Good Job

quick question ...was your post serious? cuz if so :O

Yes, yes it was. :)

btw just for the heck of it please provide evidence that noah's ark was found ..this should be entertaining

Read them I found this interesting, so this supports "The Great Flood" that is spoken in the old testament & in history.
Let explain to you, in history Jesus did exist, he made miracles happen, there is evidence proving it the Noah's Arc' which was found perseved in some mountains in the middle east, explain how millions upon millions of people all over the world seem to have the marks of christ just mysteriously. You don't believe in ghosts? well they DO exist. The bible predicts Hitler (saw that on the History channel). History just points of such & history hoes not lie.

I'm pretty sure your talking about nostradamus. If such evidence existed( Noah's Arc) don't you think more christians would reference it? You need to post sources or at least validate such wild claims.

It's like me saying "hey man, theres like totally evidence of god not existing man, yea they like found it in brazil or something far out, i can't back it up but its there dude".

Let me tell ya my friends, my brother's, & my sister's, that over the course of history there had been millions of moments in history that 'man' was looking for guidance, seeking help, there have been such moments where terrible things happen in history & where humans seek help, where extreme form of genocide occurs. The holocaust, WW1, WW2, the reign of terror of the russian csars.

And after the deaths of well over 100 million people their prayers were answered.

Well guess what athiesists, Your man is not really a man he is phycotic, his nick name is..MAN OF STEEL in russian, or other wise known as Josef Stalin. He was an athiesist. So people like him made it impossible for people to have a religion, they did not have the freedom of religion. They were persecuted.

That is the most ridiculous thing ive ever read, your preception of atheistists is so retarded i don't think anyone really needs to counter this argument.
Pre-Emptive Mecha strike:

Let explain to you, in history Jesus did exist, he made miracles happen, there is evidence proving it the Noah's Arc' which was found perseved in some mountains in the middle east, explain how millions upon millions of people all over the world seem to have the marks of christ just mysteriously.
You Saying Jesus did make miricles happen, without giving us any evidence other than the bible prooves nothing. The noahs ark thing, wow, some people found a boat, it MUST have therefore been used to transport two of every animal.

You don't believe in ghosts? well they DO exist
How can I argue with that?

The bible predicts Hitler (saw that on the History channel). History just points of such & history hoes not lie.
Your sentance makes no sense. The bible did not predict Hitler, you have no evidence for this. It is bullshit.
In fact I have been touched by the allmighty himself,
God molested you?
the Lord God told me himself in my mind that one of my pets were going to die...3 months have past and my family were getting very worried because I was acting strange. then it happened. I'll say, it was one of the wierdest & most scariest moments of my entire life.
He gave you three months warning ay? Why would God tell you your pet was going to die, but not do anything on say September the 11th.

Let me tell ya my friends, my brother's, & my sister's, that over the course of history there had been millions of moments in history that 'man' was looking for guidance, seeking help, there have been such moments where terrible things happen in history & where humans seek help, where extreme form of genocide occurs. The holocaust, WW1, WW2, the reign of terror of the russian csars.
True, but that prooves nothing.
Well guess what athiesists, Your man is not really a man he is phycotic, his nick name is..MAN OF STEEL in russian, or other wise known as Josef Stalin. He was an athiesist. So people like him made it impossible for people to have a religion, they did not have the freedom of religion. They were persecuted.
I do not appreciate you comparing Atheists with Stalin.
I'm pretty sure your talking about nostradamus. If such evidence existed( Noah's Arc) don't you think more christians would reference it? You need to post sources or at least validate such wild claims.

It's like me saying "hey man, theres like totally evidence of god not existing man, yea they like found it in brazil or something far out, i can't back it up but its there dude".

Read my previous post. ^_^

Also about the bible predicting Hitler etc, I saw it on the "History Channel", does any one here watch the history channel?

EDIT: Now did anyone bother clicking the links I provided????
Ughh do I have to repost the links,


huh IMG tags don't work????

