Former South Korean President Roh commits suicide


Aug 24, 2008
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SEOUL, South Korea - Former South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun, embroiled in a broadening corruption scandal, jumped to his death while hiking in the mountains behind his rural southern home, his lawyer said. He was 62.

In a suicide note left for his family, Roh called life "difficult" and apologized for making "too many people suffer," a TV report said.

Roh, a former human rights lawyer who served as president from 2003 to 2008, prided himself on being a "clean" politician in a country with a long history of corruption.

But he and his family have been ensnared in recent weeks in a burgeoning bribery scandal.

Last month, state prosecutors questioned Roh for some 13 hours about allegations that he accepted more than $6 million in bribes from a detained South Korean businessman while in office — accusations that deeply shamed him.

"I have no face to show to the people. I am sorry for disappointing you," an emotional-looking Roh said April 30 before undergoing questioning by prosecutors.
Although I have qualms about speaking ill of the dead, I still have to say that it was a cowardly act, and a part of my sadness goes to the fact that justice could not be brought upon him. Thanks for the economy, the fractured alliance, north's nukes, etc.

That said, RIP.
What I don't get is the mourning. People were crying bloody murder at him just a day before his death. Now they're all sad.

Must be the whole "Don't speak ill of the dead" culture thing.
numbers wrote the note and pushed him. I have evidence. It's in the numbers.

i'm watching you!
People who've accepted bribes are treated like s**t in prison. I'll wager that very few of his family-members believed what he said in the suicide-note.