Gulf of Mexico Oil Disaster

Box to contain oil leak touches down on Gulf floor
A BP-chartered vessel lowered a 100-ton concrete-and-steel vault onto a ruptured well in the Gulf of Mexico on Friday, an important step in a delicate and unprecedented attempt to stop most of the gushing crude fouling the sea.

Underwater robots guided the 40-foot-tall box into place. Now that the contraption is on the seafloor, workers will need at least 12 hours to let it settle and make sure it's stable before the robots can hook up a pipe and hose that will funnel the oil up to a tanker.
BP plans to sell the petroleum it recovers after separating out the large amounts of natural gas and seawater — something that industry experts said should not present much of a problem.

Cool, at least they'll still profit from this disaster they caused.

NASA's Terra satellite captured a visible satellite image of the Gulf oil spill on May 17 at 16:40 UTC (12:40 p.m. EDT) from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Instrument on-board. The oil slick appears as a dull gray on the water's surface and stretches south from the Mississippi Delta with what looks like a tail.

holy shitballs that looks gross
Turns out, the oil company BP has a video feed of the rig, which now gives a front-row seat to the unending oil leak. Under pressure from Congressman Ed Markey of Massachusetts, executives made the live feed available to the public. The video is being hosted at the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming website.


A short clip:
Not nearly as interesting as I had imagined. I expected that bitch to be powering out.
I'm offended by BP's blunder. Even though I don't actually live close to any of Florida's beaches the whole thing is nothing but additional stress and I want a compensation check from BP for the metal anguish I have to endure....or else.

Plug the leak, no matter what it takes. I'm not an engineer, but they have to think outside the box.

*Pump tons of clean water near the emergency shut off valve (to push the dirty oil water away) so that they can see what they are doing?

* Open a forum or email or other means for people to contribute ideas.

Trapping the oil is a band aid on a missing head.

There's already a thread on this.
Big business doesn't give a damn about the environment. Their strategy of placing a small pipe to capture oil is akin to someone spilling their soft drink at a fast food restaurant, then using the straw to suck the mess off the table so as not to lose a single dollar invested in that beverage. It's a real half-assed attempt and the only reason they're attempting damage control in the first place is so they won't lose any money. The state of Florida needs to sue the shit out of them.
Besides the nuke idea, how efficient would an underwater implosion or explosion be?? I'm sure we have depth chargers that would do some damage to the pipe, but not much good.
Besides the nuke idea, how efficient would an underwater implosion or explosion be?? I'm sure we have depth chargers that would do some damage to the pipe, but not much good.

Do we really want to damage the pipe any further? :/
Besides the nuke idea, how efficient would an underwater implosion or explosion be?? I'm sure we have depth chargers that would do some damage to the pipe, but not much good.

And if we further rupture the oil reserve? If a big crack opens up it will be an extinction-level event. There are trillions of barrels down there and the amount of oil that could be released would smother the entire Atlantic.
And if we further rupture the oil reserve? If a big crack opens up it will be an extinction-level event. There are trillions of barrels down there and the amount of oil that could be released would smother the entire Atlantic.

isn't that all part of the plan in the first place?? everyone on this planet hates the US more or less and it seems like one bad thing after another since 9-11 and even earlier. WW3 just on a slower scale

Top Hat... Junk Shot... Top Kill...

are these people idiots?
why not just find a very big rock and put it over it?
isn't that all part of the plan in the first place?? everyone on this planet hates the US more or less and it seems like one bad thing after another since 9-11 and even earlier. WW3 just on a slower scale

What do you mean? I most certainly don't hate the US and no doubt a large percentage of non US citizens on this forum celebrated Obama's election victory with much gaiety and celebration.
There's some conspiracy theories floating around that BP is delaying plugging the leaks (which would essentially cut off the oil supply indefinitely) so that they can get two relief wells drilled (to be completed in August) which will allow them to continue to profit off the oil. Considering that every single fix-up they've attempted thus far involves siphoning off the oil in some manner to sell, there may actually be some validity to that theory.... but it's so ridiculously evil/unethical that I really hope that's not the case.
why not just find a very big rock and put it over it?

That's the next plan. It's called Big Rock Top.

After that is Top Hat Junk Shot... where the Junk Shot is comprised literally of Top Hats.
This whole thing is pretty awful, but it certainly is a gold mine for current events in my history class.
we should send more teams of Army National Guard down there to try to rescue more animals before its too late
This whole thing is pretty awful, but it certainly is a gold mine for current events in my history class.
That reminds me of the 9/11 event when I was a senior in high school taking government economics.

My teacher basically built a lesson plan around the event while the class watched the whole thing on TV, making relevant discussions on how the event related to the Congress, Legislative, and Administrative branches of the Federal government and the process on how the US will plan to take action. We also discussed the newly established Dept. of Homeland Security cabinet.
'Top kill' plugs gulf oil leak, official says,0,5782115.story


So far it's plugged, but they still have work to do to make sure it stays that way, as I understand it.

What are the chances that in the future it opens back up again? I realize that its cement and all but there has to be a hell of a lot of pressure beneath it and how does cement behave a mile below the surface?
What are the chances that in the future it opens back up again? I realize that its cement and all but there has to be a hell of a lot of pressure beneath it and how does cement behave a mile below the surface?

They're going to re-drill it.
I really hope they send more help to the Gulf, it seems like we could be doing so much more to cleanup now
I am relieved to hear they got it plugged.

Here's hoping it stays that way, no more leakage.
I really hope they send more help to the Gulf, it seems like we could be doing so much more to cleanup now

I am ready to drive there right now mother****ers, but it's 6 states away and I ahve no arrangement, so I'd probably just ****ing use up a bunch of oil and break down my car.

This things has been on forever, when the **** will it reach the coast? Maybe I've missed it, but I would've thought that would be a pretty big deal.
This things has been on forever, when the **** will it reach the coast? Maybe I've missed it, but I would've thought that would be a pretty big deal.

It's already there. Link repost for pics of dying birds :(

Can't remember where I saw it, but there are also some pics of a beach covered with literally thousands of small dead fish.

[edit]Here it is. sorry direct link not working.
It's a crying shame when you see a turtle covered in oil.

Here is a picture of a regular turtle geting some air. Unrelated to oil spill.

Save those turtles.
Top Kill isn't working:

Now my father made a pretty good idea about this whole sealing of the well thing. He mentioned that the pressure has to go somewhere and cold blow a pipe elsewhere, or worse, create way too much pressure to blow up another refinery. It makes sense too because the pressure must go somewhere.
BP Oil Spill: 9 Strange Facts

1. BP execs were celebrating safety on the Deepwater Horizon at the exact moment it blew up.

2. Kevin Costner is offering a Hollywood ending.


BP has failed to stop the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico using so-called top kill and junk shot techniques, prompting an exasperated response from Barack Obama.

After three days of pumping drilling mud over the spewing leak and an attempt to plug the flow by blasting tyres, golf balls and other debris at it, BP admitted defeat last night. In its latest attempt to contain the worst oil spill in US history, it is to launch a four- to seven-day operation that will involve more oil leaking into the Gulf even if it works.
The funny part is that they put junk into the ocean now with oil including shredded tires, golf balls, etc. :x