I do not appreciate you comparing Atheists with Stalin

Well I wasn't comparring, I said he IS an atheist, its a known fact. Also I don't appreciate you talking about God in that way, people get offended in that way, in the way that I offended you & you know how I feel, now where both even. ;)
Yes, yes it was. :)


so let me get this straight ...atheists are Supermen?

lol you're not presenting that as "evidence" are you? ..I asked you to present evidence they FOUND the ark ..not articles about people making guesses as to where it is ..not one supported by any scientific evidence whatsoever

first link:

Compelling evidence that there was a Great Flood, as told in the Old Testament story of Noah's Ark, has been found far below the waters of the Black Sea by an American expedition. Underwater surveyors, led by Robert Ballard, the renowned oceanographer who found the Titanic and other sunken ships of the 20th century, have discovered an ancient coastline at a depth of 450ft. "I am not sure whether it is Noah's flood or not Noah's flood, but I do buy that there was a flood,"

that's evidence? they're just guessing without any real proof of anything except their own "feelings"

second link:

In 1957, Turkish air force pilots spotted a boat-shaped formation in Agri province. The government did not pursue the sighting, however. The entire area, including Mount Ararat, was off limits to foreigners because of Soviet complaints that explorers were U.S. spies.

That ban was lifted in 1982, and since then teams of explorers have visited the area but have been unable to substantiate any claim of an ark."

they went last summer ..surely they would have published photos by now had they found anything

third link:

did you actually read this link? because the author spends the entire time saying it hasnt been found:

In our unanimous opinion, the formation was of geologic interest only. It is unusual, and worthy of further study, but it seemed to be sedimentary rock, although some features appeared metamorphic. ....The team has appeared on numerous radio and TV shows, leaving the definite impression the Ark has finally been located. I have noticed that Cornuke is careful to insist he does not claim the Ark has been found .....The claim is made that the material is petrified wood, and it may be. But petrified wood is found in thousands of places around the world. Finding it here means nothing. .....

Based on the partial information I currently have, I suspect that this formation is not the Ark of Noah. The information I do have does not favorably point to a human origin, but toward a geologic source. I have been involved in the search for the Ark for over 30 years, and as much as I believe in Noah’s Ark and would love to report that it has been found, I cannot at this time do so.

fourth link? are you serious? it's a football forum ..anyways the link in that football fans post (football fans = the height of scientific credibility :rolling: ) ..the guy in the third link talks about the same expedition ..the same one he said found nothing
Half of those links are broken, the other half are questionable at best. One is over 6 years old(yet nobody has heard of this discovery) the other says they'll take photographs....which i havn't seen

And no a picture of the side of a mountain doesn't count.
Ughh do I have to repost the links,


huh IMG tags don't work????

look!!! undeniable evidence of the existance of jesus!!!!!

more undeniable evidence of the existance of jesus!!!

even more undeniable evidence of the existance of jesus!!!

you'll have to do far better than some grainy photos of what looks like rocks
It's amusing how religious people embrace science whenever they think there's some objective evidence found that supports their beliefs, but also hide behind their wall called "it's a belief, it exists outside of science!" when they're asked to provide evidence for their magical claims.
LOL Kamikazi's proof of Noah's ark pictures are even worse than the 9/11 conspiracy theory websites.
I think you guys are bieng a little harsh, towards religon and religous people as a whole. I have plenty friends who are religous, my friend Justin is Muslim, but he dones't think women or homosexuals or anyone else should be considered unequel. Some people sorta bend the rules of their religon so that everything is equel as their god says. Really it depends which parts of whichever holy scripture you take seriosuly.
OMG i piece of wood in the snow, i never doubted yea jebus!! oh happy day

Like stern said, grainy unviewable pictures are just not enough.

EDIT: i like the one at the bottom, "here's the real thing and here is what we see."
I think you guys are bieng a little harsh, towards religon and religous people as a whole. I have plenty friends who are religous, my friend Justin is Muslim, but he dones't think women or homosexuals or anyone else should be considered unequel. Some people sorta bend the rules of their religon so that everything is equel as their god says. Really it depends which parts of whichever holy scripture you take seriosuly.

Which implies there's choice, but there is no choosing what you take seriously and what not. It's the word of God! On what criteria does one decide what to take seriously and what not? How can you decide not to take something literally if it's in your holy scripture?

As Sam Harris said in that video, religious moderation is theologically bankrupt. If you're really picking and choosing what you like and don't like, you might as well just renounce your religion. Or just say "Hey, I believe in a higher power, but I don't think any religion has it right.".

The only true Christians and Muslims are the "extremists". The rest is just making stuff up.
And that prooves Noahs ark how?
Tell me, does that really convince you to think someone managed to get 2 of every animal on a boat?

cause they had a special on it, athiest.

All of you are just being ignorant.

Eli Vance said:
I know what you believe in breen & truth is not a word for it.

With you guys, its like im fighting a lossing battle; Why bother, I will leave, no point in getting all frustrated.
cause they had a special on it, athiest.

All of you are just being ignorant.

Thinking logically vs bias is really being ignorant.:rolleyes:

cause they had a special on it....??

With you guys, its like im fighting a lossing battle; Why bother, I will leave, no point in getting all frustrated.

