Deus Ex 3 Info

Sep 28, 2003
Reaction score
From CVG:

The first details on Eidos Montreal's Deus Ex 3 have been revealed, in the pages of PC Zone's landmark 200th issue.

It's out in the shops on Thursday, but PC Zone subscribers are reporting that copies of PCZ number 200 have hit doormats this morning. The cover game? Deus Ex 3 - the long-awaited return of the world's favourite nano-augmented RPG-shooter.

In essence, it looks and sounds fantastic. The art direction is a beautiful meld of the renaissance and cyberpunk (tying into the game's Leonardo Da Vinci motif) and is going for a lot more stylised look than the sort of game that comes from the Unreal Engine cookie-cutter.

It sounds like Eidos Montreal isn't leaving anything to chance; a "powerful, layered" plot is promised for the third game - which has been confirmed as a prequel set in 2027- and the dev has even drafted in the consultative talents of original writer Sheldon Pacotti, while also gaining the blessing of both Harvey Smith and Warren Spector on the project.

You're cast as average joe Adam Jensen, who works as a private security officer at a technology lab specialising in biomechanical augmentations, a forerunner to the sort of nanotechnology shown in the original Deus Ex. One day the path of his life is unexpectedly altered as a team of black ops commandos break into his company's HQ, and using a security plan from Jensen's own hand, a mass slaughter ensues and the conspiracy begins.

"Deus Ex 3's vision of the future sees holographic screens flicker atop ferries moving back and forth in front of the Shanghai skyline, now split into two layers with the rich on the top and the poor in perpetual twilight below," says PCZ.

Eidos Montreal says it's more than aware of fan reaction to controversial second game, Invisible War, and promises mistakes, such as limiting ammo types to just one, won't be repeated.

This said, they are doing their utmost to please newcomers as well as existing fans. Perhaps controversially this time around combat won't be influenced by stats, but will rely purely on your personal marksmanship skills. Instead stats will influence "a vast array of fully upgradeable and customisable weapons", and you'll be able to tailor your arsenal to your play style with mag upgrades, scopes and other add-ons.

What's more, stealth will now rely on a cover system rather than shadows, and damage will be dealt with by a very Call of Duty-style auto-heal. There's probably going to be some debate over those two.

Augmentations have been bumped up and sound fantastic. 20 have been promised for the final game, ranging from 'bungee jump' tentacles that shoot from your back and anchor to a wall when you jump off a building, and the ability to punch through walls to grab enemies in neighbouring rooms.

Deus Ex 3 certainly sounds very, very promising - if a little controversial for die-hard PC fans. And just wait until you see the shots...

For more info and the first screenshots see the full ten-page preview in the 200th issue of PC Zone, out October 9 (and in subscribers' hands now). Happy 200th issue, by the way.

"WAAAAH it's too different from the first game, I'll never ever enjoy this ;("

[edit]: bit more info:

3rd person for stealth as it now uses a metal gear style cover system as opposed to shadows.
Hacking involves a mini game (a la system shock, bioshock)
There is hand to hand combat.
Skill points return and are expanded.
Multiple endings.
I'm pissed about the healing, stealth and even more about the bullshit skill system, but damn, those augmentations may just make up for it if they work they way I imagine them.
I'm pissed about the healing and the augmentations. What the hell, it's a prequel. JC was one of the first augmented people and he didn't have all that stuff.
He was one of the first nano augmented people. People had mechanical augs way before him.
I thought Gunther and Anna were the first mechanaugs anywhere in the world, or where they just the first mechanaug agents?

And was JC the first nanoaug, or the first nanoaug agent?
Also pissed about the health system. Why take something that has, in my opinion, made so many good games far too easy? The steal system also; what the hell? I don't exactly get how different the cover system would be to shadows, but shadows are just as important. I'm fine as long as it works though.

****ing health, though, seriously. It's like they're catering to everyone who cries when their character is dying and they can't find a health pack. Pussies.
Blah, auto-healing really has no place in a game like Deus Ex unless they're going to neuter the RPG elements, which it sounds like they are. Seems like they're shifting more towards greater "customisation" rather than actual choice as in the first game, but I could be wrong.

