Has Mossman a better look then Alyx?


Jun 3, 2009
Reaction score
They are both sexy but Judith is properly the most pretty female character in the game history, but Alyx is also pretty, is there a difference?

You should stop making threads for a while.
...Someone's crushing on game characters. :eek:

To me they're just... Game characters. Sure, Alyx's tight jeans can be distracting sometimes, but neither are... "Pretty."
If she ever gains half a pound that sweater is going to cut off her circulation and kill her.
Alyx has a much more tolerable personality, to be honest.
I probably would have agreed with you just after having finished playing HL2 for the first time. But I was thirteen or fourteen then and therefore my opinion was invalid. I find Alyx to be a bit whiney and her attempts at humour annoying. On the other hand Mossman does tend to bable on sometimes, but I think that's quite endeering in a way. Mossman is also much more level-headed than Alyx.
Mossman is much more level-headed, but I think age factors in a lot with that - Mossman is much older than Alyx (probably as old or older than Barney, since she was trying to get Gordon's job @ Black Mesa but was turned down - probably means that she was Gordon's age back then; Alyx is probably mid-twenties at the most); Alyx's youth probably just means that she will be a little more optimistic at times due to lack of experience (maybe). Mossman does babble quite a bit, but she's passionate about her work - just as if you got me in a conversation about trombones, I'll babble till your ears fall off. Perhaps it's because I'm in the same age range as Alyx, I find that I connect with her better, but that's just me. I know some people find her a little obnoxious & what not (some have said that they see her as a whiny little sister type of character), which is fine for them.
In that other thread Bar. Calhoun wants everyone to stop calling him Samon, but he's just digging himself a deeper hole.
Why settle for one over the other?

This is why we have Garry's Mod, folks.
Blonde Mossman (Elaine) from Raising The Bar > Alyx
I don't think like that. They share equally beautiful or non-beautiful facial bone and muscle structure.
Why settle for one over the other?

This is why we have Garry's Mod, folks.
An age old question, finally answered. No matter who you substitute in (Zoey, Chell or Rochelle)...Garry's Mod will be there for you.
I hate Mossman with her ugly sweater. I like how you used an updated version of Mossman(Episode 1) and an outdated pic of Alyx (HL2)
Yes, use Garrys Mod to throw them around. That way you dont care about the looks.
Judith is lovely, she looks pretty much like her voice actress Michelle Forbes.

No way. Sure, one of them is hard-core scientist driven by vision of humanity's progress and other is an exact opposite.
Bar. Calhoun: STOP POSTING.

God I need to read the author of the thread before I open it.
This is the internet. Such things have I seen. Such places have I been.
You should stop making threads for a while.

I agree with Vegeta, at least most of my threads are a bit intresting. (the ones in Hardware&Software section, at least :cheers:)

Otherwise, If I HAD to choose, I would say Alyx because she trusts Gordon so much, and they are both usually alone together.
Guess Gordon doesn't wanna go for teh poontang.
Mossman's kinda old. Must have looked hot in her 20s though