Or you could try something really crazy and question your believes. You owe it to yourself to see if you're just a product of conditioning.
He actually called Solaris "commie" before he edited it. Ok, the man had a point there, but it was an uncalled for insult.

As for you fighting a lost battle, you have most certainly lost the battle with reason and logic, yes. You can instantly change this by providing proper evidence for your claims, and no "lol its tr00 cuz they did a specialz on it" doesn't count.
Thinking logically vs bias is really being ignorant.:rolleyes:

cause they had a special on it....??

Final statement:

It was on the History channel, ABC network, CNN, & National Geographic.

Again I say With you lib's, its like im fighting a lossing battle; Why bother, I will leave, no point in getting all frustrated. It's like there is no diversity allowed on this forum. Every body will jump down the one guys throat because of what he believes in. The end.
Here it is:




IT was on TV they had a special about, you guys need to get off the pc sometime. :rolleyes:

are you ****ing kidding me?

what the hell is this?

that could be anything

and this:

I could have taken that photo in my backyard ..and what exactly is it showing?

Final statement:

It was on the History channel, ABC network, CNN, & National Geographic.

and if it was on tv then it must be real? ...especially since they cant verify anything?

Again I say With you lib's, its like im fighting a lossing battle; Why bother, I will leave, no point in getting all frustrated. It's like there is no diversity allowed on this forum. Every body will jump down the one guys throat because of what he believes in. The end.

of course you're fighting a "lossing" battle ..because you havent submitted one piece of evidence that couldnt be dismissed by even the most dimwitted of people

how old are you and should you be on the internet without an adult present?
He actually called Solaris "commie" before he edited it. Ok, the man had a point there, but it was an uncalled for insult.

As for you fighting a lost battle, you have most certainly lost the battle with reason and logic, yes. You can instantly change this by providing proper evidence for your claims, and no "lol its tr00 cuz they did a specialz on it" doesn't count.

*jumps into thread*

Woohoo! Somebody else recognizes commie as an insult! :D

*walks out of thread*
Again I say With you lib's, its like im fighting a lossing battle; Why bother, I will leave, no point in getting all frustrated. It's like there is no diversity allowed on this forum. Every body will jump down the one guys throat because of what he believes in. The end.

Well, you decided to enter a thread that is clearly about questioning ones religious beliefs, I'm a little shocked that you expected any other reaction.

All we're doing to trying to understand you line of thinking, but it looks like you don't understand it yourself.
I remember someone proved Noah's Ark once when they posted a picture of a pile of rotten wood.
I'm going to go to my youth Bible study and point out all of the violent parts of the Bible that we've been ignoring. I'ma have me a big list of verses and go down the list (Some that I've found on my own, most from Mecha), and shut down anyone that argues to the contrary. I don't think that I'm going to reveal that I've become atheist right away though, I don't want to lose my credibility.

A few tips: most christians have been taught the pauline doctrine that all the violent stuff was erased by the crucifiction, so they have a tendency to readily and immediately dismiss anything that is found in the old testament, as well as a big pile of the new testament.

A good thing to remember is which books of the bible were written by paul and/or his disciples, because it's pretty much guaranteed that you will hear quotes from them:

* Romans
* First Corinthians
* Second Corinthians
* Galatians
* Ephesians
* Philippians
* Colossians
* First Thessalonians
* Second Thessalonians
* First Timothy
* Second Timothy
* Titus
* Philemon
* Hebrews (anonymous, but assumed to be pauline)

If you are given a quote from any of those, it's completely fair to ask whether these are an accurate reflection of jesus' laws or just stuff paul made up (which they almost certainly are).

Thus, you've got to focus on the undeniable, which is jesus himself. People aren't shocked by overwhelming violence in the bible because "jesus is peaceful", but that claim is rather easily dismissed with the facts you've collected.

You'll also likely be played the "it's all metaphorical" card. That argument is refuted by Mark 4:33-34 and Mark 4:10-12, in which jesus explains that parables (metaphorical stories) confuse heathens, so they will never reach heaven.

"To those on the outside, everything comes in parables so that they may look and look but never perceive, listen and listen but never understand."

Here are a couple of my favorites:

Matthew 19:10-12
-Jesus says that people who don't marry should castrate themselves to enter heaven.
And, actually, self-mutilation is extremely popular with the J-man. Any organ used to sin must be cut off and thrown away. Castration is simply a pre-emptive strike on sex out of wedlock.

