Breaking Bad Season 4

WTF, breakinf bad was renewed for another season? This wasn't the last? I hadn't heard.
Walt's gotta get his still. If this story ends with a happy ending then I'll be disappointed.

As to this finale
The only thing I didn't like was that gore scene. Not because of the gore, but because it was so cheese. I mean, with a concussive blast like that, yeah you might, in your confusion and shock, try to play it cool like that, but he'd be dizzy and stumbling around. The way it it actually happened though just totally ruined the awesome build up and excitement I had when Gus realized what was happening and the crazy eyes Salamanca had.

I was all...
I agree Krynn. They had to have Gus go out in style... all classy even with half his face missing. And the "face off" part of it was quite cheesey as well. No way that dude would be walking out there like that. Maybe if he stumbled out I'd have belived it more, but he would most certainly have been incapacitated if not killed outright, from the simple shock of tissue loss not counting any of the explosives.

Kind of cheesey but oh well.

Oh and yeah a happy ending is not really the best thing... though I did enjoy the ending to this season. I thought it was the final episode of them all... but then it didn't make sense that nothing ever panned out with Hank discovering walt or anything.

I'm pretty sure that's what next season will be about... Hank vs Walt.
I was in disbelief when I saw his face, but it was still so ****ing amazing that I don't even care that it was pretty much impossible. And also, that shit sixteenth posted is so brilliant so I can totally forgive it.

Higher res pic of the gore for those who want to see:

Best show on television, no question. Can't wait for a new season.
I had a feeling Hector might play a role in the finale. Made the connection though when they were showing a wheelchair in the dessert in the "15min to go until the season finale" ads they had. So Walt poisoned Brock to get Jesse on his side. He also persuaded that it was Gus who poisoned Brock and Jesse never made the connection it was Walt. Not bad Walt, not bad as the new bad guy. Hopefully the DEA does not find Gus laptop. :O
Just so you guys know, in that picture from reddit with the stuffed animal that's singed/burnt on one side... that is mirrored from the actual image so the likelihood of that being intentional foreshadowing is extremely slim.

As for the death of Gus, I liked it. It was a very weird moment to be sure, and gives you kind of the impression that he's inhuman, like some kind of terrible android or something. I can see taking issue with the lack of realism there, but at the same time I thought it was a very chilling, appropriate end for a man as evil and calculating as Gustavo Fring. The image of him straightening his tie with half his face blown off certainly stuck with me quite vividly for the rest of the evening.
Seriously satisfied with the finale

I didn't mind the after-explosion scene too much because I've heard from horror stories from my cousin who's a paramedic of people moving around a bit, even taking a few steps, or performing some random action after receiving horrific injuries before succumbing to them. Essentially Gus wasn't really alive during that, just nerves kind of firing and one last action being performed. You can see his optic nerve twitching during that entire scene too. Was pretty great.

I think the most important part of the finale though was how far Walt has descended he:

1. Brought a bomb into a hospital like it was no big deal.
2. Risked the life of his next door neighbor just to check if there were people waiting for him.
3. Let a pipe bomb explode in a retirement center
4. Nearly killed Brock just to get Jesse on his side.

I hope this attitude sticks for season 5. I really like Walt when he's practically a villain
I loved the ending, even though it was pretty weird that
Tyrus didn't notice the IED strapped to Tio's chair when he was specifically looking for suspicious equipment (yes, I realise the IED wasn't there the first time around, but it's implied he still did a quick sweep the second time).

Also I'm a bit ashamed to say that I didn't catch that
Walt poisoned the kid with the plant, despite the close-up at the end; I was like "OK, so what's the significance of that"? :3 By the way, if poisoning from this is common, how come the doctors didn't recognise the symptoms quickly?
@ Unfocused:
Its kind of hard to tell how much time had passed in the last few episodes, so its hard to say. However, its not unthinkable that Jesse telling them that it was Ricin may have thrown them off, plus they were clearly waiting on the Tox-screen results, which they didn't get until this episode.
Did Walt seriously poison the kid just to get Jesse on his side? I know it was pretty heavily implied. I guess that's why they changed it from being Ricin, to actually implicate Walt. Also he risked that poor old woman's life, too. What a monster. Someone said that "Walt died" when we saw his maniac laugh, and I think we'll find that to be true in S5, that he'll be the main villain.

Gus walking out of the room was a nice touch because like Ennui said, it makes him seem really inhuman. At that point you're like "The ****? He's still alive?!". The gore looked silly and ruined it for me though. I do wonder, though, if the third casualty is the old lady next door and Tyrus is still alive.

Goddamn hard was still racing for most of the episode. I kept excepting something terrible to happen at the end to set up for next season.
that ****in episode, hell yeah

You know, I never really thought about it, but the show is called Breaking Bad.

