Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts

It keeps telling me Im not old enough even when I use an account with the age 18+ on it. :|
Evidently I suck at CoH. I like to play as US airborn company (against the computer, in skirmish, that is) but when we start getting into tank battles I get torn appart. My tanks may be more manuverable but that doesn't stop them getting blasted to pieces the whole time, epecially when I run into unexpected 88s. Can anyone advise me on a better stratagy?
Evidently I suck at CoH. I like to play as US airborn company (against the computer, in skirmish, that is) but when we start getting into tank battles I get torn appart. My tanks may be more manuverable but that doesn't stop them getting blasted to pieces the whole time, epecially when I run into unexpected 88s. Can anyone advise me on a better stratagy?

Build lots of AT guns, it works a treat having 3 or 5 AT guns you'll just drop those tanks no problem (having a sniper with camo and 'shooting' off to scout ahead gives the ATs better range).
Right-o. I'll try that, thanks! By the way, who else loves paratroopers? They're awesome ^_^
Paratrooper doctrine is leathel when used properly, like wait for a huge tank advance, meet them with your own tanks and then drop AT guns behind them. Not to mention dropping troopers on fuel points in the later stages and taking them, even if its for a short time, really does bugger up their ability bring more armour out.

I personally favour the infantry doctrine and let team mates get the tanks out, 6 units of Rangers with thompsons and grenades are one hell of a force, their fired up ability will allow them to sprint through MG fire to avoid getting pinned and then mowing down the users. Get the on the side or behind a tank, including the Tiger? Say bye bye to armour, since 6 units weild 12 bazookas, if they were only more accurate with them, then there would be no better unit, save fully upgraded Grenadiers.

Not to mention the off-map artillery is good for taking out fixed defences. The big Arty guns are the prime of it though, 3 of them with ravage anything it bombards, with great thing that there is no smoke so they cant see it coming. I just played a 2v2 recently on that map with the two bridges and the central swamp passage. My tanks had been off fighting in their territory with my allies' and most of them had been wiped out. But wile doing this, I must have put about 6 bombardments on each of their bases with the big arty guns, we rebuilt everything for another attack and met little resistance, because when we reached the their bases they were still in processes of building, because there was hardly anything left of them.
The beta is now open to everyone.

I'd download and play it, but I just don't have the time to beta test a game atm.
Hooray! Snagged my beta key :D now to find a download that's NOT through Fileplanet...
Got mine too. Fileplanet is not that bad just use the download manager. Or download at a stupid time of day. No queues.
Holy shit, I just watched that IGN video...

I wasn't think much of this beta before, but now... holy shit.

It adds Priests! :D!... and the new weather effects look sexy.

**** it, I'm downloading the beta.
British have quite a variety in their arsenal and really good defences. The Panzer Elite actually don't have many tanks but they have really good infantry and can move pretty quickly since their a mobile army, not the type of army to use if you want to sit back, the British are the type that are defensively focused.

So basically it goes like this

Americans: Offensive Allied Army
British: Defensive Allied Army

Wehrmacht(The original German faction): Defensive Axis Army
Panzer Elite: Offensive Axis Army

The Werhmacht and Panzer Elite work well together since the Wehrmacht as you know already can build a lot of defenses, and the Panzer Elite move pretty quickly to assault the front lines.

BTW a tip if you play PE: Use mortar half tracks, they are pretty good at suppresing the enemy.

If you want to read up about the new factions go here:
Bah, beta crashes for me in the server list. I'll fiddle with it before calling it quits but I was looking forward to playing :(.
Finally managed to play a couple of rounds. With one other person and against computers since I can't seem to connect to 99% of the people, but it was fun. Mostly played the British and as already mentioned they are the best turtle faction. I like how the gameplay is quite different from vanilla CoH. The moveable command posts offer some really cool gameplay possibilities. I did find though that a pioneer rush can have a devastating effect on the Brits. You are very weak in the beginning since the starting units are so damn expensive. Haven't properly played with SS yet.
I know that I keep posting about vanilla CoH, insteed of the beta, but anyway: but I just played a skirmish game and turtled like hell as Infantry Company. It was Lyon, I think, where you can just cut everything off by blowing all the bridges, except one and defending it heavily. I just built a few artilleries and then trained some snipers to use as spotters.

When I had them beaten down enough so I knew they were no longer a threat (They lost all of their forces, except for pioneers and a tank, trying to take the bridge, and all I had to do was capture two munition points to cut off their entire supply lines) I trashed my own units to free up population and just built loads of artillery.

At the end of the game I had 11 artillery. It was so funny to watch them attacking an area; they leveled everything.
I know that I keep posting about vanilla CoH, insteed of the beta, but anyway: but I just played a skirmish game and turtled like hell as Infantry Company. It was Lyon, I think, where you can just cut everything off by blowing all the bridges, except one and defending it heavily. I just built a few artilleries and then trained some snipers to use as spotters.

When I had them beaten down enough so I knew they were no longer a threat (They lost all of their forces, except for pioneers and a tank, trying to take the bridge, and all I had to do was capture two munition points to cut off their entire supply lines) I trashed my own units to free up population and just built loads of artillery.

At the end of the game I had 11 artillery. It was so funny to watch them attacking an area; they leveled everything.

