Films: Rate and Discuss

I still think it's a good movie, it's certainly not bad, but yeah it does have a massive amount of praise heaped onto it for being original when it's not.

For some reason I was reminded of Children of men for some reason. Thinking of that do you know what happened to Alfonso Cuaron (I hope Ispelt his name right)
The past page or so:

Benjamin Button is sooooooooooo good
I have not seen this movie, so I will pretend this is strictly the testimony of my friends. "Benjamin Button was a pretty okay movie. I mean, it's praised to all shit because it has an original and quirky premise, but frankly, the plot is fairly standard. The message and delivery is fairly beautiful at times and I enjoyed that, but it really is very overrated. The biggest problem is that Benjamin is probably the least interesting character."

No Country for Old Men is awesome
**** yes.

You're a moron.

Okay, let's pretend for a second that the post you quoted actually does indicate the conclusion you've come to (though it doesn't, whether he is or not). What would blatantly stating such a conlusion do? If I'm Dog (or anyone else, really), I'm just gonna call you a condescending pretentious asshole, and feel more justified and content with the post I made that made you think I was a moron in the first place, further solidifying my place in the moron community. How about from here on out we try to have a conversation rather than making ourselves look like the morons we think others are?

Effects don't make a good movie, guuuuuuuuuuuuuuys

ZT has never struck me as the kind of person to be won over completely by special effects and I doubt that's what he thinks of specifically when he considers how extremely well made it is. But I dunno, maybe you have some reason to think that's how he rolls.
Okay, let's pretend for a second that the post you quoted actually does indicate the conclusion you've come to (though it doesn't, whether he is or not). What would blatantly stating such a conlusion do? If I'm Dog (or anyone else, really), I'm just gonna call you a condescending pretentious asshole, and feel more justified and content with the post I made that made you think I was a moron in the first place, further solidifying my place in the moron community. How about from here on out we try to have a conversation rather than making ourselves look like the morons we think others are?

For the record, I posted that while on mushrooms, so in this particular instance, he is right. But yea, it doesn't do much to call me it. Pretty much a waste of forum space. Kinda like this message I'm writing now.
ZT has never struck me as the kind of person to be won over completely by special effects and I doubt that's what he thinks of specifically when he considers how extremely well made it is. But I dunno, maybe you have some reason to think that's how he rolls.

Oh I didn't mean to insinuate he does (although going back and reading what I wrote, it certainly comes across as such), its just that when I read that sentence about District 9 being extremely well made, the only thing that the majority of people can easily agree upon about that film was the quality of the CGI, so I went on that rant.

That first sentence of what your friends think of Benjamin Button, I think of District 9.

TheAntipop said:
whats your favourite sci-fi film sparta

I don't know, I've never thought about ranking sci-fi films as its not something I do with films in general anyway. I can name sci-fi films I like that are far less derivative than District 9 if you like?
i think what has happened here is some sort of opposing opinion

i see sparta has already gotten to being high and mighty about it, lets see how zt fares with being told by some nobody to go watch more films

I....I really don't want to be another Yorick or I swear i'll be quick, but this kind of statement really irks me.

Great special effects and CGI does not automatically mean a film is extremely well made. That aspect of the film is extremely well done, but everything else about District 9 (and to a much larger extent Avatar), has been done plenty of times before and much better too.

People are always complaining about how films are always being remade and Hollywood has nothing original, yet none of those people notice that film's like District 9 do almost nothing new, yet they heap praise upon for it for being the most original film in years because of one aspect of the film is original.

This film is almost as derivative as any other tired and tried Hollywood blockbuster, and it shows how little most people know or have seen of film when they heap praise upon films like this for being original.

If this film is one of your top 3 sci-fi films, you need to watch more films.

For starters, I said nothing about the effects; but they are no doubt, good effects. (Despite dozens of friends telling me how pretty Avatar is, I still don't want to see it.)
The aesthetic part of District 9 is most definitely one of it's strongest components, but it's graphically technological aspect would be only a small portion of what I am referring to when I say "aesthetics".

With that said, graphics are not why I like District 9.
District 9 is a great film, because it is very cohesive and definitive. Yeah, I said it; definitive, mother****er.

