Films: Rate and Discuss

Dexter Season 3 8.5/10

Another great season from a crazy ass show. It took me a lot longer to finish this because I got bored halfway through but it really picked up. I still think the 1st season was the best but every show has its ups and downs. Overall this show is fun to watch though
Dexter Season 3 8.5/10

Another great season from a crazy ass show. It took me a lot longer to finish this because I got bored halfway through but it really picked up. I still think the 1st season was the best but every show has its ups and downs. Overall this show is fun to watch though

Hmmm, maybe I should pick it up again. I stopped watching half way through S3.

Inglorious Basterds - 8.5/10. I enjoyed it, alot more than I expecting to. I was going to say a Tarantino movie without feet references? But there was. Some great camera work outside the cinema room. No real criticisms apart from the ending could have been better.
Where Eagles Dare 10/10

Haven't seen it in a while. Probably one of the best "action" films ever made IMHO. It's just so god damn good.
Hmmm, maybe I should pick it up again. I stopped watching half way through S3.

Inglorious Basterds - 8.5/10. I enjoyed it, alot more than I expecting to. I was going to say a Tarantino movie without feet references? But there was. Some great camera work outside the cinema room. No real criticisms apart from the ending could have been better.

yeah dude like episodes 5-8 are boring as hell then it picks up steam...give it whirl again

Fast and Furious 4 8.5/10

not as good as the original but very nice touch. I'm not a car junkie but this movie was worthwhile and had plenty of action.
The Good, the Bad, the Weird - 8/10

A highly enjoyable korean western action comedy adventure! Sounds silly, and is. It's also cool. There's bullets flying everywhere, decent characters, and lots of funnies.

Persopolis - 8/10

An animated autobiograhpy of a young girl who lived through the Iranian revolution. Lovely animation, touching, sad, thought provoking yada yada. Worth a watch.
Inglorious Basterds: 9/10

At first I thought the movie was pointlessly violent and needlessly distasteful, but the more I think about it the more I realise how goddamn fantastic this movie is. Will go and see again.
Inglorious Basterds: 4/10

Overhyped, and overpaid. The first act holds a degree of promise, but the venture slides into meaningless R rated pantomime after that. The emperors new clothes in full effect.
District 9 8.5/10

Great movie, very great CGI work, looked very real, but predictable plot and ending. It was completely different from what I imagined it to be but overall amazing. It was also funny to see 2 chicks walk out of the theater because there was a lot of gross parts and I imagine they left because of that.
Inglorious Basterds: 4/10

Overhyped, and overpaid. The first act holds a degree of promise, but the venture slides into meaningless R rated pantomime after that. The emperors new clothes in full effect.

This would hold so much more value if you hadn't decided this score months before the movie hit theaters.
District 9


It was...different to say the least. I had absolutely no expectations (and no idea of the plot) of this film and so I came out really surprised. That being said, dear god I haven't seen such great sci-fi in ageeesss. I was happy to see it wasn't the usual scenario of "aliens come to earth. attack. kill aliens."
Inglourious Basterds - 9/10

It is a hugely entertaining, funny film that holds the attention from start to finish. Looking forward to watching again.
Inglorious basterds aka Jewish revenge fantasy 7.9/10
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 8.4/10
I've been getting extremely lucky on my movie choices as of late.

No Man's Land 9/10

****ing beautiful film.
I've been getting extremely lucky on my movie choices as of late.

No Man's Land 9/10

****ing beautiful film.
Ah, No Man's Land is wonderful. Also hilarious. Ever since I saw it I've been harbouring an ambition to someday be in a situation where I can tell someone "I hope you die of cancer" and for it to be a kind and generous thing to say under the circumstances.
Prison Break Season 4 8/10

took a while for my friend and I to finish but overall a great finish. The last episode had plenty of WTF!! moments but I really like how they didn't drag it out and 4 seasons was perfect for a show like this. 1st season was still the best one though
Dazed and Confused: 7/10

Very, very entertaining. Maybe I was in the right mood for it.
District 9: :-O/10

[strike]Is it an alien movie? Is it a social commentary? Is it an action flick?

Alien movie? This is by no means Independence Day. This is no Mars Attacks. There is no intergalactic war, and the aliens aren't the bad guys. Instead, they are the unfortunate victims subjugated to the horrors of police-enforced concentration in "District 9."

Commentary? There are definite parallels to the injustices done to any group of people you might think of who were forced into a dense population zone, militarily entrapped by a government. Viewers are injected with the "oh how horrible!" syringe, giving us some good old-fashioned distaste for an evil government, ruling virtually unchecked, engaging in heinous acts that are invisible to the public's eye, and acting with impunity.

