking the Combine APC and them calling in for backup, or even the (tech-demo?) bit of dropping the wrench into the gears.
Originally posted by djkanuk
Likely just the direct-from-source (~Source) version of the same E3 video that we all have, but it'd be great if there was just a bit of extra footage. Even including the bit with the flying thingies and the hydra would be cool. I'd love to see both the scene with the ant lions attacking the Combine APC and them calling in for backup, or even the (tech-demo?) bit of dropping the wrench into the gears.

And it whould prolly have better quality