Counter-Strike: Source information from BBC Online

Pi Mu Rho

ValveTime Admin | Enemy of fun
Staff member
Aug 5, 2003
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BBC Online have written a news item about the recent release of Counter-Strike: Source and the Half-Life 2 preload.

The main points of interest are a couple of quotes from Valve's Doug Lombardi:

"We are still hopeful, however, to see the game on store shelves this fall,"


"We also plan to experiment with new gameplay types derived from the physics simulation system."

You can read the full article here

Thanks to [Matt] for the head-up
Looking good for HL2 :O

Now it's about time they started thier advertising campaign :)

This is kind of a start.
That's a hell of a lot better than their last attempt. :)

thats nice Doug... so could be after Chrimbo... *runs round screeming*
Lots of news today


yeah, shame its not "HL2 has gone gold & will be released in 2 weeks..."

So they "hope" that they can release it by november. As in, it'll probably be released later, but valve HOPES they can release it by late nov.
Good God valve, get your act together!
As far as valve is concerned the game is done... now its all down to vivendi so aim your vitriol at them!
Look at this sentence from the article: "We also plan to experiment with new gameplay types derived from the physics simulation system"

So I still think they are planning a HL2 multiplayer
Pi Mu Rho said:
The main points of interest are a couple of quotes from Valve's Doug Lombardi:

"We are still hopeful, however, to see the game on store shelves this fall."
Now this concerns me. It seems that any time Doug makes a point of reassuring everybody that there's nothing to worry about, it usually means there's something to worry about!
lonestar said:
hopeful? i need something more positiv. :)

Thats exactaly what I said when I read the news post. Hopeful! HOPEFUL! You better goddamn hope its in stores by fall.
HOPEFULLY THIS FALL.... hmmmm.... they gave us CS:S to tide us over for a few months before HL2's release, or even until 05.

Remember its not big ole fat Dougies falt.... hehehe.
Mountain Man said:
Now this concerns me. It seems that any time Doug makes a point of reassuring everybody that there's nothing to worry about, it usually means there's something to worry about!

CB | Para said:
Fall? it's almost winter!

Even more exactly!
mr_angry said:

Even more exactly!

#1 Uhmmm.... where do you live? Last time I check Fall was September, October, November. Winter is December, January, February. Where I'm at (St. Louis, MO), leaf's have barely started's not almost winter.

#2 Give all your crap to Viviendi... it's in their hands now, and frankly I would be surprised to see it before early to mid December purely on the "Holiday Shopping" value it has for them. As much as we all want this game to come out... you can't blame them for that, it makes good business sense for them.
poofyfinger said:
HOPEFULLY THIS FALL.... hmmmm.... they gave us CS:S to tide us over for a few months before HL2's release, or even until 05.

Yep, and I bet just when we're all at breaking point they'll give us HL1 source to tide us over for a few more months.

There can be no real reason not to say it WILL be on shelves this fall other than something going on behind the scenes.
It will be out late november..all these bloody scare mongers on the boards :angry:...We have the source engine right here, cs:source..there can be nothing left but tweaks and fixes if we have the engine in our hands..

I think VU are just stalling till near makes good business sence. :farmer:
one of the best retail days in the US, for electronics, is the day-after-thanksgiving sale, also known as black friday. tons of people line up outside of stores 4-5am in the morning (i would know, I did it too :-D ) and there are usually killer deals for that day (120gb for $50, 2 years ago ... 100cdr spindle free) ...... many people use this opportunity to also buy stuff for christmas .... but people like me just rack in good deals for themselves :devil:

if vivendi misses that day, they will miss out on a huge opportunity to sell a lot of retail copies ..... i don't think they would DARE miss out on it :smoking:
theIrish1 said:
As much as we all want this game to come out... you can't blame them for that, it makes good business sense for them.
They'll make a shit-load of money if they release it now. They'll make a shit-load of money if they release it later. There's really no point holding it back until the holiday rush.
Mountain Man said:
They'll make a shit-load of money if they release it now. They'll make a shit-load of money if they release it later. There's really no point holding it back until the holiday rush.

Actually, yes there is. If they released it today... we would all run out and buy it... and there would be little residual holiday rush for it.

If they wait until the holiday season, then they will be able to sell it to all of us who would buy it anyway, PLUS to all the kids that ask for it as a throw in for a present, or all the parents that see it and want get it for their kids that don't even know they want it.

If they wait until the holiday shopping season, far more people would be buying it retail then would be right now. It's pretty hard to wrap up a steam download and give it as a present.
The BBC are always putting up Half-Life 2 stories. At least 1 every 2 weeks or something. I think someone there is a big fan.