Also, I've never understood why the Metal Gear style of stealth couldn't be done in first person. What happened to the trusty ol' lean feature? Just make the character less visible while leaning so you can get a bead on where your enemies are without risking exposure, and voila, no immersion-tearing perspective changes every time your back hits a wall.

Not liking it the sound of it, but I'll remain cautiously optimistic until I see some actually gameplay.
True... autohealth does sound extremely retarrrrdeeed...
Most things sound fine except augs that sound a bit over the top, especially the tentacle thing, and the bloody auto-healing system..

It kinda sounds like they can't decide what audience to cater too IMO..
I thought Gunther and Anna were the first mechanaugs anywhere in the world, or where they just the first mechanaug agents?

I definitely remember hearing conversations about others who had mechanical augs. I think they were pretty common by the time JC came along.

And was JC the first nanoaug, or the first nanoaug agent?

Well, Paul was the first nanoaug, and then came JC. And both of them became agents, so they were both the first nanoaugs ever, plus the first nanoaug agents.
Wtf, there's a third? Holy awesome, batman!
I definitely remember hearing conversations about others who had mechanical augs. I think they were pretty common by the time JC came along.

The person serving drinks in the Hell's Kitchen club had mech-augs.
I definitely remember hearing conversations about others who had mechanical augs. I think they were pretty common by the time JC came along.
The bartender in Hells Kitchen had mechanical augs didn't she?
and damage will be dealt with by a very Call of Duty-style auto-heal


I am kinda disappointed I knew I set my hopes too high for this game. Oh well at least I can hope it's better than IW.
Sounds f*cking awesome, f*ck the haters.
****ing health, though, seriously. It's like they're catering to everyone who cries when their character is dying and they can't find a health pack. Pussies.

It does seem like a weird choice for Deux Ex. I'd rather have to source materials to heal/repair myself. Health packs are shite, though, and should go the way of the dodo.

For action orientated games I think recharging health/shields is all good. It encourages risk taking, experimenting, and can make for a much better experience. Take Halo 3 on hard settings - always inches from death, hopping from cover to cover, quickly recharging and ready to jump out and kick ass. No down time - it would fail miserably with health packs and become a quick save/load em up (the true sign of a poorly designed fps). CoD borrowed the system and did it poorly.
Let me tell you all, i am kind of disappointed. But its Deus Ex and im really hoping for the best. Now im going to see the scans. Lets see if my mind changes.


Ok a few poins on the plus only 1 thing i dont like and thats the most top right scan, guy looks stupid. Everything else = win.
They just need to keep universal ammo, as for the rest it sounds kickass.
Also haus has much better scans:
kaday's the reason you can't have nice things
Auto-heal?! TPP cover system!? What the **** :|

Why the hell do devs feel the urge to modify the games to suit the casual gamer with a gamepad. Newbies to the series are happy and veterans cry.

I'm also looking at Fallout 3 here. I'll e-mail Hines to add an auto-heal perk rite now.

Apart from that Deux Ex 3 looks quite promising.

They just need to keep universal ammo, as for the rest it sounds kickass.

I'm glad their getting rid of the "hide in the shadow, right in front of the enemy guard" thing. Although it made playing the first game easy, it is probably an immersion breaker, as described in the other thread.
Why the hell do devs feel the urge to modify the games to suit the casual gamer with a gamepad. Newbies to the series are happy and veterans cry.

Because there are more newbies than veterans.

Gray Fox said:
They just need to keep universal ammo, as for the rest it sounds kickass.

I think this was a typo, but if not... go die in a fire.
Looks pretty ballsy, actually. And hell yeah bungee tentacles.

Auto-heal...meh meh. I don't care one way or another about it. Autoheal, in general, has allowed me to progress through games without worry of death, but although the challenge is taken away it means that I can go through the storyline both faster and without the break in immersion from death screens.

It's not like autoheal in an FPS is any different from stocking up on health early on and using quicksave/load so that you're always at an acceptable health level.

Anyway, I'm digging the style. The environments look cool, and the way the augs look...also, cool fashions.
According to the deus ex 3 forums the pic that says "always with the vats" is in game.
It does seem like a weird choice for Deux Ex. I'd rather have to source materials to heal/repair myself. Health packs are shite, though, and should go the way of the dodo.