Matthew 10:34-35 & Luke 12:49-52, 14:26
-Jesus says his purpose on Earth is to create religious war, leading an army filled with hatred.
But, according to Lev. 19:17, you cannot have hatred "in your heart", and Luke 6:27 says to love your enemies (with your heart).
Thus, jesus draws a line between intellectual hatred, and emotional hatred. Love with your heart, but hate with your mind.

Matthew 5:41, 6:21 & Luke 6:20-35
-Jesus says that you must give away, without question, anything anyone, including an enemy, asks from you. No takebacks, either.
Try asking some of the folks in chruch group to give you their wallets or shoes.
Anyone who doesn't goes to hell, according to jesus.

Matthew 7:3-5 supports the conclusion that you can judge anyone you want, as long as you follow the laws of moses & jesus.
and? does that change the fact that you couldnt argue your way out of a paper bag?

by all means believe whatever the hell you want ..but dont try to pass it off as fact when you have no hope in hell of ever proving it
CPtStern you're an @ss.
"Anyone who says, "You fool" will be subject to the fires of hell." -- Matthew 5:22

As for this stuff, why even bother refuting it? Seriously.

Speculation about Noah's Arc proves Jesus did miracles?
I think you have him confused with someone else.

In fact I have been touched by the allmighty [sic] himself, the Lord God told me himself in my mind that one of my pets were [sic] going to die...3 months have [sic] past and my family were getting very worried because I was acting strange. then it happened.

God killed your pet as a display of his righteous power?
Our god is an awesome god!

See, check it out:
That's photographic proof that god killed your pet. I saw it on the history channel.

I believe you're sincere, joking aside.

What did god sound like? Was he hott?

I imagine he sounds like Dolly Parton.
Did he sound like Dolly Parton?

Did he have anything else to say? Like, did he tell you the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden?
That would have been useful.
Or was it just "Yo, G-dawg here. Scruffy's gonna die. Peace out"?
After careful analysis and exploitation of the scientific method, I can proudly present you with evidence of what I believe:


What you read about a Noah's Ark is a myth, it's really Noah's Train.

Which automatically leads to the conclusion there was no flood, because trains don't float. There was a global drought!

More evidence for my case is that when you combine random letters from Exodus, you can decode the following secret code for a train:

And no matter what the evolutionists would like you to believe, monkeys do not give birth to trains! This couldn't be a case of "accidental mutation" like the evolution CHURCH makes you believe!

Clearly, a square shape beneath the snow is a strong case for my train-hypothesis.
I'm actually very intrigued by this.

What was god's exact message?
Was he speaking english?
Did he specify which pet?
Did he specify the timeframe within which the pet-snuff would occur?
Did he have an accent?
Did you see what he looks like?

This is incredible stuff. I'm always willing to learn more about god.
Why? Because we believe something different to you?
Now your just bieng stupid.
(Welcome to the club

Wrong, you don't believe at all, But I don't like it when people just impose their opinions down some one else's throat. Also I respect other people's opinios but when people go out of bounds like saying "What, God touched you?" that's really pushing it.

You don't think people get offended by that?

I feel so hurt by it. :(

But if I hurt anyone such as my so called "Commie" comment, then forgive me.

I now have nothing further to add to this topic & I will leave, I realise I am fighting a lossing battle.
Wrong, you don't believe at all, But I don't like it when people just impose their opinions down some one else's throat. Also I respect other people's opinios but when people go out of bounds like saying "What, God touched you?" that's really pushing it.

You don't think people get offended by that?

I feel so hurt by it. :(

But if I hurt anyone such as my so called "Commie" comment, then forgive me.

I now have nothing further to add to this topic & I will leave, I realise I am fighting a lossing battle.
You can dish it but can't take it ey?

It's no-ones aim to offend you, I may have and I do apologise for my touchy comment. Just try and get less defensive about your religious beliefs, it is in your own interest to examine them.
You can dish it but can't take it ey?

It's no-ones aim to offend you, I may have and I do apologise for my touchy comment. Just try and get less defensive about your religious beliefs, it is in your own interest to examine them.

I see, I will do my best. ;) *shakes hand*
Dang, now he's all gone and left the thread before he could reveal the mysteries of the universe.

Now we'll never know who god sounds like.
I was really looking forward to that.

I had a religious moment once, only without the religion.
God has always been Morgan Freeman to me, thanks to the mass media.

Anyway, having witnessed the whole "Evangelical Anti-gay Pastor = Flaming Drug-taking Homosexual" scandal from the other side of the world, and seeing the "Faithful's" reaction to it, I've come to the conclusion that you can't force disbelief on them - the truely faithful, you'll have to gently guide them to it.