Do you shave?

Do you shave?

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Shave face when nessisary, which isn't that often.
Only face, I don't shave my whole body because I'm not some freaky metro. :rolleyes:
But all cool, burly men have a bushel of chest hair peeking out of their collar.
i shave my face daily and dez nutz every 2ish days. I dont want some chick with a huge bush so i figured maybe they don't either.
I wonder if you could shave your forehead until you grew hair out of the center of your head, and then gel it and have a unicorn horn
Shave my face about 2 times per week (only 16, so it doesn't grow in that quickly, yet) and trim my armpits and groin (those 2 grow remarkably fast, opposed to everything else not growing fast, tis weird).
I shave my chest like once a month (grows stupidly slow, I only do it because I'm skinny, only fat-ish people (people who look fat, but it's muscle, or regular fat people) should have chest hair, fits the image, y'know?), and shave my ass when it starts getting annoying.
Hey, I just noticed the ass-hair shaving story didn't get posted yet... Only a matter of time, I suppose..
My facial hair is blonde so it isn't really visible, but I still shave it about once a week.

To whoever posted that this is a random thread, it is what you get from browsing the image dump at 2:30 in the morning.
ya i shaved my groin once, pretty unpleasant. but i shave my face alot, and trim now.
I'm surprised at the number of anus shavers. Doesn't a bald anus lead to leaky anus like that one dude on the Interwebs had?
I shave my face every two or three days usually. My facial hair is blond so it doesn't stand out too much. I keep my chest shaved only down to the collar bone or else it's visible out the collars of my shirts and looks retarded. I trim my arm pits when my deodorant can't really work. I've never really felt the need to shave my crotch...
I shave my face three times per week.

I tend to cut away the worst of the armpit hair roughly once a month, but I wouldn't call it a shave.
I just opened this thread to see the updates, and there are ads for razors all over the top of the page... Did any of the mods have anything to do with that?
Contextual advertising. They change automatically to things related to what's on the page..