Meth Cooking no longer seems to be the Breaking Bad the show is intending to fulfill... more like, becoming the evil murderous manipulative self-serving psychopath that I think Walt has just crossed into.

I see two routes for next season, or maybe both:
The Cartel themselves were too intimidated to kill Gus, twice. The second time may have been because he controlled the entire US distribution, but the first there was mention of "we know who you are." I wonder who they were afraid of... and if Walt will find out.

Walt goes completely off the deepend, becoming even more ruthless and conniving than Gus. And Mike and Jesse form ULTRA MORALS LEAGUE to stop him. ;)
I was hoping to see Mike at some point. I really would love to see more Mike & Jesse teaming up.
I knew what was going to happen after I saw that face from Hector.

Am I the only one who made the connection as soon as walt really talked to Tio? I saw the most important feature about this man, his bell... being a trigger for the bomb that walt pulled off the vehicle.


Oh and by the way, for you guys talking about Walt's inhumanity. He still seems to show some humanity when he heard news that Brock was going to make it through. I don't think it was for Jesse's sake when he said "Oh thank god." He knew what kind of horrible thing he had done to make everything work like it had... and was relieved that he didn't have any real consequences that would plague his conscience.

Walt has never gotten even close to Gus yet in his criminality. He's still a fairly weak man in terms of his ability to cope under pressure and deal with certain things. He's not completely cold and he's not completely adept at tackling everything thrown at him. He has killed some people in bursts of adrenaline and rage, but he also succumbs to his logical mind often enough to make him second guess everything going on around him and his own actions.
horray for spoilers! Addressing multiple people here so no point in quoting anybody.

I too remarked about the lack of Mike. I thought for sure he'd be back in action by this point. I'm not even sure what role he'd play in the next season though.

I'm pretty sure that the last season is going to just be Walt vs the DEA. One thing that makes me wonder though, is are they even going to get back into cooking meth? I mean, surely they've had enough? If they just quit, then there's going to be no conflict between them and the cartel, and hardly any suspense between them and the DEA. I've gotta figure they do start cooking again (remember that Jesse is on the FBI watch list now, thats gotta be some set-up for next season) but there doesn't seem to be any good reason left for them to get back into it. I mean yeah, Walt's cancer and whatever, but seriously, to think he'd be willing to go through all that again, putting his family at risk again, just because of his cancer seems unlikely. Then again, Walt is going a touch insane. But Jesse is even less likely to want to get back into that. I wonder if he'll figure out what Walt did?

And I'm with you Raz, I saw the bomb thing coming a mile away. I pretty much knew exactly how it was going to go down the second I realized that Salamanca was just screwing with the DEA. Even down to the bell, but that should have been obvious since thats the only thing Salamanca could do. I also agree that Walt does seem to have retained some humanity, which is another reason why I'm skeptical about them getting back into cooking. He does seem to have gotten quite comfortable with killing though, as the scene where he frees Jesse suggests. Its also another reason why I think its going to have a sad end for Walt, because they're having him hold on to a shred of humanity so he can be redeemable later. But then again... could be they're just saving it for him to lose it doing after experiencing/doing something worse?

Damn. I love not having any idea wtf is going to happen in the next season. I already can't wait for it.
I dreamed of Gus last night. Seriously, that was one of the most disturbing images ever. So good.

One thing that hangs me up though is where would Hank's loyalty lie should he unveil Heisenberg, family or DEA? He and Walt have been quite close all this season, bugging Gus's car and all. I'd hate for it to be Hank who pulls the trigger on Walt in the end.

Also, what happened to the cigarette with the ricin vial? I loved the 'Walt poisoned Brock' twist but that seems to big of a gap to not fill.

Also also, Walt won't be the villain. It's his show, it will be his ultimatum next season and it would suck if it was done wrong.

Oh and how good is Vince Gilligan's directing? Best episode yet.
At to the Ricin vial, I think he either did steal it from jesse when he went over there and was fighting him, or he did have Sal's bodyguard swipe it.
Amazing finale, I love this show more and more and can't wait to see where the show goes in the next season. Next summer can't come soon enough
Holy Franken****, that was a brutal finale.
Loved the finale! I didn't want it to end! Next season should be great, it really get's better and better with each episode. I just hope they don't ruin it in the last season.
For anyone wondering what the previous messages were:


And speaking of that, one of the things I love about Breaking Bad is that it's the kind of show that doesn't cut scenes like this if it doesn't have to. It showed the entirety of the 'need dea' and 'suck my' and 'fuc' messages, without a single cut ahead. The slow pace in some scenes is a great contrast to how intense other scenes can be.
Any thoughts folks on how the series will wrap up? *Online Extra's: Also that women who went into Walt's house is Vince Gilligans mom.

