Characters with Augmentations


Nov 8, 2003
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Hai all, long time no post.

Ok to get straight to the point I'm doing a write up, and would like a bit of input on which characters you think are the best, and why.

More specifically I'm studying characters that have been augmented, either with armour, or implants that enhance their abilities.. or perhaps even impare them in some way or form.

I'm trying to relate the whole psychology of playing these particular characters back to the design process, to see what influences artists and designers when it comes to creating games like BioShock, or Deus ex (some of the more origional titles).

So I've cherry picked several characters to start. Crossovers between other media and games are allowed, aslong as they are in a game.

Feel free to add more or discuss the ones already listed :) , and urm keep it friendly ; D.

JC Denton

Tony Stark

Cole McGrath
as a member of a half life forum i feel it is my duty to suggest gordon freeman
JC Denton is pretty much all you need really. Hes the epitome of augmentation.
wb Clarky! <3

Protagonist in the System Shock games, because it hasn't been mentioned.
The Crysis games practically jump up and down trying to point out to players that the characters have multifunction uber-suits in their intros. Crysis specifically shows close ups of the suit interacting with the user's body, resulting in some stunts you'll generally have a far more difficult time pulling off.

On some level, it's like having 4 basic Deus Ex augs a click away, without the RPG elements of this or that choices - Armor, Speed, Strength, Cloak. If you force yourself to play with them, you'll have a lot more fun. The trouble is, the most natural choice in a game with such expansive maps is to largely forget the functions even exist and just snipe everything, which really is a paint drying experience. Then, using 'Strength' melee attacks just seems an over-risky extravagance on higher difficulties and using 'cloak' usually makes the game too easy and breaks the AI.

Having played both games twice, I have a much higher appreciation for them now. They're slightly more unique FPS games than they're usually credited as.
Calling him "Megaman" is retarded once you realize his sister's name is ROLL, his brother's name is BLUES (not Protoman), and that lovely figure that I posted up there is named Forte...who was also Bass--as in the low-frequency sound, not the fish. The whole goddamned thing is centered around music. The sides of Rockman and Blues' helmets are fucking headphones. Calling him Rockman isn't a weeaboo thing, it's just realizing that Capcom USA decided to change the name to have more of an appeal to Western audiences. (Despite the fact that rock and roll originated in the West)

It's evident the localization team had no idea there were musical references at all, as evidenced by the fact that they pronounce "Bass" like the fish in Megaman 8. His dog's name was Treble in the US, for fuck's sake. (Gospel in Japanese) All attempts at reconciling the discrepancy went out the window with that one.

Plus fuck you, you see that figure I posted? That's a $200 figure whose box says Forte.EXE, not Bass.EXE. All the Rockman figures I own say Rockman on the box. I'm far too goddamned rich to call them by inferior names.
I was just ****ing with you. Given how many obscure games you've mentioned that I've admitted to playing, I hope you'd realize that. :( Capcom prefers to toy with our emotions. Although, I swear one of the older games addressed him as "Rock" in a flashback to before before he became "Megaman".
Sedako said:
Capcom prefers to toy with our emotions.

Capcom doesn't know what's good for it anymore. See: turning Poison into a post-op woman, getting rid of Indestructible, closing Clover studio.

Speaking of which, would Gene count as an augmented man? He's not augmented with robotics, but his original arm got sliced off and now he has the arm of God.

Rad Spencer and Super Joe from Bionic Commando, they count.

Captain Commando and Baby Head.

Dutch Schaefer gets a robotic arm in Capcom's AvP game.
I don't think people have said Master Chief in this thread enough. OP, what about Master Chief?
I don't think people have said Master Chief in this thread enough. OP, what about Master Chief?

Master Chief is a faceless drone with the charisma of a Rock. Man.

Personally, I like JC Denton best, since his augmentations play a large role in the game's storyline, yet he stops being the superimportant ubermensch once, halfway through the game, he learns that he's still expendable. Fifty bilion dollars down the drain.

That's a brilliant subversion of the trope.
You guys are neglecting that Halo is deep n' relevant n' stuff. It's pretty offensive.
Radd Spencer from Bionic Commando. He's Spiderman with guns!

Also the protagonists from System Shock games were pretty augmented.
Simba from The Lion King games


he has that nice shiny coat which should count...
Though he isnt a really not a known character (nor was he from a particularely good game), the protagonist from Space Siege seems to fit this perfectly. One of the overlying themes of the game is choosing whether to sacrifice your humanity in order to augment various parts of your body with robotics (in the end you can pretty much replace your entire body).

Also, Master Cheif and Nomand are good candidates for characters that consistently wear suits that enhance their abilities.
lol, Lion King. Hm, so who feels more compelled to play as a character who has 'superhuman' qualities, over your standard human/alien who may possibly be a genius?.. but is about as weak as an elderly member of society.
Systems of magic etc also help develop the "augmentation" mechanic, if not as visually as JC or one of the commandos from Crysis. Especially in RPGs and the like where you have some kind of customization over your character's attributes (think FF8)
Kaiden from Mass Effect, though he was a whiny bitch.

And of course
