Folding@Home - #96276

Taking a break from folding till Sunday since I'm out of town and I didn't want to leave my main PC running.

I have a friend building a PC that I mentioned; I'll get him to fold on our team. I also know another guy that I'm working on a small indie game with at school who also has a 460, I'll see if he's interested as well. That could add 15-20k daily production :D :D :D
Goddamn. Nobody folds anymore! I have been away from my comp so it's been off for a lot of the past couple months, but I'm back home safe with it now so I'll be folding for the next month or two solid at least.

Also, my friend finally got his new PC up and running after almost six months of mishaps and RMAs (he went through 2 processors and 4 motherboards before he got everything working). He's EnigmaToad, he should put out similar amounts of what I do (he also has a 460).

Come on you inactive people, it's basically just me, my friend, Kadayi, robbo and Asus these days. We can do better, I know some of you ****ers have decent GPUs...

With summer on the way I expect folding to drop off a bit anyway (it's just too hot to leave the PC on all the time). Given the size we are to be where we are in the table is pretty fantastic. But yes, if people could get more involved that would be great. We've slid back a bit of late, however it would only really require a few more people folding intermittently to reverse that trend.
Yeah I do have to shut my PC off sometimes because it gets up to 95 or 100 F here during the day and my room gets SUPER HOT sometimes. Still our folding has dropped off so much from when we had all the people active about six months ago (it's like 1/4th what it was then), I just wanted to nudge people to add it to their auto startup list... it runs in the background and I personally don't even notice it.
I'm going to have to drop out of the folding for a few weeks as my PC keeps BSOD on me (not as a result of folding however) and I need to figure out what's causing it. I've run a number of hardware tests with no errors, but I keep getting memory crashes and PFN corruptions and Non Page file errors every few days. Nuking the site from Orbit with a full reinstall seems like the best option as I've a feeling this is a software issue rather than a hardware one, which requires some planning and file backing up (though I need to finish DXHR firstly).
Thanks to all of those who participated over the years. We almost broke into the top 400 teams, which given the size of the site is a significant achievement and no doubt the work carried out will benefit medical research for years to come. -Kadayi *oh and GJ and GL to all those involved
Oh yeah. I forgot this existed. I should probably join. Does it matter if I run this but I'm turning it off and on a lot?
No it doesn't, you can run a few modules and pause or stop it and restart it later on. Every little helps!
Oh yeah. I forgot this existed. I should probably join. Does it matter if I run this but I'm turning it off and on a lot?
The units do expire after a while but if you turn your computer on every couple of days for a few hours then you'll be fine. I think it takes a couple of weeks for them to expire.