Action flick? You'll get the same reaction you had the first time you saw Iron Man. And I loved Iron Man.

Go see it.[/strike]

lawl, there's already a D-9 thread. Review annulled.
Dune - 3/10...
Why do I keep trying to watch this? Why?

3 points for the good acting, good music score, and a great overall look.
Other than those 3 things it's an extremely confusing cluster**** of shit... the 2000 and 20003 mini series were much better.
In the Loop - 8/10. Absolutely hilarious and deliciously cynical. I do so love British humour.
Drag me to Hell.

lol almost done ,it's awesome.

edit: 9.7/10

hahaha awesome ending
When A Stranger Calls - 1/10

This movie was shit and had plot flaws and bad acting, it was pretty awful. 1 point for scaring me a few times (in my defense I wasn't quite ready for it in my current state of mind)

Don't see this film.
Drag Me To Hell - 7/10

Some funny moments, but it felt like it was trying to hard to be an Evil Dead film. If Riami wants to make an Evil Dead style movie why doesn't he just give the fans what they want and make a new Evil Dead sequel?
I think you're too hung up on Evil Dead to notice that Drag Me To Hell wasn't trying to be an Evil Dead film. He was simply making the film in the same weird hybrid genre that the Evil Dead series was in. Horror/comedy. That's all.
I think you're too hung up on Evil Dead to notice that Drag Me To Hell wasn't trying to be an Evil Dead film. He was simply making the film in the same weird hybrid genre that the Evil Dead series was in. Horror/comedy. That's all.

It just seemed to barrow so much from it, it actually could have been an Evil Dead film. For example:

The old woman/possessed guy = deadite
The Goat = deer head
Noises that the camera zooms in on and follows = exactly the same as ED
Comedy fight scene in the car = pretty much any fight scene in ED

Dunno, maybe your right that I'm hung up on Evil Dead, but there is no denying he borrowed heavily from his earlier films.
I still enjoyed it but in the back of my mind this niggled away at me. I miss Bruce.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning - 7/10

That is one ****ed up family, I lol'd at

the chainsaw dude giving himself a new face and him sawing off the dad's legs for 'balance' as the sheriff put.

Good film, just one big gore fest really.

300 - 8/10

The plot set up is really ludicrous, not mention they have changed a significant moment in history into some sort of out of world battle between good and evil, not to mention a lot of details in terms of what actually happened are grossly misinterpreted. But with the action as good as that its just so hard not to rate it highly, its beautifully choreographed and satisfying. Who can't not like the 'SPARTA!' kick.
When A Stranger Calls - 1/10

This movie was shit and had plot flaws and bad acting, it was pretty awful. 1 point for scaring me a few times (in my defense I wasn't quite ready for it in my current state of mind)

Don't see this film.

Oh god lol. I saw this with some girl back when it came out in high school. ****ing awful shit-heap of a movie. It accomplished my goals though if you know what I mean :naughty:
Diary of the Dead - 0/10

Officially the worst film I have ever seen. I'm going through a list in my head of movies I find to be bad - there aren't many, as I'm very selective with my film viewing. Elitest maybe. Out of sheer boredom and because I couldn't decide on what DVD to watch, I tuned in to the latest from Romero for the hell of it.

Jesus ****ing Christ am I angry right now.

I love ...the Dead films, or I'm a big fan of Night, Dawn and Day. Classic zombie flicks, enjoyable on so many levels... not so much Land, but for sheer kicks and giggles it was acceptable, or at least not something that made me fume whilst watching it. I recall it having a few actors in it I liked, but I digress. Warning! Rant detected!

There are so many things I want to say about this movie but my mind simply cannot comprehend how to get the words across. What pissed me off the most was how stupid everybody was throughout the film and how every zombie encounter was met by me sitting up and exclaiming very loudly ''WHAT THE ****?!'' at how events unfolded.

Every single attack was batshit out of the blue and served only as an example for some average joe student to do something ridiculous for the sake of gore. Man, give me gore from Day of the Dead where it actually makes sense for a grown man to go down messy at the hands of 20 or so zombies, but having some hospital patient wander blindly past the cameraman - without him doing anything?! - to go for someone else, or how about the Amish guy getting jumped by probably the Fastest Zombie in Northern America out of the army... no, saying army would make sense considering the entire US has fallen victim to The Horde, except throughout the movie maybe two or three zombies would stumble about whenever the main characters made a pit stop to charge a camera or something stupid. Where was I? Oh yeah, getting jumped just so he could bring back a scythe through his head... the **** is that? Why? How?