I'm not complaining. I think it's cool.
theIrish1 said:
Actually, yes there is. If they released it today... we would all run out and buy it... and there would be little residual holiday rush for it.

If they wait until the holiday season, then they will be able to sell it to all of us who would buy it anyway, PLUS to all the kids that ask for it as a throw in for a present, or all the parents that see it and want get it for their kids that don't even know they want it.

If they wait until the holiday shopping season, far more people would be buying it retail then would be right now. It's pretty hard to wrap up a steam download and give it as a present.

because all the people who would buy it during the christmas season WOULDNT be buying it anymore if it came out now. You either buy it now, or you buy it then. By coming out early it doesnt make anyone go 'no , **** that game Im not buying it'
You clearly have no idea how marketing and product selling works..
theIrish1 said:
If they wait until the holiday shopping season, far more people would be buying it retail then would be right now. It's pretty hard to wrap up a steam download and give it as a present.
Good point. I suppose getting an envelope with account information on a slip of paper isn't quite as exciting as a game box.
DNF will be released before Half-Life 2 is. :dozey: Who am i kidding, Doom IV will be released before DNF.
You guys can't forget about FIFA 2007 and NHL 2007 being released before Half Life 2.

WAIT! CS:Source:Sources 2 XP Deleted Scenes will be ready before HL2 as well.
Pi Mu Rho said:
"We also plan to experiment with new gameplay types derived from the physics simulation system."

Interesting.... Is he thinking about adding more gameplay types to CS:Source OR are we infact going to see a HL2 Multiplayer?

Nice read BTW.
The guys saying these possible delays are down to Vivendi are just speculating, you don't know that for sure.

Might be worth reading this anonymous industry insider quote from HL2Fallout-

"Vivendi is very eager to get the game out ASAP and Valve submitted RC5 late last week to Vivendi for testing. I think they were down to three show stoppers after RC4, nothing huge. They're being very careful about getting a stable release out the door and with all the big reviews hitting the net I'm not surprised. It's looking to be something very special. The delays are not Vivendi sitting on a finished game or Valve not playing fair."

If this is true (I know it's a big if) then Vivendi aren't to blame. From what I've heard several RCs is just normal, so HL2 is going through what every game normally goes through, and you guys have to accept that it does take time. To me it sounds like HL2 will finally go gold in the next few weeks, and it could easily still make Nov 23rd.
fish99 said:
.......To me it sounds like HL2 will finally go gold in the next few weeks, and it could easily still make Nov 23rd.

We should all search the net and see how many times and how far dated back "a few weeks" means in English.
fish99 said:
If this is true (I know it's a big if) then Vivendi aren't to blame. From what I've heard several RCs is just normal, so HL2 is going through what every game normally goes through, and you guys have to accept that it does take time. To me it sounds like HL2 will finally go gold in the next few weeks, and it could easily still make Nov 23rd.
Its obvious that its not true. Has there been one review that has mentioned the game freezing or full of bugs? Reviewers mention these bugs even if the game is still beta, they may put a disclaimer saying its not the final version and the bugs will probably be fixed, but they ALWAYS mention them. Imagine HL2 being released and it had "show stopping" bugs still in it, the magazines would be screwed for giving such high scores to a buggy game. We will see a november release, which will prove vivendi has been purposely delaying the game. "show stopping bugs" probably mean:

RC1: font color not beige enough
RC2: font color a bit too beige, liked it more before
RC3: font color ok, but hl2 icon not the right orange
RC4: the new orange doesnt compliment the font color anymore
RC5: now that we actually played the game, the loading screen is kind of boring
*2 weeks untill thanksgiving*
RC8: Everything looks great, setting the default mouse speed to 6 instead of 5 and making sure the cursor is 3 pixels larger made a huge difference, the game is now Gold
mandown said:
Its obvious that its not true. Has there been one review that has mentioned the game freezing or full of bugs? Reviewers mention these bugs even if the game is still beta, they may put a disclaimer saying its not the final version and the bugs will probably be fixed, but they ALWAYS mention them. Imagine HL2 being released and it had "show stopping" bugs still in it, the magazines would be screwed for giving such high scores to a buggy game. We will see a november release, which will prove vivendi has been purposely delaying the game. "show stopping bugs" probably mean:

RC1: font color not beige enough
RC2: font color a bit too beige, liked it more before
RC3: font color ok, but hl2 icon not the right orange
RC4: the new orange doesnt compliment the font color anymore
RC5: now that we actually played the game, the loading screen is kind of boring
*2 weeks untill thanksgiving*
RC8: Everything looks great, setting the default mouse speed to 6 instead of 5 and making sure the cursor is 3 pixels larger made a huge difference, the game is now Gold

Wow, never read so much crap in my life, thanks :D