As I said, the film is extremely cohesive. Despite the film being part "documentary" and part action, it manages to merge the two seamlessly. The documentary aspect hooks you in but never continues to the point of boredom; half-way through the "documentary" you practically forget you are watching one, and by the time the action rolls around you've forgotten that the documentary portion ended half an hour ago.

As for definitiveness- You can say that just about any god damn movie you can think of is unoriginal, most stories are unoriginal; it's the way it's told that makes it unique.
-That's what separates it from other movies. If it was in LA, the aliens looked like green mongoloids, the main character was played by Will Smith: A renegade Cop with a soft heart, the Nigerians were replaced with drug dealing homies, and the MNU was instead an evil corporation working with Russia; then yes, it would have sucked, and yes it would have been typical, and yes the story have no metaphor, and yes it would be forgettable.

The underlining message of the film may not be overly complex or deep, and you know what? That's ****ing good.
The story has a message and a strong metaphor about society, racism, specism, prejudice, and poverty.
It delivers this message in a very intelligent manner without pounding it into your skull like some films such as Avatar.

1. In the beginning you see how annoying, disgusting, and ugly Prawns are; it brings out those integrated thoughts about "ghetto trash" and homeless people; you're reminded how annoying those groups can be.

2. You see how the MNU treats the Prawns, you are reminded how cruel those in power can be to minorities.

3. You see the main character eventually relate both physically and mentally to the living conditions of Prawns; relentlessly resisting as someone would who went from wealth to poverty. The viewer now sympathizes with the Prawns (minority) and the ignorance of the humans (majority)
i think what has happened here is some sort of opposing opinion

i see sparta has already gotten to being high and mighty about it, lets see how zt fares with being told by some nobody to go watch more films


Haha, it's definitely a clash of opinion and I may a nobody, but I'm still a nobody with a bachelor's in film and television production whose won awards for his student films and now works in the industry, so that still gives me slightly more authority than him on whats original in concerns to film-making and screenwriting, unless he has an equivalent education.

I don't mean to be a pompous tool about it, but when I have actual academic credentials to my name, it's basically fact that I know more about film-making than he does. It would be like me telling an engineer that this is how you build a bridge, him saying "No it isn't, you're wrong." and then someone stepping in between and saying "You're being high and mighty about it, you're a nobody who knows nothing about building" to the engineer.

ZombieTurtle said:
As for definitiveness- You can say that just about any god damn movie you can think of is unoriginal, most stories are unoriginal; it's the way it's told that makes it unique.

Absolutely, and there's the problem with District 9. The way it's told isn't unique. It's largely unique to Hollywood blockbusters, but all the way back to Citizen's Kane, the technique of blending a fictional documentary with a narrative can be seen in films. Even Blair Witch 2 did what District 9, only to a much lesser (and far less successful or well done) extent. Because District 9 has original elements, it's dishonest to call it original when there are so many obvious cliches riddled throughout it. Simply because those cliches are told well, doesn't excuse them at all. And that goes for any film.
Family Guy Something Something Dark Side 8/10

full of plenty of laughs and wtf moments but otherwise a great parody and more and more little quirks that arise out of nowhere. a must watch for either fan of Family Guy or Star Wars
I don't mean to be a pompous tool about it, but when I have actual academic credentials to my name, it's basically fact that I know more about film-making than he does.
I understand the sentiment, but this is fallacious thinking. My high school film teacher will know more about film than you do, yet he has no credentials to back up his authority, other than (egregious as it sounds) the occasional visit to Godzilla conventions and a small number of people he knows in Japanese cinema.

And as for the industry: I know a massive tool who has zero background in film who is an assistant director for Vancouver Film Studios (he worked on the L Word and The Day the Earth Stood Still [oh god] among other things). The only reason he got the job is because of family connections.

Anecdote for anecdote.
Haha, it's definitely a clash of opinion and I may a nobody, but I'm still a nobody with a bachelor's in film and television production whose won awards for his student films and now works in the industry, so that still gives me slightly more authority than him on whats original in concerns to film-making and screenwriting, unless he has an equivalent education.

