Ghost Town starring Ricky Gervais.


Oct 8, 2004
Reaction score
Hey i couldnt see any other topics on this and this is the latest film ive seen at the cinema.. dont go to the cinema much anyway.
Who has seen it? and What did you think of it?

I thought it was a pretty good story, the acting was good, Gervais was his usual self in the film with the same accent, but still great stuff. Tea leoni was also very good and i suggest anyone to give this film a try. My rating. 8/10. :cheers:
I like the look of it, but I've vowed not to go to the cinema anymore because teens don't seem to be able to SHUT THEIR ****ING MOUTHS DURING A FILM, thus ruining it.

I'll see it when it gets it's dvd release. Looks good though.
I like the look of it, but I've vowed not to go to the cinema anymore because teens don't seem to be able to SHUT THEIR ****ING MOUTHS DURING A FILM, thus ruining it.

A simple solution to that, rather than not going at all, is to just wait about 3 to 4 weeks after a movie has been released. When you go you'll realize that you're probably the only the one in the theater. Always works for me.
I like the look of it, but I've vowed not to go to the cinema anymore because teens don't seem to be able to SHUT THEIR ****ING MOUTHS DURING A FILM, thus ruining it.

I'll see it when it gets it's dvd release. Looks good though.

Hey, those old people wont shut their pie hole either.

I haven't seen it yet, it looks okay though.
I like the look of it, but I've vowed not to go to the cinema anymore because teens don't seem to be able to SHUT THEIR ****ING MOUTHS DURING A FILM, thus ruining it.

my cinema has had the genius idea of doing 18 only screenings for PG upward films. you pay 50p extra but are safe in the knowledge that no little shits will be ruining your film
I always have a quiet time watching movies in the cinema, not too many annoying little kids that make noises...

maybe im just lucky..