For the love of god legalize marijuana


  • Yes (explain why)

    Votes: 18 50.0%
  • No (explain why)

    Votes: 14 38.9%
  • I don't care (don't bother explaining why)

    Votes: 4 11.1%

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The Freeman
Dec 31, 2003
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Seriously, I'm bored and so I decided I'm gonna be frustrated. I'll take on anyone who thinks that in America it should remain illegal.
id rather the vast number of dumb potheads just stayed amongst themselves
Valid political or social reasons only, if you're just speaking from opinion I expect you to back it up
Explanation: as long as they're not hurting people or property, it doesn't matter what anyone else does with his time.

Another reason: legalised marijuana would encourage some of the druglords to pack up and go home, and the government could even monopolise and/or heavily tax marijuana, which leads to $$$$$. And everybody loves $$$$$!

And another reason (which, because I'm not interested enough to hunt down all the citations, is not necessarily valid): "recent studies suggest that marijuana may actually be beneficial in that it substitutes for alcohol and other, more dangerous drugs."
Marijuana influences Negroes to look at white people in the eye, step on white men's shadows and look at a white woman twice.
No. and this is the only issue I am conservative on. I despise marijuana with a passion, because it has ruined several friendships for me. I would rather see the pothead jackasses that I know get arrested than have them suddenly legalized and out in the open smoking pot without a care in the ****ing world.

Personaly I think all drugs that are not for medicinal purposes should be banned, or even more so, destroyed completley. They are a drain on society.
No. and this is the only issue I am conservative on. I despise marijuana with a passion, because it has ruined several friendships for me. I would rather see the pothead jackasses that I know get arrested than have them suddenly legalized and out in the open smoking pot without a care in the ****ing world.

Personaly I think all drugs that are not for medicinal purposes should be banned, or even more so, destroyed completley. They are a drain on society.
i agree.
I disagree. I believe it's possible to use marijuana responsibly, and to legalize and control it would only encourage this. In my mind, the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks.
No. and this is the only issue I am conservative on. I despise marijuana with a passion, because it has ruined several friendships for me. I would rather see the pothead jackasses that I know get arrested than have them suddenly legalized and out in the open smoking pot without a care in the ****ing world.

Personaly I think all drugs that are not for medicinal purposes should be banned, or even more so, destroyed completley. They are a drain on society.

Your friends were idiots.
Decriminalized but not legalized. EG: Parking ticketesque status.

Because when it's able to go retail a lot of my friends will be out of business :LOL:
Don't go against AB when it comes to marijuana. He'll rip you a new one.

*walks away bow legged*
I've said it before, legalizing the drug is the best way to control its use.

No. and this is the only issue I am conservative on. I despise marijuana with a passion, because it has ruined several friendships for me. I would rather see the pothead jackasses that I know get arrested than have them suddenly legalized and out in the open smoking pot without a care in the ****ing world.

Personaly I think all drugs that are not for medicinal purposes should be banned, or even more so, destroyed completley. They are a drain on society.

Including alcohol, nicotine and caffeine, right?
No. and this is the only issue I am conservative on. I despise marijuana with a passion, because it has ruined several friendships for me. I would rather see the pothead jackasses that I know get arrested than have them suddenly legalized and out in the open smoking pot without a care in the ****ing world.

Personaly I think all drugs that are not for medicinal purposes should be banned, or even more so, destroyed completley. They are a drain on society.

Yes you managed to put the words into my mouth. I need not say anymore
No. and this is the only issue I am conservative on. I despise marijuana with a passion, because it has ruined several friendships for me. I would rather see the pothead jackasses that I know get arrested than have them suddenly legalized and out in the open smoking pot without a care in the ****ing world.

Personaly I think all drugs that are not for medicinal purposes should be banned, or even more so, destroyed completley. They are a drain on society.

is it the pot that makes them jackassess or are they just jackassess to begin with?
Like I've said before, if people can pass an intelligent test, they are liable to smoke pot. Enough morons smoke it as it is.
id rather the vast number of dumb potheads just stayed amongst themselves

Would you say that the vast majority of people that watch liberal shows like Jon Stewert are pot heads?
That would be a generalization. I watch the Daily Show and I've never touched pot in my life.
is it the pot that makes them jackassess or are they just jackassess to begin with?

probably just jackasses to begin with. All I know is that my friends who are still my friends do not smoke.

I think it might be because I'm a jerk when it comes to those things. I'm kind of self riteous, and a conversation might go:
friend:"so I got some pot the other day..."
me: "Are you kidding me? You shouldn't be doing that."
friend:"...whatever dude. do you have a light?"
me: "I'm calling the police."
That would be a generalization. I watch the Daily Show and I've never touched pot in my life.

Trust me, I am on the same page as you. The problem is we are talking with ghost, a person who is simply not reasonable, bare with me.
probably just jackasses to begin with. All I know is that my friends who are still my friends do not smoke.

I think it might be because I'm a jerk when it comes to those things. I'm kind of self riteous, and a conversation might go:
friend:"so I got some pot the other day..."
me: "Are you kidding me? You shouldn't be doing that."
friend:"...whatever dude. do you have a light?"
me: "I'm calling the police."
Um.. wow.
probably just jackasses to begin with. All I know is that my friends who are still my friends do not smoke.

