Fallout 3 Lives


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
Fallout 3 Lives + New Elder Scrolls in development

Bethesda is takeing over development (Marrowind devs) I will for sure buy it!

press release:

Bethesda Softworks to Develop and Publish Fallout 3

July 12, 2004 (Rockville, MD) - Bethesda Softworks® announced today that it
will develop and publish Fallout® 3 -- a sequel to the highly popular
Fallout® role-playing game franchise. Bethesda licensed the rights to the
Fallout® franchise from Interplay Entertainment Corp. (OTC Bulletin Board:
IPLY) in a deal that awards Bethesda exclusive worldwide rights to the
Fallout® franchise on the PC, home consoles, handhelds, and other media,
with the rights to develop and publish additional sequels.

"We're extremely excited about this opportunity and what it means both for
Bethesda and for Fallout fans around the world," said Vlatko Andonov,
president of Bethesda Softworks. "Fallout is one of the great RPG
franchises. Millions of Fallout games have been sold worldwide, and fans
have been eagerly awaiting the release of a Fallout 3 title. Bethesda's
proven expertise in this genre, building on our experience and the
tremendous success we have enjoyed with our cutting-edge Elder Scrolls®
series, will enable us to create the next chapter of Fallout that is worthy
of the franchise."

Originally released in 1997, Fallout places a player in the role of a
Vault-dweller, who ventures from his secluded, underground survival Vault
into a post-apocalyptic world of mutants, radiation, gangs and violence. The
game has been widely hailed as one of the outstanding role-playing games and
video games of all time with its unique gameplay, style, and setting.

Commenting on this development, Interplay Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer Herve Caen said, "This is a good agreement for both companies and
for gamers. Although several parties had a high level of interest in
licensing Fallout, we are most impressed by Bethesda's execution of
role-playing titles. Bethesda is an ideal steward of the Fallout franchise."

Fallout 3 will be developed by Bethesda along with the next chapter of The
Elder Scrolls, both under the direction of Todd Howard, executive producer
of The Elder Scrolls. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind® won every national
and international award of note in 2002, including Game of the Year and RPG
of the Year, and is one of the best-selling games ever released on Xbox.

"We are overjoyed," said Howard. "Fallout is one of my favorite games, and
we plan to develop a visually stunning and original game for Fallout 3 with
all the hallmarks of a great RPG: player choice, engaging story, and

Future announcements about the release of Fallout 3 will be made as work on
the title progresses.

About Bethesda Softworks®
Headquartered in Rockville, Maryland, Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax
Media company, is a premier developer and publisher of entertainment
software. Bethesda has won every major national and international software
award for its titles, including The Elder Scrolls® series and the
TerminatorT series. Its product line spans the sports, racing, RPG,
strategy, and action genres. For more information on Bethesda Softworks'
products, visit www.bethsoft.com.

- thanks to www.shacknews.com <--- info supplier


shacknews also added

"The press release mentions that Bethesda is also working on the next installment of The Elder Scrolls."
YES! and we also gettin doom3 soon! and moha Pacific assault demos!! horraaaaay!

i hope to get x800xt and p4 3.6C soon also to run this junk!
Bethsoft is really one of my favorite companies ever :)

I have to say that I'm more excited about the "along with the next ES game" line than fallout3, but they're both awsome!
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
"The press release mentions that Bethesda is also working on the next installment of The Elder Scrolls."

I hope Fenric doesnt see this.......
As long as they don't try and be true creative, and stick to what makes Fallout Fallout, it's all good to me!

And yay at next ES game. Never could make up my mind about Morrowind.
yes We Are Going Too Get Fallout 3 Wwwwwhhhhhhhhhooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this really is the greatest news i've ever heard in my life, i mean fallout3 doesn't brian fargo but atleast it gets another respected rpg developer. i think fallout1 along with the old snes chronotrigger were the first two rpgs i'd ever beaten, and i thinkt to this day; so many rpgs owe it to fallout. Lets see; the most popular rpg right now is kotor, which practically steals the fallout formula by being able to play which ever way you want to and being pretty non linear, but i'm not going to diss kotor for some people from bioware worked on fallout1 also. come to think of it, practically every single pc rpg that came after fallout owes something to it, baldur's gate series, morrowind, even deus ex uses at least some parts of the fallout formula. this is the greatest news i've ever heard in my life.
You are muck more free in Fallout than any rpg you can even **** whores in that game.
ST 5
PE 8
EN 4
CH 6
AG 10
LK 6

Fast shot & Gifted!