The show ends with Hank in pursuit of Walt in a New Mexico desert and he kills, or arrests Walt. The only thing we see on TV is that a major bust has happened with the Mexican drug cartel. The pursuit and tv report both mirror the pilot episode thus completing the narrative circle. When Whitey Bulger was captured I instantly thought of Walt actually:

In regards to season 5

The only way I can see it going is if the DEA somehow end up coming after Walt. On another forum people had suggested that Gus's connections in Chile would come looking around, or some European gangsters would pop up since Pollos Hermanos was part of that german company. It's kind of a stretch, but if they don't decide to go the DEA route, where else could they possibly go?
Getting back to Walt's cancer, you're not going to tell me if it's back or not, and I don't want to know. But Bryan was coughing an awful lot in the last few episodes, which brings to mind the fact that much earlier in the season, Mike was coughing a lot for a while. I've been trained watching years of TV that there's no such thing as a coincidental cough. Was this a coincidental cough?


Did Jonathan Banks just have a cold at the start of production?

(Laughs) You know what? I don't know quite how to answer that. I hate to sound coy, but sometimes there are coincidences and other times there aren't. I have to let that one pass unremarked, so as not to give too much away. -Vince Gilligan
a leaked image of Gus with his face blown off was leaked online a long time ago apparrently. People also enhanced images of the plant and found out what plant it was, thus linking Walt with Brock.
People also enhanced images of the plant and found out what plant it was, thus linking Walt with Brock.

Was that supposed to have happened before the finale aired? Because that sounds like baloney, since we didn't even know it wasn't the Ricin until the finale when the FBI guy said what it was.
Was that supposed to have happened before the finale aired? Because that sounds like baloney, since we didn't even know it wasn't the Ricin until the finale when the FBI guy said what it was.
Why would they have had to know it wasn't ricin? They enhanced the image and found out what plant it was, and they knew it was poisonous. So then the next episode comes up, and we find out Brock has become suddenly very sick. It wouldn't take a genius to put that together, even if the show tried to throw a red herring with the ricin thing.
You know what, **** these spoilers. If you haven't watched the finale yet then go **** yourself.

I just don't see much probability in the notion that someone would "enhance" a random screencap of a plant in the background, and then know that it was poisonous to put two and two together. I'm not saying its impossible, just really unlikely that someone would pick up on that whole thing from a background plant in one scene. But then, I also don't remember the scene shot-for-shot so maybe there was a slight hint in the way the presented it?
Season 5 thoughts

I think it's going to be pretty much everyone against Walt. Mike's (presumably still alive), but I don't think he'd go after Walt. He's not passionate/emotional that way. Tyrus however might still be alive. We have the potential for the Germans. Honestly, a lot of it could just be Walt going back to cooking meth himself. As he said multiple times to Jesse in Season 1, "What's changed?"

He's been throwing around money so much that he's saved less than, what, $100,000? Less than enough to get new identities and go into hiding, at least. They've got the car wash but that isn't turning a profit yet. And now neither Mexico nor New Mexico has ANYONE making Meth. There is absolutely zero competition. I can't see Jesse staying with it after this, provided he and the girl are on good terms. Hell, he might finally discover that Walt let Jane die, not to mention risking Brock's life.

We've got the mess that is deceased Ted to deal with. Who knows if Saul's guys did anything to cover that up. With a broken neck there's little you can do except rig up a noose and stage it as a suicide, but no one is going to buy that he paid the IRS and then killed himself a few hours later.

There has also been some speculation as to who Gus is and where he comes from. Whoever Gus is, it was enough for Don Eladio to not kill him. I can't remember specifically if it's implied that Mike knows it or not, but Gus didn't want anyone to find out. With a name like Pollos Hermanos, perhaps Gus has a brother?

Having S5 be Walt vs. Hank in a big way is something I'd be interested in seeing. It would also have been fitting to see Junior get hooked on meth, but I think the opportunity for that has passed.
I think you underestimate the internet a little bit.

With a name like Pollos Hermanos, perhaps Gus has a brother?
And I think you missed an episode?
I mean, they were running the business together, and I'm pretty sure it was almost directly said during that scene that they were the pollos hermanos. Why would Gus start a business named after him and some random blood-related brother that wasn't even running the business with him?
I mean, they were running the business together, and I'm pretty sure it was almost directly said during that scene that they were the pollos hermanos. Why would Gus start a business named after him and some random blood-related brother that wasn't even running the business with him?

I figured the blood-related brother could have done more with the actual restaurant side of things. But more than likely you are right.
It was all a bit madcap, but overall I enjoyed it: -

Have to agree that Gus walking out was completely unnecessary, but Tio giving him the evils whilst dinging like crazy was frikken awesome. Ding Ding Mother****er indeed. I sure hope Tyrus bought it, as he was a complete asshole.

