Favourite Star Wars characters

He killed the Krayt Dragon with his fists of LOVE.

Which can uncurl into the FINGERS of LOVE. If you know what I mean.
Boba Fett, Emperor Palpatine, Bossk, IG-88.

My Star Wars Belt Buckles I custom painted. Originally they were just grey and silver when I bought them-

I am madly, madly in love with Han Solo.

It wasn't until this year I realized how awesome he is, sexy Solo.

I'm a sucker for the Empire.

Hell yes, I love the Empire.
If we're including games; Darth Traya, bitches!
edit: zombieturtle, I want an Imperial belt buckle :(

I got mine at my local Hot Topic store, they don't carry them anymore. They have a lot of lame stuff, but some sweet stuff as well. Also where I got my 3D Boba Fett Shirt. :)
They had a Stormtrooper belt buckle there as well, shoulda bought it when I had the chance.

I am sure you could still find an imperial belt buckle floating around online though.

edit: I found a site that has them all :)

yeah Mara Jade is cool after all she was a Sith assasin once,how cool is that?

btw she also married Luke
Thrawn was an awesome MagnificentBastard.
I liked the Rancor. I thought it was cute, and I was sad when it died.
Indeed, It was so sad when he was crying, reminded me of when someone cries when their dog dies. And the Rancor let out that last breath after it was crushed. :(
Wish I had one of my own.

Does anyone else like Kyle Katarn?
Well, we know who Zombie Turtle is.

There's the obvious Boba Fett. I quite liked Darth Maul and Darth Nihilus, even though they both had pitiful, anticlimactic ends.

HK-47 and Canderous (Mandalore) are like two sides of some dark coin of awesome. Aside from the games though, I don't read into much of the extended universe outside the films.
I have Rancor and Malakili figures from when I was a kid.

I still have mine, except it came with Luke, not Malakili. When I was young I would pretend he was my baby Rancor, yeah, I was a normal kid....

I still have a lot of Star Wars figs, I have a lot of the newer ones that are more posable/detailed.
I've been working to finish my Bounty Hunter collection on my desk with the new posable/detailed ones. So far I have Boba Fett, Bossk, IG-88, and 4-LOM. All I need is Zuckuss and Dengar.
I actually really like 4-LOM for some reason, I like his fly head.

.... but hey I thought you loathed Star Wars?
From the movies; Darth Maul and Qui-Gon Jinn.

From the Expanded Universe; Kyle Katarn BITCHES! He was best in JK, especially his look in the cut scenes. Worst was probably MotS, I hated his voice in that. :dozey:
Kyle Katarn is the only Star Wars character I can relate to, so many star wars characters out there, and that is generally the only one. He's like Han Solo and a Young Obi-Won combined.

Another character I like is Greeto, he was an easy kill, but man I am a sucker for bounty hunters.

I always liked the Story of when Boba Fett hunts down Jodo Kast (it was him right?) and takes his armor.

What kinda pissed me off though is, in the old 1995 Bounty Hunter Story collection, when Boba Fett and Han Solo are much, much older, Boba Fett finally catches him, but realizes Han has kids, so he lets him live because I guess Boba Fett has a soft spot for kids....
Er, no, that wasn't what the story was about at all. It was about letting go of grudges, by old men.
it said in the book that he didn't kill him because han had kids.

at some earlier point, were'nt Boba, Lando, and Han all friends?
No, no, it was a short story. The ending was left ambiguous, with both of them pointing blasters at each other.

Of course they both survived.
Mace Windu, Darth Maul two of the best. Too bad the both of them died in the first movie.
Grand Admiral Thrawn. Always Grand Admiral Thrawn, Grand Admiral Thrawn all the ****ing way.
I also like the Wompas. I still have a plush Wompa from when I was a kid :) It's cute.
That thing that's flying the Millennium Falcon with Lando in Return of the Jedi
Anyone else love ShadowTroopers? They are probably my favorite Imperial Troop, Darktroopers are cool as well.
I wish they made an authentic Shadowtrooper toy, I'd buy it. :(

That thing that's flying the Millennium Falcon with Lando in Return of the Jedi

Oh man, that dude. I remember he said something really weird in one scene, and my friend and I always joked about how he was saying "Ayee Hot Potato", because that's exactly what it sounds like he's saying.
He's one of the most human looking aliens in SW.