Cop fired for tackling cyclist unprovoked

No I understand completely. Turn on the news in bigger cities and you see the deaths of hundreds. Turn on the news around here and it's five meth lab busts a week. It's well known that the news dwells on bad shit more than the children's carnival down the street and how everyone's having a good time. It just kinda seemed that the whole "nvr giv cops the benfit of dubt" line and the biased news were too obvious to be coincidence.
again you dont understand my point ..I dont give anyone the benefit of the doubt just because the person belongs to some organisation applies to every group not just cops
anyways I dont think we should be giving the police the benefit of the doubt just because they're police. they're just as capable as anyone else

I'm not saying we should.

I'm just saying we shouldn't call them 'pigs', spread the slogan '**** the police' etc. just cause some people working there are power abusing assholes.
This whole critical mass thing sounds very dangerous and stupid. Especially the corking bit. "We are traffic." What bullshit, especially if you're blocking real traffic in order to pass through red lights. Bicycles should be banned on roads and should be reclassified as pedestrian/sidewalk vehicles.
This whole critical mass thing sounds very dangerous and stupid. Especially the corking bit. "We are traffic." What bullshit, especially if you're blocking real traffic in order to pass through red lights. Bicycles should be banned on roads and should be reclassified as pedestrian/sidewalk vehicles.

Plus Cyclists in New York are ****ing crazy take the subway god damn it. Weaving in and out of traffic and then crying when they get hit by a car. Yeah welcome to one of the most traffic congested cities in the world asshole.

But yeah as much as I hate cyclists (well the ones here anyway), that cops a jerk. Hell of a tackle though holy shit. Sent the guy flying.

I could imagine him standing over the guy "THAT'LL TEACH YOU TO RIDE BIKES IN THIS CITY AHAHAHAHA"

Edit: Holy shit this is the worst post ever.
Yeah I dont know where I was going with that post. I just hate New York Cyclists. Assholes the lot of them.
This whole critical mass thing sounds very dangerous and stupid. Especially the corking bit. "We are traffic." What bullshit, especially if you're blocking real traffic in order to pass through red lights. Bicycles should be banned on roads and should be reclassified as pedestrian/sidewalk vehicles.

Bicycles on the sidewalk would be a nightmare. Unless every sidewalk is extended and dedicated bicycle lanes are added, this suggestion would be very dangerous for both pedestrians and cyclists.

Corking is illegal, and rightly so. The traffic lights are there for a reason.
Where I used to live there were bicycle lanes in some of the roads. A good idea I thought. In other places though, like the roads by my school of all places, they didnt have them and people road on the sidewalks, which is even more dangerous. The first day I was there, moving into my apartment, I saw a kid and his bike underneat a minivan. There were walls along many properties' fronts that made it hard to see bicyclists and people were hit all the time. I think 4 or 5 students of the school I went to died this way in the two years I lived there.

Plus in busier places ive seen people walking get slammed into by bicyclists, really messing up both of them. Its dangerous business, and one of the reasons I decided to drive to school each instead of bike. Also, I'm out of shape.
More and more people are taking other means of transportation after 'peak oil'

I see people riding scooters and bicycles all the time now, and it's really dangerous on many high speed roads. Cars have to cross into on-coming lanes to go around them. And there have been times when - as I pass the bike, a car comes flying down the road ready to hit me head on if I don't stay in my lane, putting everyone in a deadly situation. The bikes need their own strip along side the road now, at least in high bicycle traffic areas.

Like I said, there will be more and more bikers. maybe in the future they will have more bike paths.
This is a key example of how bikes are brutalised and mistreated in human society. Yes, we're different than you, but it doesn't mean we can't get along :(
This is a key example of how bikes are brutalised and mistreated in human society. Yes, we're different than you, but it doesn't mean we can't get along :(

We've missed you. Certainly a few threads we would have liked you to be involved in.
This is a key example of how bikes are brutalised and mistreated in human society. Yes, we're different than you, but it doesn't mean we can't get along :(

I'm confused ..are you a bike or human?

if you're a bike I'm sorry for kicking the shit out of you (or a relative of yours) and throwing you to the ground every time I failed to do a jump, trick, or wheelie
Seriously, wtf?

Why in the world would you do that?
What the video doesn't show is Pogan arresting Long for attempted assault in the third degree, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct - charges that kept the Bloomfield, NJ, man behind bars for 26 hours before his release late Saturday.
So the bike rider is a bad guy.

In court papers, Pogan accused Long of purposely swerving his bicycle to block traffic and then using it as a weapon to run down the officer, knocking him off his feet and causing a "laceration" on his forearm.
So the cop is a bad guy.

"If it wasn't caught on video people would not have believed it," said Christopher Ryan, who rides with Critical Mass and is filming the monthly protests for a documentary. "The video just shows what the cyclists have been saying all along, that the police are still harassing and intimidating them from doing group rides," said Ryan. "An officer assaulted a cyclist for no reason. It's just crazy."
So all cops are bad guys and all bike riders make lousy generalizations about them.

I enjoy going to the occasional Critical Mass in San Francisco, but like any public gathering, there will be cretins who ruin it for everyone (on both sides of the law).
Aha that video cracks me up, I love seeing people crashing off bikes, but that cop must have been on crack.
Yay for living in a city with bicycle lanes literally everywhere.