Pure madness I tell ya :)



theres not really a lot more i can say on the matter really.
Anyone know where I can still buy Fallout or Fallout 2?
indeed this is good news :thumbs:
i'll definitely be looking out for this title now :)
Great ! :thumbs:
Except if ......

Today, it was announced that Fallout 3 is going to be released on the X-Box, and not the PC market after all

I would storm Microsoft with a S.W.A.T team if that happened ....... :flame:
Neo_Kuja said:
Great ! :thumbs:
Except if ......

I would storm Microsoft with a S.W.A.T team if that happened ....... :flame:
If that happened, I would go after the person nearest to me. :hmph:
Neo_Kuja said:
Great ! :thumbs:
Except if ......

I would storm Microsoft with a S.W.A.T team if that happened ....... :flame:

damn.. i didn't notice that quote :(
dammnit it better be released for the PC!! :frown: :frown: :angry:
ray_MAN said:
Anyone know where I can still buy Fallout or Fallout 2?

I'd suggest ebay or looking around at a games store for used games.
what is fallout? ive heard it mentioned before but never seen it

You just licked your own asshole. Run!
Neo_Kuja said:
Great ! :thumbs:
Except if ......

I would storm Microsoft with a S.W.A.T team if that happened ....... :flame:

I suspect you'd probably have to get in a rather long line. I couldnt say how long it would be, but I would be at the beginning.
Yes, I love it. I am rare combination of two, love both Fallout games and Morrowind games... and now... two games I love the most are coming out! YAY.
Oh yay! Fallout + Shitty Realtime First Person Combat + Lame NPCs == Fallout 3 by Bethesda!! WOOHOO!!

... I think I need to lie down for a bit.

Really, the chances that this will be a fallout that's even remotely like the old ones are incredibly low, in my ever so humble opinion.

theGreenBunny said:
Oh yay! Fallout + Shitty Realtime First Person Combat + Lame NPCs == Fallout 3 by Bethesda!! WOOHOO!!

... I think I need to lie down for a bit.

Really, the chances that this will be a fallout that's even remotely like the old ones are incredibly low, in my ever so humble opinion.


Not if they listen to fan feedback. C'mon cheer up at least there's going to be a third Fallout ;)
Perhaps. I'm slightly more positive now that I realised they haven't really started making the game yet, it isn't beyond hope.

I quote from IGN though:
IGNPC: Can we expect something similar to the work done on Morrowind, in terms of that style of game experience?

Pete Hines: Again, it's early to say, but it wouldn't be a leap of faith to say that we plan to use technologies in development otherwise. You could make some fairly safe leaps of faith that it would be similar in style. We're not going to go away from what it is that we do best. We're not going to suddenly do a top-down isometric Baldur's Gate-style game, because that's not what we do well.

As others have said (on other forums): makes you wonder why they bought the rights to a by nature isometric game really, if it's not what they do well.

BUT I was going to make a not so negative post, so I'll stop now.
It might turn out to be good. Might. Yes.
Hmmm an FPS style fallout? then what about action points and the stats system? now I see why you're skeptic, they just might ruin everything :(
They won't make Fallout FPS, they know it will be suicide. Just give it some time, when more info released by the devs.

"Just a few things in general -

1. We won't be talking about any specifics any time soon. We're in early pre-production, which means we're doing more talking than anything else. I'm sorry, I can't even hazard a guess as to when we might begin talking about it.

2. Right now we're not opening a new forum. You should feel free to talk about the game and your ideas in here and in Community Discussion. We usually lock threads around 200-250 posts, but we're going to let this one go a while longer. Please don't throw a fit when it does get locked, as very long threads can slow down the database.

3. We're not making Morrowind with guns People who think we will never progress beyond Morrowind are going to be in for one hell of a wake-up call."
I hope bethesda DOESN'T make it a First person combat system like morrowind - which was the only thing that sucked donkey balls in Morrowind (otherwise awesome game). Just DON'T keep the First person perspective at all, bethesda - that's better.
Hell I'd be happy if they just added a good story to Fallout Tactics :)
I shat my pants when i heard this!! I just hope Bethesda stays true to the fallout universe and playing style. Hopefully, this will be Tactics with a new story, graphics, character options (still SPECIAL tho) and items, but exact same gameplay.
Baha guys, you need to read rpgcodex.com and nma-fallout.com or whatever… Jesus, if you ever seen bunch of tards grouped in one place, that’s old fallout fanatics (not fans). Amazingly, they think developers actually care about their shitty opinions.. bhahaha.
oh god...yes...yes...yes... i need a smoke...

fallout 3... finally... after the pain... and the suprise.. the agony... and cool its bethesda sofrworks, they owned hardcore with morrowing :D

cant wait, but its going to come out in like 2006 :(