Ennui said:
rofl, how amusing would it be if we all signed up under girly names and start posting :D
I love you. *signs up*
There's a forum? The internet hadn't exploded. My theory is wrong. :x
Haha I signed up. I wonder how long until I get banned...
Girls who play games = good
Pink = fabulous
Girls who play games and go out of their way to point it out to you = unneccessary.

Though that does kind of assume that people don't assume that all the people they shoot are men, which is what always happens.
damn. I got banned after one post because I said I was fifteen XP
Que-Ever said:
damn. I got banned after one post because I said I was fifteen XP
lol... And I was waiting for your inevitable outing when leaving the bathroom door open and taking a pee standing up...
Sulkdodds said:
You sure it wasn't just a 12 year old kid who sounded like a girl?

Pink is great, but - and this is important - ONLY IN MODERATION. I know this from experience.
No trust me....it was a girl. I know what a 12 year old sounds like, and that wasn't it. :|

Que-Ever said:
damn. I got banned after one post because I said I was fifteen XP

How old do you have to be to join? 16? 18? I seriously don't understand why they would make the age so high.

Edit: Just looked at the forums, and I think they expect guys to come in and chat. Heres one of the forum sections:

Meet & Greet: introduce yourself
Are you a grrlgamer? A guygamer? We'd love to meet you!
Moderators Minna, Didi
UltimaApocalyspe said:
How old do you have to be to join? 16? 18? I seriously don't understand why they would make the age so high.

that's because girl gamers discriminate against their own kind.

By the way. WHo the **** says grrl anyways? Learn to spell!
18. I suppose they thought by that age people would be mature enough not to join to masquerade as little girls :p
Of course boys are allowed! Just because there's a lot of pink, doesn't mean it's a girls-only site Smile We're all gamers, so sex doesn't matter.

Welcome to the club! Joystick
We try not to be annoying and I don't think I've seen an argument yet, so I think you might like it here.

Oh, btw, I think you need a "Ninjas pwn" shirt Ninja

Sex doesn't matter? Sorry guys, you're not getting any with them girls!
Raziaar said:
that's because girl gamers discriminate against their own kind.

By the way. WHo the **** says grrl anyways? Learn to spell!

Yep, thats how they spell, skanks I mean. Havent you ever had some rendom skank get your msn address? Its nasty.

"Who dis?" or "Hey asl Chickorita."
Skaadi said:
Yep, thats how they spell, skanks I mean. Havent you ever had some rendom skank get your msn address? Its nasty.

"Who dis?" or "Hey asl Chickorita."
ok, dammit. I can't stand it anymore! are you a guy or a girl, skaadi?!
Que-Ever said:
ok, dammit. I can't stand it anymore! are you a guy or a girl, skaadi?!

People thought I was a girl. Who knows, maybe I am. :cheese:
i wonder if they know we're dissing them :)
i think i might let them know and see what happens
Que-Ever said:
ok, dammit. I can't stand it anymore! are you a guy or a girl, skaadi?!

I'm kinda halfway in between .....Nah, i'm a girl
Que-Ever said:
really? ok, nevermind.
yep skaadi's a girl alright :bounce:
a girl robot with lasers for arms and telekinetic powers who eats Korean kids for breakfast (why do you think she recruited 15357???)!!!
LIAH! No such thing as Girls on the internet. Its just another 300 pound German Pedophile.
john3571000 said:
yep skaadi's a girl alright :bounce:
a girl robot with lasers for arms and telekinetic powers who eats Korean kids for breakfast (why do you think she recruited 15357???)!!!

I'll have you all working for me soon enough.....Numbers was only the beginning! *evil laugh*
Que-Ever said:
Yaeh, and check out the one that's locked... guess who that is!! g'wan, guess!

Mrs. Doubtfire? :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:

The admin did seem nice about it though:

Well frankly you're not supposed to be able to register for these boards if under 18. It's in the registration agreement. So, sorry I have to disable this account.
The site is annoying as hell OMGHI2U

PS Skaadi is a lesbian.
Time for some chav spamming.

Edit: Okay wtf? Some evil person has used my email address to form an account apparently.
i was banned - i didnt do anything wrong :(
i demand vengeance
Sulkdodds said:
You sure it wasn't just a 12 year old kid who sounded like a girl?

Pink is great, but - and this is important - ONLY IN MODERATION. I know this from experience.
Once when I was playing BF2 the squadleader was some 9 year old kid and from his voice I thought he was a 'she', so i referred to him as such and he kicked me :(
JellyWorld said:
Once when I was playing BF2 the squadleader was some 9 year old kid and from his voice I thought he was a 'she', so i referred to him as such and he kicked me :(

What's worse is when the opposite happens. You call a girl a little whiny shit who's balls haven't dropped yet. Then they reveal that they are a girl...oh the embarrassment.
Darksabre said:
What's worse is when the opposite happens. You call a girl a little whiny shit who's balls haven't dropped yet. Then they reveal that they are a girl...oh the embarrassment.
notreally... girls are even whinier shits. unless they aren't. *dodges kicks*
h00dlum said:
The design reminds me of some pornsite...
someone check their forums and let us know if they are talking about us yet
(i was banned)
They hate me and all of us cuz they know we are better. So if any of us joins they just ban us. How gay. I didn't even do anything. I was just from hl2.net. Madog will have his revenge on grrlgamer...
madog said:
They hate me and all of us cuz they know we are better. So if any of us joins they just ban us. How gay. I didn't even do anything. I was just from hl2.net. Madog will have his revenge on grrlgamer...
i feel discriminated against :frown:
Skaadi said:
I'll have you all working for me soon enough.....Numbers was only the beginning! *evil laugh*

Indeed, M'lady.

*shoots john3571000 with Imperial Standard Pistol*