As for season 5, well I think things are definitely going to get interesting because even with the fire, the police and DEA are definitely going to get involved in looking into Gus's affairs. After all Hank had his suspicions & that Gus was visiting Tio right after his visit to the DEA is bound to set off a lot of alarm bells. I'm also expecting that Hank will be back at work, as he seems to be more mobile now.

As regards lack of Mike. The guy got shot barely a few days back in terms of the series of events, so his absence is no surprise. Plus personally I like Mike as a character, so I'd of hated to see him get wasted as well. I guess what will be interesting is to see how he reacts to events. He's pretty pro, so I doubt he'll be looking for revenge, but he might well put both Walt & Jesse under the screws for messing with his livelihood (he was on a good earner with Gus). It will be interesting to see if the Chilean thing ever pays off, however I wouldn't want a repeat of the Twins necessarily with a Chilean 'Death squad' descending on Walt.

As to Walt, his manipulation of Jesse I think pretty much confirms that he's gone up the river and there's no coming back for him now. I wouldn't be surprised if Hank does catch onto him next year, but at the same time I also wouldn't be surprised if Walt ends up killing Hank and destroying his family in the process (Marie maybe getting pregnant early in the season might be a precursor to something like that).

Shame to see Gus go in many ways, as he was a pretty interesting character. That he had the medical team on standby was really indicative of how thorough he was. It will be interesting to see whether any of that rigour washes off on Jesse next season. Also of course albeit Jesse still has his share of the money (given Skylar used most of Walts spare to pay off Teds IRS bill), it will be interesting to see whether he and Walt get back to cooking. The Carwash in itself isn't a bad business venture for the whites though, so perhaps next season will be all about Walter dodging attention whilst Jesse tries to capitalize on the lack or organized crime with both the Cartel & Gus out of the scene.
Theres a huge vacuum region wide, Walt and Jesse have little to no major competition out there now. My guess though is that they'll lay low for the first few episodes, then after a bit they'll get back to cooking something unique like a new designer drug. One thing I love about this series is that you never know where it'll end up
You know what, **** these spoilers. If you haven't watched the finale yet then go **** yourself.

I just don't see much probability in the notion that someone would "enhance" a random screencap of a plant in the background, and then know that it was poisonous to put two and two together. I'm not saying its impossible, just really unlikely that someone would pick up on that whole thing from a background plant in one scene. But then, I also don't remember the scene shot-for-shot so maybe there was a slight hint in the way the presented it?

I had actually searched on the Lily of the Valley in reference to breaking bad and there were actually people declaring it was the plant that was the poison and not Ricin... well before this current episode aired.

Also the breaking bad website contained shitloads of spoilers including gus's skull face like before or immediately after the airing of the episode. With cast interviews about the entire episode. Spoiler hell if people weren't careful and hadn't seen it live.

Also to the people talking about the Germans. I think Gus was the operations guy for the German company. He's the head of it. German Chilean are a pretty large ethnic group. Not saying he's German Chilean but it could be why there is a German organization that has ties with a Chilean criminal. I don't think there's German gangsters out there involved in this as much as it is just a puppet corporation.
Personally I think Gus is linked to some form of larger organization. I'm thinking political that could be linked to a politician. Gus has no name on record in Chile which even to Hank surprises him. On top of all this it was revealed in "Hermanos" that Don Eladio had to deal with the Colombian drug cartel. Don also spared Gus life because "he knows who he is". You might say it's because he needed a person north of the border but I doubt it. He also did crazy things such as this:

Gus is not just some person from Chile who was extremely smart. He also funded his brother to become a chemist. The guy is linked to the Chilean government somehow. He is very good at persuading people as well like a politician. Probably some young radical Chilean revolutionist who did some really terrible things in Chile but "disappeared" and became Gus Fring.
Thinking back now, Walt seems to want to be the guy in charge of everything more and more. Lately he has become extremely bad ass and its amazing to see his character slowly transition into a man he thought he'd never ever become
I don't think we're really going to have much of anything involving that. I think that'll detract too much from what the season needs to be about, the DEA and Walt. If it comes up, it'll be for bringing attention on Walt as he deals with it.

I doubt the season really is going to spring back so quickly from walt "winning" to walt being the underdog yet again. I think this new season will be about walt being top dog and drawing attention from the DEA as he continues his rise. He most definitely will get back into Heisenberg mode, but this time as his own man.
I think next season the main conflict for Walt will have to be be between Jesse and the DEA. Jesse will probably find out what Walt did (he seemed really suspicious at the end of the finale) and I have this nagging feeling that Hank actually is on to Walt which is why he was having him go on all those ride alongs. Not to mention once the DEA starts looking in to Gus Walt's fingerprints will be everywhere.