I don't mean to be a pompous tool about it, but when I have actual academic credentials to my name, it's basically fact that I know more about film-making than he does. It would be like me telling an engineer that this is how you build a bridge, him saying "No it isn't, you're wrong." and then someone stepping in between and saying "You're being high and mighty about it, you're a nobody who knows nothing about building" to the engineer.

what the **** is this


there's a great big world of difference between someone totally different to you finding something original that you do not then towards whatever is it you're getting on about... what, houses or some shit. you see a engineering degree/education does give you the authority to know how a structure works when compared to a builder or something. yeah no shit who's arguing that i thought we were talking about film here. entertainment. shit that doesn't ****ing collapse and kill a innocent family because of some wrong beam somewhere.

your doohickey in film does not give you the authority to look down on peoples own opinion, nor does it give you any stance to say they should go watch more films as if to say ''yeah, you're wrong'' which is how you are coming across, even more so with this last post.

man if people are now starting to say i have an education in something therefore im better and have a higher authority then shit, we're in ****ing trouble.

edit: oh yeah films i watched. last films i watched were the two towers and return of the king because i have a rubbish sleeping pattern and need some long films to watch in bed. they are enjoyable films, these. remember when i saw them in the cinema every year they came out and being blown away, not so much now but still good flicks.
Sorta recap, I gave Benjamin Button an 8, District 9 a 9, and No Country For Old Men a 10.

My rating scale is:

8: Pretty good; worth watching, or you could miss it.
9: Really Liked it. Recommend it.
10: Excellent. See this movie.

Might as well say

7: I liked it, but wouldn't necessarily recommend it.

anything less, I might not finish watching the movie.
Edit: Ok, I'm not gonna derail the thread anymore, so I've replied to TheAntipop and Viperidae via PM.
this thread was never on the rails or hasn't been for a long time at least.
Either way, I literally just finished sending both PM's to you.

Edit: ZT: I agree with District 9 being much more on point than Avatar, but I reckon everything District 9 says about racism (which is most of its subtext), Inglourious Basterds does far better. Which is rather unfortunate that they came out at the same time, but most people have little clue about the racial subtext of Inglourious Basterds. Also, I'm a jerk for suggesting you need to watch more films. I recommend you should, though, because films are great.
Wait, are we seriously back to "Originality = Quality!" again. I thought I scoffed at this shit like ten pages back.
Originality contributes a large part to the quality of a picture.
Either way, I literally just finished sending both PM's to you.

Edit: ZT: I agree with District 9 being much more on point than Avatar, but I reckon everything District 9 says about racism (which is most of its subtext), Inglourious Basterds does far better. Which is rather unfortunate that they came out at the same time, but most people have little clue about the racial subtext of Inglourious Basterds. Also, I'm a jerk for suggesting you need to watch more films. I recommend you should, though, because films are great.

You sound like the Star Jones of film-making. "Yes I AM a [strike]lawyer[/strike] film student!"

Oh yeah...the "racial subtext" in Inglourious Basterds was REAL SUBTLE!!. I BETTER GO TAKE A FILM CLASS SO I CAN UNDERSTAND THESE INTRICATE NUANCES!!
Oh lawdy this thread took a turn for the funny.
Film studies graduate to a film != engineer to a bridge

Bridge to Terabithia 5/10
Rather predictable and often cringeworthy, but not too bad overall. Bonus points for Zooey. Mmmm.
Bridge to Terabithia was so cheesy and cringeworthy I turned it off 20-30 minutes in.
I....I really don't want to be another Yorick or I swear i'll be quick, but this kind of statement really irks me.

Great special effects and CGI does not automatically mean a film is extremely well made. That aspect of the film is extremely well done, but everything else about District 9 (and to a much larger extent Avatar), has been done plenty of times before and much better too.

People are always complaining about how films are always being remade and Hollywood has nothing original, yet none of those people notice that film's like District 9 do almost nothing new, yet they heap praise upon for it for being the most original film in years because of one aspect of the film is original.

This film is almost as derivative as any other tired and tried Hollywood blockbuster, and it shows how little most people know or have seen of film when they heap praise upon films like this for being original.

If this film is one of your top 3 sci-fi films, you need to watch more films.


