GTA V announced

Looking good. I like the variety of locations on display, the trailer park area looked really sparse, which is great, shows the world could be pretty roomy. Characters aren't breaking any new ground but at least they don't seem as goddamn mopey as IV's trio of heroes. For that matter, I really hope they've pulled away from the over-long, meandering cut-scenes at the beginning of every mission in IV and Red Dead. Some of them were really great but they tended to just grate my nerves after a while. Nothing wrong with being terse.
I'm loving everything about this so far.

However, there is a distinct lack of DAT DOG in the trailer. This is a problem.
Michael seems fun because he has absolutely no ****ing reason to be doing what he does besides the fact that he wants a thrill and is a pure ****.
I'm loving everything about this so far.

However, there is a distinct lack of DAT DOG in the trailer. This is a problem.

Maybe we will get a trailer for Chop? :)

Michael seems fun because he has absolutely no ****ing reason to be doing what he does besides the fact that he wants a thrill and is a pure ****.

The preview from last year mentioned how Michael's wife has been spending all of his money and that is part of what draws him back into the heists.
Anyone wanna bet it will be out on the pc 2 months after the consoles?

In their defense they will actually put in a sdk for the game and bigger multiplayer support,and of course the graphics will be gorgeous compared to the consoles.
Wait, they have announced a PC version officially?

Edit: And SDK? Source?
What the hell are you talking about you guys. No word on PC release (yeah, I'm sure they're not saying anything to surprise us with a PC release 2 months after the console one - we'll probably have to wait around 7-8 months, as usual). SDK is not a Source-exclusive term.
I was actually referring to tomoemozok and sixteenth. I know you're smarter than that Vegeta <3
But nobody said or implied SDK was a Source-exclusive term. Sixteenth was asking for a source of the information regarding an SDK. I turned it into a joke by making it look like he was asking if the Source engine was used. Nowhere was there any tie between the two.
Crap, looks like I'm the fool then.

You confused me, you son of a bitch.
GTA V will have full steam workshop support, a flexible SDK designed specifically for P.C. users and simultaneous release with its console brethren.never.
Hopefully they wont make the cell phone as annoying as it was in 4. HEY NIKO, YOU WANT TO GO BOWLING????
Wow, I liked everything about that. Only complaint I have is that the character animations/dialogue look a bit stiff, but that's par for GTA, really. Game looks absolutely fantastic
Fffffffffffff****. Guess I gotta get a console again.
I'll have to find something to occupy myself with for another six-ish months after the initial release. It looks so good. :v
I hope the police are a bit smarter and less in numbers. It seems like in IV you murder one prostitute and set her on fire and the entire force is after you in seconds. That ain't right.
So the game is only 360/ps3, not even next gen consoles? Then what was the hubbub about the graphics for, were they rendered on current gen PC graphics for kicks?
GTA Online looks like it's going to rule. Really excited about this game in a way that I haven't been in a long time.

The release date really crept up on me though, less than a month now!
So who's got it? Courier dropped it off this morning, burned through the first few hours and messed around a bit besides that. My first impression is that it's impossibly well polished, everything is slick and responsive. Driving is much tighter than IV but retains that weightiness whenever you throw your car over a jump or around a tight bend. The handbrake still needs to be used very conservatively. Combat seems like it's mostly been ripped directly out of Max Payne 3, which is great since that's the only thing that piece of shit game got right. The two things I immediately noticed (as compared to IV) are that people tend to go down quicker instead of toppling over 50 times before actually dying (and you get a handy indicator when they do die, just like in MP3), and that cover is far, far improved and actually feels useful now.

I'm still early on and stuck playing Franklin for now, starting missions are pretty standard fare but much less tedious than IV. The wannabe gangster dialog is ****ing hilarious. I went to the cinema and watched a weird movie about a gay british robot.
My jelly levels are through the roof.
This game looks fantastic, shame I'll have to wait until a pc version is released (if ever).
I'm fortunate to not be hyped, because the PC version is the only version I'm remotely interested in.
Few hours in, game is extremely well made. I honestly have yet to see a flaw. The transition between cutscenes/cinematics and gameplay is actually seamless. So smooth. 15 out of 15 stars so far
It's weird, either everyone is playing, or the buzz around this game isn't nearly as loud as I thought it would be.
Few hours in, game is extremely well made. I honestly have yet to see a flaw. The transition between cutscenes/cinematics and gameplay is actually seamless. So smooth. 15 out of 15 stars so far
your wanted level is 2 high lel

It's weird, either everyone is playing, or the buzz around this game isn't nearly as loud as I thought it would be.
I dunno, its sold well over 800 million, currently.
Well of course it's selling brah. Just shyty uhp I want it to be bad so I don't feel like I'm missing out.
GTA5 hasn't been released in my eyes. A preview of GTA5 was released on consoles to show what the game will be like on a PC.