I would love to go through all of the deaths one by one and explain the silly deaths, right from Prof. Bard/Legolas getting a perfect headshot on a small toddler riding bronco on the back of Miss SoCommentary to one of the guys smashing a glass of acid over a zombies head just so it could parade up and down to the audience with it's brains melting. Everything felt so ****ing unreal and jarring that I couldn't help but laugh throughout, and I'd like to give it points for that but no, it was also goddamn shit so **** off.

The main camera guy having to document everything, so much so that he managed to follow a zombie harass a friend as much as to almost pulling her clothes off without helping couldn't of made any less sense either. I liked Cloverfield and I like the hand-held style but at least in that the characters were a bit ****ing scared of what they were filming. I could give them some credit for why Hud kept the camera rolling because they were running away from all the scary shit, not blindly going after it as far as to not give too much of a shit what's happening elsewhere.

This reads as messy, angry, curse filled rant about not much in particular, but I had to say it. Horrible film. The worst.
When A Stranger Calls - 1/10

This movie was shit and had plot flaws and bad acting, it was pretty awful. 1 point for scaring me a few times (in my defense I wasn't quite ready for it in my current state of mind)

Don't see this film.
Oh god lol. I saw this with some girl back when it came out in high school. ****ing awful shit-heap of a movie. It accomplished my goals though if you know what I mean :naughty:

When A Stranger Calls

accomplished my goals

oh man how did you do that??
Dunno, maybe your right that I'm hung up on Evil Dead, but there is no denying he borrowed heavily from his earlier films.
I still enjoyed it but in the back of my mind this niggled away at me. I miss Bruce.

I dont know if you can really call that borrowing when those things are staples of his films already, you know what I mean? There are certainly similarities, but you can make other similarities with all horror films.

The killer is always hiding his face, stabbing, killing teenagers who commit 'wrongs' like drugs and sex, yada yada.

How did the ending make you feel?
I dont know if you can really call that borrowing when those things are staples of his films already, you know what I mean? There are certainly similarities, but you can make other similarities with all horror films.

The killer is always hiding his face, stabbing, killing teenagers who commit 'wrongs' like drugs and sex, yada yada.

How did the ending make you feel?

Yeah, I guess you've got a point. I would love some more Evil Dead though.

With regards to the ending, loved it.

Bitch got what she deserved for killing the cat :D
With regards to the ending, loved it.

Bitch got what she deserved for killing the cat :D

That part was pretty funny though. The audience I saw it it with were
completely shell-shocked by the ending and I can't blame them either. Pretty full on for an otherwise silly film.
The audience I was in was completely unknowing that it was supposed to be a half-comedy.
The audience I was in was completely unknowing that it was supposed to be a half-comedy.

Yeah, I think that was the problem with how it was marketed. In the UK at least, all the trailers made it look like a pure horror film. It's only because I know Sam Riami and his other work I kind of knew this was going to have comedy in it.
Final Destination 3D 8.5/10

Loved this much better than the 3rd movie. In 3D it was much more enjoyable and many times it made it feel like I was really there. Also this must have been the best 3D movie I've seen ever, and my eyes didn't go out of focus which is rare. The suspense was immense!
six feet under season 1 - 7/10

I enjoyed this show quite alot and I really enjoyed the series portrayal of life and death and its issues but I did feel it was dragged down slightly from greatness by some aspects. I have to say of the main fisher family I only really found the characters of David and Nate to be interesting. The daughter wasn't too bad but was certainly to start a stuck up ***** I had no sympathy for to begin with but I began to like her more. But conversely the mother's story started off well and then declined, showing her cope with the father's death but then his death seems to have no real impact on her (which I can understand she's learning to live her life without him now but she never seems to give a second thought) and just shows her picking between which boyfriend to go for next and I never found her character to be very interesting as a result. Also I did think there was borderline too much sex and surprisingly more gay than straight in the show. Nevertheless I very much enjoyed it and will check out the other seasons.

The Thick of It - 6/10

I read this was supposed to be a brilliant show and had to check it out, and while I did laugh I never found myself laughing beyond a mere chuckle. Peter Capaldi for me was the definite stand out character but looking back I was just surprised at how little I laughed for such an acclaimed series. I do think this is down to 2 things though. One I am not the most clued up on politics to be fair but more importantly it follows its styling very much from the office which I also didn't find funny. I think it has something to do with the serious way it is portrayed via documentary style filming that then negates the comedic effect for me. I might still check out in the loop though but my expectations are a bit dashed.