It doesn't even sound like you're addressing ZT in this post. He gave a very generalized review and you respond with specific bullet points about how the visuals shouldn't judge how good a movie is and how originality should.

Like Sheepo said, I'm sick of the originality = quality argument. I have seen plenty of completely unoriginal movies that were executed very well through its exposition, character development, themes and so forth. You can go all day about how modern movies are merely derivatives of others, but that's in the context of the film world, not the film itself.

It seems like a lot of people are using external factors when they're writing their opinion on a movie. "I liked it, but it's overrated." "It was too much like this other film." Okay...but how was the movie itself?? I don't care what other people thought it out to be, how did you feel about it?
You guys are all idiots, just because a movie doesn't meet your specific requirements for a 'good movie' doesn't mean it's bad. If you enjoy it, it is good. End of story. The quality of movies is all subjective, it changes from person to person, a good movie to some may not be to others, leave it at that.

(yes I realize the irony of ME calling YOUS idiots)
It would be pointless to state "in my opinion" before every rating. Of course saying a movie is bad/good is an objective statement.

Also, Bridge to Terabithia was decent. I made me :3 at least.
Yea this thread is about what YOU thought of the movie, and then other people come in and say 'no, your rating is wrong, movie sux/rox'
Every movie has an objective quality, regardless of how much you yourself liked it. Transformers 2 sucks and Fight Club rocks. There might be a handful of people in the world that disagree with that, but um, they're wrong.
I'm pretty close to closing this thread, as we've degenerated from "Discuss what you thought about a particular movie" to "I'm more movie-y than you" with a side helping of "This movie is shit, and you're stupid for liking it." Which is one of the reasons why this thread was made - to avoid that kind of crap. Sort it out, or I'll shut it up.
Terminator Salvation - 2/10

Holy shit I didn't even finish it because I can't take the two main characters acting. I have never shut off a movie for the acting, honestly it's ****ing horrible. It is only a half hour in, I just can't watch this shit anymore Christian Bale sucks ass, he's the worst of all them, there aren't any good actors in this movie... It's like they are all trying to be the most badass they can be but no one can pull it off.. It's kind of sad someone as big as Bale is the worst of the lot. Micheal Ironside is the only half decent one there, but he is just acting the same character he is in everything he does (if you remember him in Starship Troopers - same character here).. It only got 2 because it's got some cool action scenes, and they had the good sense to just make the little girl not talk because that would just be one more horrible actor.


I'm not sure how to rate this movie. It was pretty epic and had outstanding acting.

I'll give it a 9/10.

I believe this was an Anti-Nazi Propaganda film, it was completely banned in Germany. Made 1931, Peter Lorre's first film. Slow, but interesting and eerie.

Basically about a serial child murderer who is tracked down by a group of criminals who want him out of the city.

In the past few days / week I've watched Across the Universe, The Host, Moon, Rising Sun, Home Alone 1 & 2, The Mask of Zorro, and No Escape - most of which I've seen before, and all of which were pretty fantastic.
(500) Days of Summer - 7/10. Watched it on the plane to Bangkok. I expected to like it a lot more, but it was still enjoyable. Loved the soundtrack and great casting with Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel.

In the past few days / week I've watched Across the Universe, The Host, Moon, Rising Sun, Home Alone 1 & 2, The Mask of Zorro, and No Escape - most of which I've seen before, and all of which were pretty fantastic.

If you enjoyed The Host, check out Memories of Murder which is by the same director; Joon-ho Bong.
It Might Get Loud - 9.5/10

This is a documentary about electric guitars and also about Jimmy Page, The Edge, and Jack White - it's god damn amazing, easily one of my favorite docs now. It's just one of those things you have to watch if you're into music. Even if your not it's awesome.

I put this up a few days ago, it's from the movie.
I'm pretty close to closing this thread, as we've degenerated from "Discuss what you thought about a particular movie" to "I'm more movie-y than you" with a side helping of "This movie is shit, and you're stupid for liking it." Which is one of the reasons why this thread was made - to avoid that kind of crap. Sort it out, or I'll shut it up.

