crazyharij's digital paintings and stuff


Sep 20, 2003
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I haven't been drawing alot for the latest 2 years, to do music and stuff instead, but the other day I found my old wacom tablet and did a DSG on It was as fun as it ever was, so I figured I might as well keep doing this and have a neat lil' sketchbook to keep track. :)



Paul's idea generator made me do this:

Very cool stuff, love the disgruntled look on the drunk.

That idea generator thing is great, too. I don't do much digital sketching stuff anymore ('cept for lines/colours in illustrator when scanning in work) but that things very cool for on-the-fly working regardless. Gonna give it a go now in my sketchbook.
Cheers! The idea generator is insane.
"A extremely pale demon attacks a drooling hat-wearing skeleton on an asteroid! You have 45 minutes!"

I'm soo gonna do that one.
I think it'd be pretty interesting if a thread were to be made and a few people contributed with ideas thrown out to them by the generator. My brain hasn't exactly melted right now - I've got more than a few different things I'm working on - but this thing is pretty fun just in general!
****ing lol;

I think it'd be pretty interesting if a thread were to be made and a few people contributed with ideas thrown out to them by the generator. My brain hasn't exactly melted right now - I've got more than a few different things I'm working on - but this thing is pretty fun just in general!

I'm totally up for it, if there's an interest in it.
Sweet. Good stuff. The last one with the skeleton is pure awesome

.. and just in time for Halloween.
I'm down, though my drawing isn't all that great.
A horrifying one-eyed bird has dinner with a sword-wielding man on horseback in a crypt! You have 45 minutes!
I like them all : D
Although i think you could use more atmospheric perspective and a better way to build up your scenes.
An easy way of doing this is starting with the background, working your way up to the foreground.
Also using a palette with more moody colors, or color correcting your scene afterwards would make it more dramatic and tie stuff together, making it a more believable picture and easier to "read". Just my 2 cents though ; D
Keep it coming!

They're good. Real simplistic figures if I might add.
I like them all : D
Although i think you could use more atmospheric perspective and a better way to build up your scenes.
An easy way of doing this is starting with the background, working your way up to the foreground.
Also using a palette with more moody colors, or color correcting your scene afterwards would make it more dramatic and tie stuff together, making it a more believable picture and easier to "read". Just my 2 cents though ; D
Keep it coming!


Thank you very much mate. I really appreciate the advice. =) Especially atmospheric perspective, i've been meaning to implement that, not the most obvious thing in the world when i'm sitting there just wanting to hit save for web :D

Color is a tricky subject for me. Usually I go with very desaturated palettes and find it hard to bring that extra life with more saturated colors, they either look out of place or too intense, stealing the attention from the rest of the picture.
I'm not a huge fan of color correcting and overlaying, I like it to look just like I painted it, but mostly to learn to use the colors myself. I'm a bit cautious with my use of colors when doing objects and characters, I don't want them to look out of place from the environment. I'm going through a LOT of trial and error right now going on right now, but it's a fun journey. :)

They're good. Real simplistic figures if I might add.

Thank you naph. I want to create more lively and elaborate characters. I'm playing around alot right now to refreshen the basics, but mostly to have fun. I'm doing figure practice though. =)

I just loved your sleeping siberian tiger, very beautiful. ;)
I'm reminded of Grim Fandango, for some odd reason.
Two of your images apparently violate terms of service...?

Really cool stuff, Harij. Digital painting right?
Man, I really like this stuff. Fantastic!

In that one where a girl is holding a staff, I notice that at the bottom the staff is disconnected from the rest. Is that intentional?
Man, I really like this stuff. Fantastic!

In that one where a girl is holding a staff, I notice that at the bottom the staff is disconnected from the rest. Is that intentional?

Thank you very much. :)

Oh, I didn't notice that. She was holding the staff in a very odd angle for quite some time until I decided to try and push the whole thing in a bit, guess I missed the bottom part, never went down there much :p lol
Do you have any half life ones?

Anyways, I love every single one of them. You're brilliant with colors. In the very second picture on the first post of the first page, what are the settings for your brush? I'm talking of the blue bubbles of air or whatever that is. I know its 100% hardness, but not sure what you used for alpha and flow?