How much alcohol do you drink a week?

How much alcohol do you drink a week? (closest option)

  • I rarely if at all drink any alcohol

    Votes: 62 59.0%
  • I have a few alchoholic drinks a week

    Votes: 19 18.1%
  • I have around 7 drinks a week

    Votes: 9 8.6%
  • I have have 14 drinks a week

    Votes: 7 6.7%
  • I have 20 drinks a week or more.

    Votes: 8 7.6%

  • Total voters


Party Escort Bot
Feb 11, 2005
Reaction score
I've been thinking about my alcohol intake a little recently, since I've turned 18 which is the legal drinking age here I've been drinking alot.

For the past 9 months or so I have 'binge drinked' (which is 8 units or more a night) at least once a week, most often friday and saturday night with a thursday through to sunday extravaganza also, getting drunk every night.

I had a two weeks holiday in spain where I got absolutely drunk every night probably having 12+units every night for 2 weeks.

Of course, all my mates do it too, it's the culture here for young men and women. However, I think I want to change that, as clearly I can't keep up this habit for another few years without creating serious health problems.

I don't feel a craving for drink particually, I have experimented some nights going out and only drinking water, so I know I can do it.

I read today that it's perfectly safe and can be beneficial for the heart to have 3-4 units max every day for an adult male. Thats a pint and a small glass of wine. So I think I am going to cut down on my drinking a little, I sometimes regret getting drunk and can have a great time having just a little.

How much do you guys drink, if at all?
i decided to get in shape so I've given up beer almost completely, i think in two weeks i've had at most 2 pints. I'll have a couple of glasses of red whine now and again with my parents in the house though, it turns my tongue, lips and teeth blue so i can't really go out after doing so.
When I was 21, my best friends were all alcoholics.

And then Virus was the alcoholics.

When I was about 29 I moved and haven't been drinking very much.

Abusing alcohol does damage to you, in case you forgot.
I drank alot in college, but after that I sort of kept it to the weekends. As soon as I moved out I was drinking about a 6-pack a day for a couple weeks until it got old. Now I usually only drink on the weekends, but I try and drink enough so I do at least 1 dumb thing.

I smoke pot almost everyday though
Every few months i drink maybe 2 or 3 glasses of beer or the alcoholic equivalent of that, depends on the strength of the drink.
I don't need a lot of alcohol to get drunk and I also hate the taste.
I rarely if at all drink any alcohol.

maybe once every 1-2 years
I use to get shitfaced twice a week for a few months, but i stopped as i lost track of more important things. Now i just get a drink once in a while with long periods between them.
I usually save my drinking for the weekend, which I over do far too often. On a typical Saturday night at a bar I can easily down 10-12 coronas in a matter of a couple hours. Not a good thing so I'm trying to cut back on that.
I usually either designated drive, designated keep people from falling down stairs, or have only about 4-5 shots. I haven't really gotten drunk since my drunk friend tried to kill me one night. When you've got a guys hands around your throat and you get yelled at for making too much noise when you're trying to escape by your other friends it's a pretty big turn-off from being drunk, lol.
I usually save my drinking for the weekend, which I over do far too often. On a typical Saturday night at a bar I can easily down 10-12 coronas in a matter of a couple hours. Not a good thing so I'm trying to cut back on that.
I like corona's, but over here they're very expensive, 3 quid in most places.

Sols are better and cheaper anyway.
A lot. Spirits, beer, wine, whatever, just hand it the **** here.

EDIT: Holy shit, looking at the poll options, a LOT members don't drink.
4-8 beers (or the equivalent of it in other types of alcohol) once or twice a week.
I mean one each night. I only have one because I usually watch a film.

Sorry if my reply doesn't really make sense. I've just got in from a long day at college and I'm exhausted and my brain isn't really with it.
I wish i could but I've got college tomorrow as well.
I drink about once a week, and during said drinking time I have about 3-6 shots' worth. Varies depending on who I'm with, where I am, and what kind of drinks are available.
I've not gotten proper drunk for some time now, which is a pretty big departure from my previous schedule of getting shitfaced four/five days out of the week. I still drink beer regularly, but don't even get tipsy. My school/work schedule doesn't really permit too many hangovers. If I had to go for an average on these poll options, it would be over 7, but less than 14.

Really, I just need to find some weed.
I like corona's, but over here they're very expensive, 3 quid in most places.

Sols are better and cheaper anyway.

I'm pretty spoiled when it comes to my beer now a days. Personally my favorite has to be New Castle but that is just down right ridiculous in price. Corona is a good balance for quality beer that's not insanely expensive (it's probably cheaper here than it is in the UK). Sol is good but I'd rather pay an extra dollar for Corona. If you like Sol try Modelo Especial some time, also very good beer that's cheaper than corona (especially if you get it in a can).
i smoke before bed almost every night, no hangover and it puts me to sleep
I normally drink on a Saturday and a Friday.

Usually about 2 pints each night, just to relax me a bit.

I drink more if I feel like it.
I don't drink.


And, after too many "Erm.. who am I, and what am I doing here?" mornings in my early twenties, I denied my Irish heritage and stopped the binge-boozing. Life got a bit less exciting, but at least I don't have to practice the alphabet backwards to be prepared for impromptu field sobriety tests! :D

Now, I'll have a homemade margarita or two in the evening after a long day, and sure... sometimes I forget the mix, and it's just tequila.. but I don't have a problem. Honestly.

It's all about control. Imbibing on occasion isn't bad.. binging nightly to the point of blackouts.. that's when it's time for meetings. :D
Recently I think I've started drinking too much when I do drink. Often verging on about 20 units on a night out. Luckily this is only about once every three weeks.

It's still too much for my liking though.
I drink maybe one or two alcoholic drinks a week at most. I like alcohol more if I am eating something, brings out the flavors.

I'm sorry I don't drink to get drunk. I know, it's the wrong reason to drink isn't it ;)
Once a week, on a Tuesday. Tonight basically. It's pound a pint at the local student bar and it's real nice in there, so I limit myself to just going there for a night out. There aren't many other places I like but furthermore most of my friends all aren't heavy drinkers or don't see the fancy in going out. Quite sad, but whatever.

That said, I don't go out every week. In fact, this is the first in a month I think but everyone is off to Uni so I managed to get together quite a number of us for a night out. When I am out I usually drink around 7 to 8 pints, a few shots inbetween (and, thanks to The Wire, before) of JD and that's enough for me to be satisfied. At a club I use to go to it was ten quid for unlimited drinks, any drinks. I don't do that anymore as it really did start to get out of hand with the amount of alcohol consumed... :|
Antipop, where. I am in the west mids.

Not much since I moved. My new friends here don't go out all that often, and so, I don't go out that often.