Though the first couple posts that incited all that shit do fall into that category, I feel like the result ended up being a fairly reasonable discussion about the idea of definitive movie quality which actually helps define the thread itself. But yeah, point taken.

Inglorious Basterds 8/10

Pleasantly surprised. Based on the trailers I was a expecting a stylized Tarantino bloodbath, but what I found was a cast of fairly believable and well written characters plotting and decieving and killing in a believable WW2 France. The message is fairly powerful and the conclusion is satisfying. Funnily enough, the 'Basterds' don't really get that much screentime, atleast relative to what any one would predict, All the silly Tarantino blood and style is packed into one chapter (which feels oddly out of place) that works well on its own. Great movie.

Star Trek 6.5/10

A very quality summer blockbuster. It has great effects, a well paced and enjoyable ride, and not silly enough to make my brain feel like it't rotting.

Sherlock Holmes 6/10

Enjoyable, simple, dissapointing. I didn't expect much, but I do very much like Guy Ritchie. Sherlock and Watson have a kind of dumbed down House/Wilson dynamic (though Watson is much less altruistic) and are very enjoyable to watch. Plot is simple and predictable. Actiony things are standard fare, excluding when time is slowed down and you get to see what a genuis Sherlock is at PUNCHING FACES, which is pretty cool. All of the mystery is revealed retroactively throughout the last ten minutes, and all of the supernatural phenomenon is apparently figured out in a 30 second look into a workshop. OH, I CAN INSTANTLY SEE HOW ALL THESE INSTRUMENTS COULD BE USED TO EXPLAIN ALL THE MYSTERIES IN THIS MOVIE, HMMM, CAN WE JUST CUT TO THE ENDING NOW? Enjoyable though.

It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia: A Very Sunny Christmas 7/10

In the end, it's just an hour long, better than usual episode based around Christmas. Not at all a bad thing. Writing is spot on as usual and some of the jokes will never cease to be repeated by my friends and family.

Public Enemies 3.5/10

Oh wow, this is seriously bad and it shouldn't be. The acting is fairly good, but the writing doesn't manage anything but prepetual cliche, the plot is so disconnected that it's practically non-existent, the scenes that have a lot going on are completely incomprehensible, and the characters are completely undeveloped.
The Invention of Lying - 8/10

It's actually a really good movie, it kept me laughing throughout the whole thing - normally movies have one funny thing every 20 minutes or so, like a HAHAHAHA funny. But this one has like a hehe kind of funny every 5 minutes. More frequent lulz. Sad parts, happy parts, it all has humour, and it's just generally a good and funny movie to watch. I wasn't expecting much when I turned it on, but hey - it's good.
Get Smart - 7.5/10

I didn't expect much from this but I found it hugely entertaining and highly humerous at times. I know its bombarded with cliches but because of context of the film its allowed to do it, and personally I think its done well in parts. Arguably there were many facepalm moments, but what the hell I enjoyed it and look forward to the second installment. Gets an extra point .5 because Anne Hathaway is HOT in it :D
Avatar in 3D in IMAX in awesomeomgseeingitagaintomorrow.
Avatar in 3D in IMAX in awesomeomgseeingitagaintomorrow.

I want to see it again sooo bad too, the 3D really makes this film, hopefully they release some kind of 3D DVD. I still have my 3D glasses :D
Catch Me If You Can - 8/10

I have seen myself slowly transform into a Leonardo DiCaprio fanboy over the past two years. It was when I saw him play as Howard Hughes in The Aviator when I started to gain respect for him and abandon my old feelings that he was a whiny, little lady's man (and I didn't have many good reasons to believe this, I was a young teenager).

DiCaprio really delivered in this film throughout, and Tom Hank's character complemented his--a fun, contrasting duo to see on the screen. It wasn't anything elaborate, perhaps a little unbelievable from time to time, but it was a fun ride. I really enjoyed the entire presentation--the cinematography, the music, the settings. Definitely one of my favorite Spielberg films in recent times.


The visual spectacle did not disappoint me. Na'avi looked seamless on the screen and you can see a lot of effort went into creating the world of Pandora.

Colonel Quaritch is awesome. Especially when he held his breath to shoot at Jake and co when they were escaping