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Banned as all ****
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score

Why in the world is this thread locked? You don't want people behaving and being good forum-goers? You don't want less work to do?

It wasn't like a "how to avoid fractions by tricking the mods kekekeke!!11" thread. It was asking for more helpful hints on the fine details of what is and isn't allowed. Why would you want to close something like that. This baffles me completely.
That's why we have forum rules, and also Sulk just wanted to do a cool thread closer line. That's the highlight of the life of a mod. They spend hours thinking up cool things to say when they lock threads.
The rules page most certainly does not cover little details of the rules. The thread Saturos was trying to make was for the unmentioned little fine points of things that you could get infractioned for. I'm sure some things could have come out of it. Even if it wasn't so useful, I don't understand why it's locked, and answered with "no", as if the moderators don't want us to know what we are and are not allowed to do, or that we aren't allowed to help eachother not break rules. It's just completely backwards.
Saturos had made a stupid post, received an infraction, and the overwhelming feeling was that he was responding to that when he should have just accepted the consequences of his actions - which were not at all ambiguous, and it's obvious why they were punished. The post was almost entirely irrelevant to the thread, and, on top of that, was explicitly racist - no, Saturos, I don't care what you say, claiming that "the black race" has "fallen" is not "the truth" which we simply "can't take". Putting "I'm not racist, but" in front of a racist statement does not excuse the statement. There is a long precedent of interpreting out and out racial prejudice as being "inappropriate" and I will hear no more about the matter in this thread. If, Saturos, you want to discuss it, take it up with Evo and not with me.

In the past I hope I have always been willing to at least justify infractions to those (many) people who try to appeal against them via PM. I have always taken care to try and explain to them why I took the action I did and why their objections don't stand up. Perhaps some who have been on the receiving end might care to support me. But this instance was useless moaning, and, more than that, stupid moaning.

This thread sort of comes under the same category: ner, ner, why dud you take action.
The answer is almost always "think about it."

Still, I can see where Veg is coming from and accept the possibility that there may be a need for clarification as to the implementation of the rules, with which even I admit we frequently play fast and loose. Although I think we're usually reasonable with our handling of infracitons and punishments, without any very clear system there is always the possibility that pragmatic reason will outlet occasionally in fury spits or unjustified abuse. Without naming names, this has happened before, it happens, and I have no doubt it will happen again. But if there some kind of "how not to get slapped" guide is to be composed, I won't be the one doing it. Good luck finding someone who both has the time to do it, and who also thinks it is actually necessary - two requirements which I'm afraid I don't meet.
Comon mods, you're supposed to close threads like these as an ironic statement of supremacy.
Still, I can see where Veg is coming from and accept the possibility that there may be a need for clarification as to the implementation of the rules, with which even I admit we frequently play fast and loose. Although I think we're usually reasonable with our handling of infracitons and punishments, without any very clear system there is always the possibility that pragmatic reason will outlet occasionally in fury spits or unjustified abuse. Without naming names, this has happened before, it happens, and I have no doubt it will happen again. But if there some kind of "how not to get slapped" guide is to be composed, I won't be the one doing it. Good luck finding someone who both has the time to do it, and who also thinks it is actually necessary - two requirements which I'm afraid I don't meet.
Nobody was asking mods to tell them more details of the rules. And nobody was asking anyone to write an entire guide. Just little things perhaps that people have gotten infractioned for in the past that aren't explicitly written in the rules, perhaps.

I wasn't aware of Saturos's backstory so I interpretted your closing as rather nazi.

Anyway, it's very obvious that not ALL unrelated posts are infractioned. There are freakin' tons of those in Offtopic. And some are, obviously, and it's usually when the topic just gets wildly derailed with people just joining on on the spam (fun). And things just get out of hand. Well, that ambiguity of "how far is too far? what kind of offtopic posts are too offtopic?" is reason enough for a discussion thread I'd say, whether it succeeds or not.
I got my infraction for making a funny :(
Comon mods, you're supposed to close threads like these as an ironic statement of supremacy.
Yeah, I should have just posted 'why did this thread get locked? BECAUSE YOU ARE HEADCRAB ZOMBIE.jpeg' and have done with it. Oh, well, too late now.

Vegeta said:
I wasn't aware of Saturos's backstory so I interpretted your closing as rather nazi.
Well, it is Hitler's birthday, after all. Permit me my little tribute.

I've got one tip at least for would be infraction-dodgers. Avoid starting your posts with "I'm not racist, lots of my friends are black, but..."
No offense, and a lot of my friends are moderators, but you suck ass at your job here Sulk.


They revoked my status, then had to give it back. You interpret that yourself.
You forgot to 'provide favors' to Munro one week but then made up for it the next week by 'providing favors' to the whole staff.
You forgot to 'provide favors' to Munro one week but then made up for it the next week by 'providing favors' to the whole staff.

That's so erotic.

Anyway, yeah, sometimes I'm all 'therr shud b moar guidleines herr' but then I realise treading the line is more fun when you don't know where it is or if it's poisoned or tripwired or whatever. Good times.
You avoid infractions by being Raziaar.

Sorry, I wanted to post that in the other thread, but now I get a chance to post it in this one.
I got an infraction for pointing out that I got an infraction :(
I got an infraction for not getting an infraction :(
I got an infraction for the only thing I manage to get infractions for. White Shoe comparisons.
You bunch of bastards. I'm going to infract you so hard you contract multiple sclerosis.
You bunch of bastards. I'm going to infract you so hard you contract multiple sclerosis.
My small 4000-people town has a MS-clinic, one of two in Belgium.

There's no cure, Beerend. They can only slow it down.
There's no cure, Beerend. They can only slow it down.
I know. But that will give me enough time to build a cyborg that will replace my by-then useless body!

Althought I'm having a bit of trouble installing the lasers. Give me some time for that.
I got an infraction, I don't remember why.
Seriously, I have no idea. I wonder what happened that day :eek:
I've gotten two infractions for "Insulted Other Member(s) / Unnecessary Rudeness." One for calling multiple posters idiots during one of the hundreds of the "episodic content sucks" debates and the other when I snapped at Numbers in a thread about one of those films based off Sep 11th. I got another due to a mix-up when I was trying to post a thread about film quotes, worded it extremely badly and it was seen as spam.
The only infraction I got was for posting boobs that looked more like huge meatsacks than boobs. They were to illustrate my argument that surgery can't fix everything. The reactions were worth it though hehe.
The only time i ever got any infractions was a long time ago when I posted Pi to 36,000 places. Ive somehow mananged not to get any infractions other than those. Must be my tactful prose and wit that keeps me from being bant.
The only time i ever got any infractions was a long time ago when I posted Pi to 36,000 places. Ive somehow mananged not to get any infractions other than those. Must be my tactful prose and wit that keeps me from being bant.

Strange because the post limit is 16,000 characters.
I got an infraction for this post

It's like computer code:

If (actions) = [stupid] then;
. do [infraction] then;

. if (actions) = [continue] then;

. bant.
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