Doom Movie Update


May 14, 2003
Reaction score
Just saw this on, looks pretty cool if they do it right.

The story follows eight marines, teleported into a command centre of a secret base on a remote planet. There, they learn that something strange is happening and soon monsters start to appear. The monsters aren't from hell, but rather people mutated by some nasty super-virus although the monsters look very similar to those in the game.

...Producers claim that the film will be more of a horror than an action shooter.

There will be loads of shooting though, especially in the end where a large number of sequences will be shot purely in "first-person" perspective of the leading character (Karl Urban). The chainsaw and Bio Force Gun do appear in the film.

i really like the part about the first person perspective. i could definitely see potential there

original source -
That's ****ing ridiculous. The entire Doom story is "monsters from hell", hell is synonomous with the name Doom, Hell is what defines what Doom is all about. Hell I can't believe iD software whored out their awesome idea so easily.

Monsters from hell is a far cooler idea than a crappy Resident Evil'esque super virus.

I'm not happy about this. I'm going to run off in a huff.
Mr-Fusion said:
That's ****ing ridiculous. The entire Doom story is "monsters from hell", hell is synonomous with the name Doom, Hell is what defines what Doom is all about. Hell I can't believe iD software whored out their awesome idea so easily.

Monsters from hell is a far cooler idea than a crappy Resident Evil'esque super virus.

I'm not happy about this. I'm going to run off in a huff.
Seriously? When did Hollywood get this ****-brained idea that super-viruses (or ANYTHING, for that matter) are scarier that Hell? It's ****ing HELL! Why change it?
I don't like this. This is nothing like the game. Just like a lot of movies based on games, they stray away from the game's storyline.
Bio Force Gun?
It's the Big ****ing Gun 9000!
lol ya i dont like that either. i think it will flop but i would lilke to be wrong.

but they are using karl urban(borne supremacy)
:| They change the main point of disaster, "super-virus" what kind of stupid ass shit is that ? You see potential in a 1st person perspective? Eh hello, Blair Witch Project... yeah, you like headaches?
It's either a joke or.... no it's a joke

*places fingers in ears and thinks of his happy place*
i wonder if it will sell? most movies based on games only sell well if they're something mainstream like "tomb raider" or "resident evil". doom however, while it isn't mainstream, it is like one of the first FPS ever so maybe people wil remember it and go watch it (seeing as its an 18). there will probally be a lot of DVD sales, due to all the little geekies who were too young to see it at the cinema (like me) :)
Let's have a war. We could all use the money.

Edit - Doom not mainstream? It's the most well-known shooter of all time :| The name 'Doom' is synonymous with the term 'First Person Shooter'.
All we can hope is that the writer has made a mistake. If not then im guessing its one of two things-
1. If they have a red lolipop i want a red lolipop
2. darn stupid american christian group whineing
i imagine there will be some twist towards the end, such as the virus was sent from Hell, making way for another terrible franchise.
Cripes, I hated Resident Evil and here they are trying to make a clone!!!

Why not hell? When did Hollywood get so lame and unadventurous? I'm surprised id are letting them change the story so much, hell if they tried to do that with one of VALVe's games VALVe would tell em where to get off.

""space marines" are not well "space marines" as their outfits are more like SWAT team members."

Oh god, they are trying to clone RE!
Farrowlesparrow said:
Super virus....Its just resident evil in space.
No, it's a tad better, it's Resident Evil in space with a chainsaw and BFG9000, though that's still not saying much, i doubt this movie will be worth paying for a matinee for even, though it may be worth a download....or a rental or something legal like that
Weeee, another Resident Evil. I was hoping they wouldn't **** up this movie, but it looks like they might do just that. I will say that the first-person shooting sequences at the end sound like they could be awesome.
This is the stupides thing you could do with the Doom ip,
although I really did enjoy RE.
Sounds good but i would have liked if they stayed witht he hell part more.