Thats fine until the enemy gets clever and blows your position apart with arty. a couple of walking stukas, neubelwaffers or even concerntrated mortar fire can tear a defensive line to piceses in CoH. But yeah, howie spam is fun :D. The only problem is that they don't move which makes them horribly vulnerable to counter battery fire.
Eh, Lyon, Vire and Beaux are all turtle maps. They get old after a while.

Thats fine until the enemy gets clever and blows your position apart with arty. a couple of walking stukas, neubelwaffers or even concerntrated mortar fire can tear a defensive line to piceses in CoH. But yeah, howie spam is fun :D. The only problem is that they don't move which makes them horribly vulnerable to counter battery fire.
Normal AIs generally don't do clever things ;)

I made sure to spread out my ATs as much as possible in case they used a strike on me (And kept an eye out for smoke). And as I said in my post, I made sure to starve them of resources before dismantling my other units to make room for more 105s.
Well thats normal AI lol, in those cases, just build 6 snipers, stealth them in, get all in a line behind the AT guns and fire at will. Bye Bye AT Guns. Then throw the rest of your army through the gap. People always neglect the snipers later on in the game but I always try and group about at least 4 and have them support an attack, if you can get six supporting an attack then the infatry will stand a chance especially against the Axis considering one grenadier units, the most widely used, only has four units.
They would have had to cut through my barbed wire to get the snipers through :)
They would have had to cut through my barbed wire to get the snipers through :)

which can be done with mortars, walking stukas and neubelwaffers. none of which you can hit before they get at least 1 shot off, and walking stukas are a devil to take out with counter battery fire as they move so fast.

Blast a hole in your wire (and probubly a good chunk of your defenses too), zip the snipers through, ta-ta AT guns, roll on the StuGs.

Or rebuild one of the destroyed bridges, they could do that, and sweep up your flank, unless you kept guarding units/MG nests to stop the pioneers.

Man, Lyon would be a nightmare vs Brits. the ultimate turtle faction on the ultimate turtle map. And with the Canadian Artillery doctrine, a much easier time avioding counter battery fire with priests (presumeubly, haven't played the beta) than the US have with howies.
Six snipers?? One is more than enough. Learn and use mortars. They're great against AT.
Yes six snipers, the best anti-infantry group in the game so long they are protected from being rushed. Not to mention if they are being rushed, they can usually take out most of the units rushing them before they reveal them.
Yes six snipers, the best anti-infantry group in the game so long they are protected from being rushed. Not to mention if they are being rushed, they can usually take out most of the units rushing them before they reveal them.
Wow. I really love the British. First thing I did was just jump into a "play now" game with no prior knowledge of them, and it completely threw me off balance. They don't have buildings... they have trucks. And you can't even get engineers until the second tier... and even then you can't build outposts on strategic points. It's all pretty crazy if you've played a lot of CoH like me.

However, I've spent the past couple of hours just playing tons of games with them, and I'm really starting to like them. I love the way you can just pack up your trucks and drive them to the front lines, effectively making squeezing the enemy into a smaller battlefield. Their gliders are bloody brilliant as well - many a time I've been losing a battle, so I just call in a giant glider which smashes through their ranks before some hardened commandos leap out :D

Even the rank system is pretty weird... troops don't gain rank, but they gain a morale boost from being near captains / officers. It's all very strange but it works well.

Haven't tried the new Axis team yet, but from the looks of it their armoured cars are going to be a pain in the ass. In the last game I played I got my ass handed to me because, basically, I didn't have any anti-tank defences (to my knowledge you can't get anti-tank squads, and while engineers can build AT guns, they're static).

Can't wait for this to come out.

By the way, is anyone else having trouble to connecting to people in normal games? I can only play quick 1v1 matches, if I try and join a custom 2v2 it just says "could not connect to player".
I haven't messed with the beta yet, but if it's anything like the original COH alpha/beta versions then you're lucky to be connecting to games at all :p
Yeah, it's horrible, you might perhaps be able to join one game of 15-20.
Connection troubles in the beta are rampant, but they gameplay is sweet. I really like having to learn new gameplay mechanics for the new sides. That's a lot better than old units with a new skin.
I've had this beta for 4 days and have yet to connect to a single game. :(
Hey, sounds like my experience with the full game of CoH. Lollers.
Anyone got it yet? I think I might order it off Steam.
i'll pick this up once they patch the **** out of it
Finally got it installed. That was quite a hassle. But it's a lot of fun to play the new sides properly.

I still can't get the hang of the Panzer Elite. They seem very formidable with all their different halftracks and support panzers, but they kinda lack ... proper tanks.

The Tommies on the other hand are a lot of fun. I really like the way you can turtle with them, and the commander trees add offer very different gameplay possibilities. They start really slow though, so I wonder how that will work out online.

I also like the new graphical effects. The haze you get with fire and explosions looks pretty cool and I really like how the barrels of Howitzers turn red after you have fired them.
Did noone get OF? I always thought there were quite a lot of forumites that played CoH. Ennui, anyone?
I might get OF Saturday-week. Depends on how much cash I have after getting the OB. I'm not going to get any study done this year. :)
I'd get it but I've already spent my gaming money on Bioshock and the Orange Box.

Maybe when Christmas rolls around I'll get it.