I think it might be because I'm a jerk when it comes to those things. I'm kind of self riteous, and a conversation might go:
friend:"so I got some pot the other day..."
me: "Are you kidding me? You shouldn't be doing that."
friend:"...whatever dude. do you have a light?"
me: "I'm calling the police."

Oh, so you're a douche.

"lol u shouldn't be doin it cuz u shouldnt be doin it cuz u shouldnt be doin it DUH"
probably just jackasses to begin with. All I know is that my friends who are still my friends do not smoke.

I think it might be because I'm a jerk when it comes to those things. I'm kind of self riteous, and a conversation might go:
friend:"so I got some pot the other day..."
me: "Are you kidding me? You shouldn't be doing that."
friend:"...whatever dude. do you have a light?"
me: "I'm calling the police."

Lol, I want to hear that 911 operator on the other side :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
I just don’t think the state should baby-sit on any issue. I would dance in the street if the ATF & DEA vanished from the face of the earth tomorrow. A man can dream can’t he? A man can dream…
I think if there is so much demand to the marijuana to be legalized,it shouldnt be,cuz it demostrates people will smoke it whitout control and stuff like that
I just think the laws are way too hypocritical. I mean why is it that marijuana which has mild effects is illegal but drugs like caffine, nicotine, and alcolol are legal. Also the medical marijuana debate is a joke becuase there are many therapeutic chemicals that have been proven in clinical studies to reduce diseases, and there are other methods of injection other than smoking.
Y'all got me all worked up, i need to vape another bowl.
I think if there is so much demand to the marijuana to be legalized,it shouldnt be,cuz it demostrates people will smoke it whitout control and stuff like that

Or maybe they want it legalized because it's ****ing stupid to have it under prohibition?

Just a thought. The demand for change does not logically imply irresponsibility. That is the foulest non-sequitir I've heard today.
Or maybe they want it legalized because it's ****ing stupid to have it under prohibition?

Just a thought. The demand for change does not logically imply irresponsibility. That is the foulest non-sequitir I've heard today.

what if the congres or whoever aproves laws thinks in the way I mentioned?

however if is legalized it will be considered like alcohol and cigarrettes so it will not be legal to minors,and still not very well acepted
Since when is alcohol not well accepted?

Who cares if a congressman thinks like the way you mentioned? He's wrong.
No. and this is the only issue I am conservative on. I despise marijuana with a passion, because it has ruined several friendships for me. I would rather see the pothead jackasses that I know get arrested than have them suddenly legalized and out in the open smoking pot without a care in the ****ing world.

Personaly I think all drugs that are not for medicinal purposes should be banned, or even more so, destroyed completley. They are a drain on society.

So because it has made people go a different way to your way, you say no? People change. Thats not being conservative, thats being a self centered prick.

As and when something personally affects you (your friends changing does not apply) then you can complain, untill then, you are infinging civil liberites, somthing no doubt, you would quickly moan about if the government did to you.
For those of you who want it legalized, exactly what do you picture being the big change aside from cops not busting you for doing it.
it's a matter of principle. drug control = safety = less gang/crime funding = people being able to exercise their freedoms without harming others (or even themselves, mostly)
Well there is the appeal of our prison systems being able to be freed up for more serious offenders.

That particular bit does sound good.
if it's legalized, it will be a lot easier for elementary schoolers to bring it to the playgrounds and deal it (like we used to with cigarettes. i'm sure if we found pot laying around the kitchen table like cigarettes, we would have brought it to school instead.)

a lot of kids have a hard time bringing alcohol to school to deal because the bottles are too big to carry/break easily.

~*~-=IN MY OPINION=-~*~, when these same elementary kids get to high school, they're gonna think that pot is a little kiddy drug and they'll wanna pop some E, or something along those lines. a lot of kids are gonna wanna feel a new high, so they're more likely to try something new. i've seen it happen a lot, and i hate hearing my fellow douche bag potheads say that pot isn't a gateway drug. i think that kids with mild depression (which is a rapidly increasing number in america daily) are more likely to move onto a new drug after enough experience with weed.

the "war on drugs" may not be going anywhere, but legalizing marijuana may be bad for the youth of this country.

pot also makes a lot of people lazy and unproductive. or at least it does with me and every other person i've toked up with throughout my life. instead of going out and doing stuff with my life (like on a saturday night like this,) i just feel like sitting on a message board and increasing my number of posts.

so that's why i don't want it legalized. but i think alcohol should be illegal too, along with cigs, and several other substances. but then that leads to all that 1984 drama bullshit about how the government has too much control over what we do.
It should still be illegal for minors, obviously. Otherwise you'd have to lower the age for cigarettes and alcohol too.
It should still be illegal for minors, obviously. Otherwise you'd have to lower the age for cigarettes and alcohol too.

no, you didn't even pay attention to what i wrote. read it slower.

if it's legalized, it's going to be more common around the house just like cigarettes and alcohol are. this means that kids will get to it A LOT EASIER than they do right now.

if it's more common around the house, it's going to be way more common around playgrounds and parks.

but all the pro-marijuana folk never seem to realize this. they like to just babble with their dicks in their mouths about how it will "improve our economy."
You're right, I didn't read a single thing you said beyond the first sentence.
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