Do you smoke?

Do you smoke?

  • Total voters
What the **** were you doing smoking when you were 6?!
I used to smoke, but then I grew a damn brain. :l
smoking is so cool.
Looks like deep fried roast beef.

What is it though?
looks like a damn carnita burrito from chipotle
Looks like deep fried roast beef.

What is it though?

The tip of a cigarette.

It looks disgusting.

When you look at it like what it is yeah, but if you think of it as meat, it doesn't look half bad. Well, other than the fact that it looks really dry and no sauce. Which is bad unless it's jerky.

It looks delicious.

I bet it doesn't taste as good as it looks!

looks like a damn carnita burrito from chipotle

Haha... haven't had one of those, but I would probably agree. It does look like a slice of a meat filled burrito.
lol it looks like a sack full of beef jerky or something, it actually looks good.

After being burned of course.

I love macro photography.

EDIT: lol

Holy f*cking shit!!!!!111 A f*cking burnt cigarette!!! /barf !

That wall filled with chewing gum IS disgusting.
Haha, lets see what those inanimate objects have to say about that.

Probably nothing.
Let's not pretend that smoking doesn't make you super ****ing cool on the internet you guys!
Nope. I do not smoke. Tried two puffs off a cigarette when i was like 12... both were nasty and I didn't like it. So I never tried it again.

Pretty much the same thing for me. Ran to the kitchen sink and started gulping down water as soon as the smoke hit my lungs.
looks like a damn carnita burrito from chipotle
You have to admit, caring that little about your own health is pretty bad ass.
Tobacco is nasty shit. Even if you just crush upraw tobacco leaves they start going brown really quickly because they're so full of proteases and other degradative enzymes.
After sex -- 0%

Haha, oh, you do know how to brighten my day.

Fuck yeah.

looks like a burnt walnut, coated in a small amount of marshmallow.

other than that it looks like lucid's lungs.

as for smokers vs fatties, id have to go smoker if she was fit
I've smoked... seven cigarettes. Four while drunk, two while high, and two halves while sober. By the last half-cigarette the head buzz no longer masked the horrible taste and smell, and I felt kind of sick. So no more cigarettes for me :D
Nope cant stand the smell or the taste or the fact it that it doesn't do ANYTHING for you.
I did. I have other nicotin addictions though.
And sometimes when im out, and some girl im trying to pick up is going out for a smoke.
10 Reasons why you should smoke:
-Helps you cope with stressful situations.
-Interrupts your day with enjoyable breaks.
-Helps you relax and unwind at the end of the day.
-Stops you from feeling bored or lonely.
-Alleviates anxiety and depression.
-Helps you feel comfortable in social situations.
-Makes it easier to focus and concentrate.
-Prevents nicotine withdrawal symptoms.
-Helps keep your weight down.
-Allows you to create a purposeful pause in any conversation.

/jk :D Kids... remember... dont smoke!! BA will rape you like your a naked Eddie Murphy blowup doll.

I enjoy smoking, i like the taste and the feeling when inhaling smoke...
if I smoke a cigarette fast, I'll get a slight nicotine high, which i mostly enjoy.
Also it helps me in crunch time (working late, over the weekends etc) as it forces you to take a break every 2 hours orso...
And phobie... you smoke? *high five* : )

I smoke, but not much. I used to smoke a lot. My blood is mostly red wine and nicotine now.

I maybe have 10 a week, maximum. Compared to the 10-20 I smoked daily when I was 17/18. When I go back to France I smoke double what I do in London. Oops.

Now I like to sit down and write or watch TV or..not eat, and have a little cigarette. Good times!
Oh wow, I'm the first person to vote "After sex".

Score. Although I guess I should slow down a bit.
The hell does smoking do after sex anyways? Why?