For action orientated games I think recharging health/shields is all good. It encourages risk taking, experimenting, and can make for a much better experience. Take Halo 3 on hard settings - always inches from death, hopping from cover to cover, quickly recharging and ready to jump out and kick ass. No down time - it would fail miserably with health packs and become a quick save/load em up (the true sign of a poorly designed fps). CoD borrowed the system and did it poorly.
I don't know, I do agree that health packs do encourage you to load more when you're out of them, but I do prefer the challenge of them. In game that use recharging shields for instance, it's always just seemed to be a little too easy to get through a level. Perhaps it's just I've never felt the balance right. I found the Halo series in general to be pretty damned easy even on legendary (coop) because of the shields.

I also enjoyed the Deus Ex series' healing system, where you could concentrate on certain parts of your body for healing if you didn't have enough health packs. And again as it's a prequel, it would stand that a character just wouldn't be able to heal themselves. I would like to point out here that I really enjoyed Deus Ex 2's later aug of being able to eat enemy corpses for health. While it made it really easy to survive, it was more of an accomplishment because it wasn't something you started out with.

Oh but I saw in that scan that the stealth system employed a 'cone of vision' similar to the MGS series. Excellent idea in my opinion, as I think they did stealth rather well. If they improve on it though, and don't make it too simple, then it might just work out.
A prequel sounds interesting. I'll pick up Zone next week for the full scoop. As I understand it the game is first person but switches to third for the cover system.

Also I know people are excited (or not), but can we not post links to magazine scans. Gaming magazines are dying because of ever decreasing readerships, don't encourage it. It was embarrassing with the farcry 2 thread with people posting links to PCG, and the guy who wrote the actual article posting his disappointment in the thread. :dozey:
Eh .. some good things, some bad things.

The move towards cover based stealth is an excellent decision in my opinion. Shadow stealth always winds up looking stupid, or forces designers to make areas darker than they otherwise would just so the gameplay conceit works. Even in Splinter Cell, a game which focuses on it, the effect is often really silly. Cover based is much better (though maybe a "camo" system like MGS 3/4 when you're in shadows would complement it nicely). Would prefer that it stay in first person but not too bothered.

The healing I kind of have a problem with. It doesn't really make sense with the canon for one thing, but my main problem is that DE already had a really cool health system. If they had taken that and evolved it ... that would've been much better. I at least hope the recharging health thing is a mod, and that by having it you're choosing to sacrifice something else that would be similarly helpful.

The biggest problem that no one seems to be bothered by is that stats don't seem to play an important role in combat any more, but rather it's all based on the guns you find and the upgrades you give them...
I don't want to say too much because I don't want the magazines getting pissed, but when it comes to gameplay, DX3 is very much a Deus Ex game.

It's still based around making decisions which have consequences, selecting from a multi-path, multi-solution approach in a non-linear space (think DX1 not Invisible War), and you're able to customize your character (Adam) as well as your weapons. DX3 is an action/RPG just like the first game.


This got me ****ing HYPED!!!!

Im all ****ing into this right now. **** what i said before!!!!!!!!!

I don't think it's a character in the game. I think it has hidden meaning...


Without saying too much (I'm sorry!), the social aspect of the game is extremely important. Do not fear.

If they'd revealed this direction after the original, I'd have probably been wailing something terrible. After Invisible War, anything sounds promising.

That said, the art direction seems to be taking an Invisible War approach to things, which is hilarious considering that this game is supposed to be a prequel to Deus Ex. If I could recommend one piece of research for the new team, it would be Warren Spector and Harvey Smith's IW postmortem.
Harvey Smith said:
"It undermined a lot of what made Deus Ex great .. the familiar and the groundedness. You're going through an alley, jumping onto a dumpster to get to a fire-escape to break into someone's apartment. Now we've seen Alleys, and dumpsters, so it's very grounded.

We moved it further into the future and it started to feel more like the Jetsons."
I'm also concerned that there doesn't seem to be any open areas revealed yet. I don't want Deus Ex 3 to be another shoebox shooter.
I'm also concerned that there doesn't seem to be any open areas revealed yet.

Theres been hardly any information revealed yet, so dont get too worried yet. This media release is really the only quantifiable information we have gotten about the game yet.